Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1066: fighting

Ha Shi, the short group of people also said that their action efficiency is very low, "Jiang Cheng knows it well: "But look, this time their actions are not slow at all.

"What should we do?" Fan Lu said.

Since their efficiency is so efficient, I estimate that soon, there will be a report about the resettlement of the victims, this is mainly for me. "Jiang Chengyou said to you: "These people, if you don't hurt them, they won't listen to you. You only have to slap them a few times, so that they can concentrate on listening to what you say. .

The old mansion office.

The boss and the two elders of the team were on the chair, looking at Xinguo with a long breath.

The team's highest boss spoke first: "Now let's do this, that star should be full of the original?

The short brand smiled without comment.

If he is dissatisfied with us, there is no good way. "The boss also opened.

Humpty Dumpty sneered. He still had grievances against the two people in front of him: "Isn't it easy to do 500 tricks? Ahui, when that person stands in front of you, your mind will run quickly. There are more good ways.

The boss was choked by the short fat man and stopped talking.

At this time, his good friend said roundly: "Oh, we are still fighting at this time, is it interesting?

He sighed: "Hey, even though we are both the heads of the planet Delmar, it's a terrible defeat in front of this person.

"Hey, I feel useless at this time. What did you do earlier?" The short group didn't let go of them, and he had no mercy on the two pig teammates in front of him.

You can do it, you can do it, okay? "The boss can't stand the open face of the short group: if you have the ability, you can fight the evil star again, I am afraid you have no ability!

Me? I can’t. I can’t fight him. In the face of an absolutely powerful force, all the tricks are of no use. "The humpty fat man is not angry: "What's more, the evil star is really angry this time. If I continue Zhe, I’m afraid even my dad won’t end well

In the hotel, Barrutti suddenly asked her teacher: "Teacher, if, I mean, if they really change tricks, will you really kill their family?

Jiang Cheng looked at her, Jiao Wei said, "What do you think?

There is no one who is not afraid of death in this world. Under Jiang Cheng’s stern disclosure, the heads of the three Delmar’s residences had to bow their heads. They have all seen Jiang Cheng’s methods of thundering, cold and bloody. They didn’t want to fight against such a terrible opponent anymore, so they met Jiang Cheng’s request

The problems of the victims were settled to be kind, and then and Baluti saw the victims receive the resettlement fee from the people in the mansion, and they will start a new life today.

The matter of Planet Delmar finally came to an end, Jiang Cheng and the others decided to leave here.

Originally, the planet Delmar was just one of their footholds, who knew that when Ran and Baluti were choosing the street, Xiao Yuyu was given a bank card, and then things happened one after another that they didn't even expect.

Finally, the end of the matter satisfied them.

After spending another day on the planet Delmar, Ran and Baluti have purchased enough supplies and daily necessities necessary for the trip, and they are ready to start spinning and head to a new destination.

The boss of the planet Delmar and the two bosses of the team sent their own men to see Jiang Cheng off.

If it weren't for Jiang Cheng's firm disagreement, they even planned to hold a grand farewell party to see them off.

Cocoa, really slippery Inami.

Seeing Jiang Cheng and their spacecraft rush into the sky, the heads of the three Delmar planets finally felt relieved.

They immediately found a name to hold a small meeting. It is said that the three leaders drank a lot at the reception, and the short fat guy even cried bitterly while holding a wine bottle.

The people present more or less knew why he was so gaffe, but no one came forward to comfort him.

Xiang Jiao’s overbearing short fat man doesn’t even look at the boss. This time he has received a shame that is difficult for him to talk about in the hands of a few people from another planet. I’m afraid this experience will Let him remember his life.

"Ma Ran and Ba Lu "Zhe" is indeed a spacecraft with extremely excellent performance. On the interstellar route, their spacecraft has the fastest speed among all kinds of flying vehicles.

Baluti is a hard-working pilot. Seeing the spacecraft keep throwing other aircraft behind her, she kept making excitement.

Gobang has existed for thousands of years in the home country of Hua on the earth, and it has always been the favorite of literati, moc, scholar-officials in ancient times.

Playing chess, especially national chess, has many benefits to people. For example, it can develop people's intelligence and improve their cultivation. The most important thing is that playing chess can make people sit still.

When a person can sit still, he will concentrate better.

Especially for people like them who are cultivating spiritual power, who can sit still, calm down and concentrate with a high degree of concentration, then it is of great benefit to cultivation.

Chess has exactly this advantage, so in the history of Huajiaguo, anyone who is famous in the kingdoms of Buddhism, Taoism, Monk and Confucianism, almost can play chess, and it is good.

Right now, though, because she always couldn't beat her teacher, she seemed comfortable, it was because she hadn't gotten home yet.

No more!" After taking a **** off, he left his seat, ran to the side of Lihuowu and teased her, and occasionally said a few words with Ba Luluo.

Jiang Cheng didn't respond to Ma Ran's movements, he still looked down at it like a chessboard thinking.

It is forceful that his opponent Ma Ran has left here, but in Jiang Cheng's mind, there is still an opponent who is constantly playing against him.

Therefore, although Jiang Cheng sat still beside the chessboard with a calm face, deep in his mind, he and his imagined opponent were killing the village incessantly.

"I'm here." Jiang Cheng said silently, the opponent in his consciousness was defeated by him.

Although the voice was very soft, Bingran heard it, and she raised her head strangely to look at her teacher.

Although she left the chessboard in a rage, she respected her teacher very much. In her mind, her teacher is powerful. As the time with him gets longer and longer, she treats him more and more. It feels like the mountain is standing still, and he always feels so mysterious and unfathomable.

After thinking for a while, she walked over to the chessboard and sat down silently. Following her teacher's appearance, she slowly focused on the chessboard and worked hard to get herself into the chess team.

Slowly, she felt that the chess pieces on the chessboard were moving. She seemed to see the black and white chess pieces in a fierce battle. They were fighting **** and hard work on every corner and melting point of the chessboard. The contention is strange.

But she was stunned by the sight in front of her. She didn't notice that in front of her, her teacher didn't know when she had raised her head, quietly watching if her expression kept changing.

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