Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1068: landing

"Just don't lose." Jiang Cheng doesn't care about these trivial matters.

He is a good teacher, but he also knows that Zhang Chi must be free, and he is always a risk in front of the students.

How could I lose! Teacher, you won’t be good at a pain. "Ba Lu turned Jiang Cheng's eyes blank, and her teacher was too distrustful of the ground.

It's better for Yanran to tap her shoulder twice to show the drum.

"Well, you say, how do you compare." Ba Luluo said to the communicator.

Let’s start with a limited-time match. The time is ten minutes to see who is ahead. How about?"

Ba Lu Had a shark: "What is it like? No difficulty at all.

She said: "It's not like you don't give up, come on.

The words from the communicator made Ran "Han" who was sitting on the side laugh, so you should stop and wait for us to tell.

Baluti shook her head and said to Ran, "I'm still playing against me like this. Are you saying these people are ignorant or shameless?

Yanran plucked her mouth and smiled: "They are ignorant + shameless.

Baluti gave her a thumbs up, meaning she was right.

Baluti lowered the speed of the spacecraft and waited for the spacecraft behind to fly over.

After the spacecraft approached them, Ran and Baluti realized that this was a spacecraft that had been modified with spacecraft. The main weapons were removed, and two laser cannons were kept. They were reserved for self-defense, and other weapons. All are removed.

The outside of the spacecraft was painted with the color of chaotic seven or eight rice, and several people inside were looking at Bingran and Ba Lu curiously through the enlarged window.

Wow, your spaceship is so cool! "Finally, I can see the opponent's spaceship clearly, and their voices are heard from the communicator.

Of course!" Ba Lv said proudly: "What kind of boat is yours, fancy.

Then you don't know the goods, this is my intention to modify it into this way, you can't see it, it turns out to be a battleship for a team, please. "There is a sense of pride in the other party's words.

"What about the spaceship used by the team? Isn't it still used by me behind?" Ba Green said, "Don't talk about it, do you want to compare it?

"Okay, let's check the time now. Let's set off in five seconds, and see who will fly fast in ten minutes. How about?

"Okay!" said Ba Ludi exuberantly.

Both parties are ready, with the countdown sound coming from the communicator, 5, 4, 32, 1

Baluti controlled the spacecraft and rushed out.

At the beginning, the two spaceships could still go hand in hand, but as the time of the game increased, the advantage of Baluti's speed of the spacecraft became more and more obvious. Slowly, she used that spacecraft to the back.

By the time the game was about to end, her opponent was already far behind, and she couldn't even see the shadow.

Ba Lu didn't even have a sense of victory. She just shouted in the communicator: "I'm leaving first. You play slowly.

Beauty, beauty, let's have another match-". The acid spaceship is not reconciled.

Baluti turned off the communicator with a "", shook his head, and said, "It's really boring

Although she laughed, although she didn't like too exciting bisques, she was a young man after all, so she didn't need to participate. But taking a look at the side, it's okay to encourage and cheer.

She looked at the challenge from the opponent, thinking how powerful they were, so she also thought of watching the game. Who knew that the game was so unremarkable that after ten minutes, it ended so simply.

Don't talk about Ba Ludi, even Bingran felt unmoved.

As expected, these guys are ignorant and shameless.

The spacecraft continued to fly. The long journey was really boring. There was nothing else except the occasional one or two spacecraft flying by them far away.

Ba Luzhing had lost her interest in driving. She let Yanran take her place, ran to the bed in the bedroom, pushed the Flamingo down from above, and fell asleep regardless.

Even though she was sitting in the driver's seat, she was actually just watching. The artificial intelligence of this spaceship was very high, and she basically didn't need to worry about it.

The Flamingo lost her sleeping place and ran down on Ran's knees. Yan Ran slowly stroked her smooth feathers, looking at Ruotu Waihao's space without knowing what she was thinking.

As for Jiang Cheng, as long as he has nothing to do, he always has a book in his hand. No matter what book it is, he always reads it with gusto, and he can read it for a long time.

Jiang Cheng used to chat with two of his disciples before and said that there is a famous saying in his home country called "Traveling thousands of miles, reading thousands of books". Read the book.

When Ba Lu fell asleep, it was late at night. She ran to the driver's cab and took a look, but was manipulating the spacecraft to prepare for landing. Jiang Cheng was not reading at this time, but was standing beside her watching.

What's the matter?" Ba Green asked with a fuss: "Flying well, the hemp is going to drop?

Generally speaking, there are several reasons for the spacecraft to land, such as running out of fuel, encountering a malfunction or encountering danger," Yan Ran said slowly.

Ba Luluo, who was anxious, interrupted her: "Quickly say, how come our spaceship is so good that there are these things you said?

Yanran ignored her, and went on to say: "Why did we land? That's because we have reached our destination.

"Oh." At the end, I heard Ba Lu know that her son-in-law was playing with her, but Yan Ran was landing, so she didn't dare to disturb her.

She had no choice but to raise her fist.

This time they were holding the passport issued by the Delmar Planet Mansion, and they could fly the aircraft into the airspace of other planets in an open manner.

It's not like when they drive a gunboat into the planet Delmar, they have to stop at a place where the team and the members can't find it.

Is this a movie?" Yan Ran asked curiously.

Before Jiang Cheng had time to speak, Ba Ludi rushed to the side to answer: "I know I know the planet Uerda, right?

"Have you been here?" Yanran asked curiously: "Or have you seen it in a book or in a movie?

I've been here before," Ba Lu said with an inquisitive gaze: "Hey, I'm of course not here for fun or travel.

Of course, she understood, she must be here for some assassination mission.

What shall we do now?" asked Chuan.

"Let's stay first, find a hotel to stay." Jiang Cheng looked around: "It is late at night, our spacecraft needs to be refueled, and I have to go to the character fleet here to find the galaxy cloud map nearby.

These things can't be done now, we have to wait until tomorrow.

Let's go, you guys go eat something first, I'll go to that hotel to book a room. "Jiang Cheng pointed to a hotel that was still lit.

No words for a night.

The next day, as usual, Baluti was the last to get up. When she got up, Jiang Cheng and Bingran were no longer in the hotel.

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