Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1069: offend

Ba Ludi muttered a few words. Just thinking about it, the blazing bird was calling her "item" in her ear. Gu hand threw it over a pillow. Unexpectedly, the blazing bird was already prepared and waved its wings. The pillow blocks the past.

"", the flamingo won, she not only yelled loudly, but also flew up, flapping her wings gently.

There was no way to sleep at this time, and Barrutti had to get up. She rubbed her eyes and said dissatisfiedly: "You will be ruthless this time! Don't let me go to sleep next time!

The flamingo landed in front of her, stretched her neck, and held a piece of paper to Ba Luluo.

Puff, dead. "After reading it, Ba Lu fell helplessly onto the bed.

The note said very clearly that Ba Lu must go to the spacecraft and ask the relevant staff to fill the spacecraft with fuel.

That was the words left by her teacher Jiang Cheng. Ba Lvdi didn't neglect, and ate a few mouthfuls of food at will, rushing to handle the things Jiang Cheng explained.

Refueling is actually very simple, it's just that Balu is thinking about stealing.

You only need to buy the fuel, pay the money, and wait for the staff to automatically load the fuel into the stern of the spacecraft.

Just when Ba Luluo was there waiting for the staff to fill the spacecraft with fuel, a person walked over.

Is this your ship?" the voice asked.

Baluti didn't point her finger, the two recognized each other at the same time.

It turns out that this person is the person in the spaceship that competed with her yesterday.

"Same time, it's really you." The man smiled slyly: "Yesterday we asked you to wait and compete again, why don't you wait?

"No matter how much you lose!" Ba Lu kept her eyes straight and didn't look at him. She looked around for staff who could fuel her.

What's more, the staff here are too inefficient, she wants to complain to them.

You, can you come with me," the man said to Ba Lü: "I won't miss you for too long.

Baluti glanced at him: "Look," she brought the receipt in her hand to the person's eyes: "I have something to do, waiting for someone to refuel me.

Anyway, no one will come for a while, you will walk with me for a while, and you won’t miss you for too long," the person asked again.

For this kind of selfishness, who only wants to satisfy his own requirements, but not against others, Ba Luluo has to look straight.

Go. "This is Ba Luluo's reply.

Okay, let me go. "That person also saw that the young man in front of him didn't want to pay attention to him. There was no way. He had to step aside and then took out a small communication device.

Hey, boss, I am here, yes, yes, but I need you to come over, I know it, good.

I don’t know what the two people said, but Ba Luluo didn’t want to know. At this time, she just wanted the staff to fill up the fuel quickly, or his teacher and Yanran would suspect that she was delayed because of habituation. .

Although she has had it once or twice, several times, um, several times, but she can't be blamed, can't you?

What can be done with the fragrance of the natural heel?

However, the staff that Ba Lurong was waiting for did not wait, but instead waited for a group of uninvited guests.

The person who had just spoken to her raised his hand and shouted, "Boss!" The group of people with Ruo ー came to him, and the person said something to one of them, and his finger was still pointing when he spoke. Pointed to Ba Green.

Baluti is a killer, and she is still a very powerful one. Many people will be fascinated by her harmless face 2.4 holes, thinking that she is innocent and a quirky little girl.

For these people's views, Ba Luluo just sneered in her heart. These people actually still have the idea of ​​judging people by their appearance, and they really miss home.

The group of people walked towards Ruoba Luluo.

Hey, you," one of them put his hand in his trouser pocket, watching Ruoba Luluo speak.

As soon as this person appeared, Barrotti had a clear view of this person's appearance.

This is a tall, good-looking young man. Unfortunately, his exposed hands and sons are covered in random tattoos, plus the cold expression on his face that he thinks is very cool. Ludi lost his appetite.

Ba Ludi turned her head.

While Ba Luluo was waiting to refuel the spacecraft, a strange thing happened to the group of young people who compared with her on the journey yesterday, looking for her.

Knowing that Baluti was not free, the boss of the group of young people came over in person.

Hello, "This is how the boss greets.

Many people cheer for impolite people, and Ba Luluo is no exception.

When she was in the Heizhenzi Group, she had a superb status and good skills. Many people saw her not to be respectful, which was a bit exaggerated, but everyone saw her being polite, which is true.

Probably for this reason, Balutti hates impolite people extremely.

So when she heard that someone was not polite to her, she came over at once.

Just kidding, isn't her Baluti someone who hasn't seen the world before? What kind of powerful person hasn't met?

The boss was also taken aback. He didn't expect that the girl from this alien planet in front of him was so bright.

There is no doubt that Baluti is a beautiful girl. If the beauty is classical, then Baluti's beauty is the kind of modern beauty.

Long and thick eyebrows, a pair of big eyes, a small nose, a medium-sized mouth, and her waist-long golden hair.

It can indeed attract the attention of most people.

The boss in front of him was undoubtedly stunned by Ba Ludi's delicate beauty, until the people around him kept coughing, even his throat was about to break, and he was shocked.

Then, he noticed the anger in the eyes of this beautiful girl.

Ba Luluo knew that she was a source of light, and that she was an unusual kind, so when someone looked at her, she would not think that the other party was offensive.

This is normal. She herself also likes to see some beautiful things, so if someone likes to see her own, what's wrong?

However, she extremely hates those people who show the face of Brother Pig!

The boss in front of him is like this, look at how his saliva is about to flow out, no, the saliva has been left behind.

It's disgusting.

Barrotti looked at him, and many people saw her beauty and gaffes, but the young man in front of him was the most bent.

The old man who finally realized it blushed. He was very embarrassed. In fact, he was not someone who had never seen a beautiful woman, but he didn't know what was going on. The **** this planet in front of him actually made him so gaffe.

You, I have something to ask you. "The boss said chastely.

I hate impolite people, so before you learn to be polite, don't ask me anything! Thank you!" Balu quickly said, and immediately blocked what the boss was going to say.

Hahaha. "The young people standing in his Zhou Kingdom couldn't help it anymore, they all burst into laughter.

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