Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1065: Program

A person from a different planet and not from the Delmar system, no matter how strong they are, the dragon will not crush the earth snakes. Besides, how could they be comparable to those earth snakes?

They are the heads of the planet Delmar!

So they let the short group go to pay the three people. In order to show that they didn't take his money for nothing, they followed the short group to give him lessons.

Unexpectedly, they hit the rock.

Their opponents are strong, and they also despise the law and despise human sacrifices. Such opponents are the most terrifying.

Watching the men on the alien planet kill anyone who is **** in the several conflicts with them, they can only attack him, and there is only one consequence, death!

They were shocked by such a crippling method

By this time, they regretted it too late.

So when they faced the killing god, in order to save their lives, they chose to betray the short fat man. They knew that this way the short fat man would definitely hate them to the bone.

but. Who knows how many days the pudgy can live?

Seeing that man's blood resistance means, I'm afraid he would beat him to death as soon as he saw the short fat man.

Humpty Dumpty died a hundred, and it was only good for them to die, so that they would not be angered by this man.

However, the men on this alien planet did not kill the short fat man. This result has surprised them. They also reached a certain agreement, which made them even more surprised.

Seeing that the two people in front of him were not talking, Humpty Dumpty felt a little better. Throughout the Delmar galaxy, he was able to get angry with the boss and the team boss, and also made them not return their mouths. Apart from him, there is no more Two people.

The base commander who had been standing next to them was not idle, either. He watched the atmosphere between these three people calmly. When he saw the boss and the team doctor boss not talking in front of the short fat man. Under the circumstances, it opened in time.

Elders, I think you should calm down and discuss the terms proposed by the three.

The man from the other planet mentioned you again and again when he was leaving.

Who is he? "The first boss of the team looked at the uniform of the base and said: "How can he be involved in this matter?"

Now that the Humpty Dumpty has vented some anger and became a little easier to talk, he waved his hand: "The commander of the base on my planet, the man from the other planet appointed him to do some things.

Okay, then you can tell what agreements that person has reached with you. "Delmar's boss said, he is very happy, now he has a new topic.

He was embarrassed from the bottom of his heart when he faced the short fat man like a mad dog. Yes, it was embarrassment!

As the boss of the planet Delmar, it is really unreasonable to let his subordinates call him?

Unlike the few people in the boss's office, Jiang Cheng and the others are very idle at the moment.

Jiang Cheng was reading a book with gusto in his hand. He was immersed in the book and stroked with his right hand on the flamingo lying next to him.

Although Liehuowu didn't like someone treating her like a dog, she was afraid that Jiang Cheng was better than Bingran, so although she was dissatisfied, she had to obediently let Ye Fen push her around.

After Yanran and Ba Ludai finished washing, they stayed in the hotel obediently and sat together watching Ruo TV.

Suddenly, a temporary news break attracted their attention.

"Now we are broadcasting a new word. We have just received news that the relevant departments of the mansion have specially launched a series of activities in order to better solve the people's livelihood problem." The place of the second battle is being broadcast.

As soon as the camera turned, a building that was still a waste **** appeared in the screen, and some people were moving in it.

This is a residential house destroyed by a sudden disaster a few days ago. According to the analysis of relevant experts, this is the result of a meteor falling here.

The camera is -25 turns again, and a person is saying something. This should be the expert in the mouth of a female reporter.

"In the face of this sudden disaster, the relevant departments of the mansion promptly activated the emergency plan. They dispatched hundreds of people and some vehicles to rescue here, but according to their estimates, there are no survivors here. Up.

A person in uniform appeared in front of the camera. He talked with Ruo Microphone. Although we have dispatched relevant personnel in time and launched a professional search and education work here, we still regret to announce that although we The action was very fast, but under such a severe impact, almost no one could escape the disaster.

A person appeared in the camera: "I am a resident living nearby. Just now, I heard a loud noise in the room, which shattered the glass of my window. I hurried out to take a look. There was already a steep **** in front of me. I saw many people struggling to call here. I immediately reported to the well. In just ten minutes, the mansion staff entered the scene.

Yanran and Ba Luluo were dumbfounded when they heard them, they couldn't believe that there were such ridiculous things in the world.

This person is talking nonsense!" Ba Lu said angrily: "Everyone here is talking nonsense!

Jiang Chengbi smiled and watched the picture on TV

The female reporter was still talking improperly, and the camera was switched from time to time. It was a studio, and sometimes interviews with relevant personnel.

From the mouths of the people, it is forbidden that they are narrating about the disaster, but they are more emphatic that the relevant departments of the mansion have responded quickly, and the assistance is being carried out in an orderly manner. The leaders of the relevant departments are already present. and many more.

This is not so much a teaching action, but rather a performance show by related departments

No! These Delmar people are really shameless! "The green was speechless, and she didn't know how to be a person. Those words came and went.

According to reliable news, relevant departments have already launched the resettlement operation of Shimin. In the spirit of humanitarianism, these victims can be compensated by the government, and they can choose a variety of different programs provided by the government.

A man in uniform appeared in front of the camera.

According to the instructions of the superiors, we will arrange the Shimins in the right place. They can choose to settle on the spot, or they can get a sum of cash to live elsewhere.

He changed his words: "However, in order not to affect their lives, we recommend that these victims choose cash to go elsewhere, so that they can better resume their normal work and life.

This performance is what we watched for Shiji, but it is more about Shiji and other people who meet people. "It is not like the green who only talks nonsense, and analyzes: "This way, this Not only is the disaster caused by the government reform, but the government can also get more support from the people.

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