Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1070: Fall down

Even though the boss felt that he had no face, but in the face of such a beautiful girl, what could he do with her.

You," the boss reached out his hand and pointed to the crowd: "You come and tell her.

A young man about his age came out. He came to Ba Lu's body, first bend a little, and the person next to him laughed again.

Baluti greeted him.

The man raised his head: "Beautiful lady, can I ask you something?

"Please say." Ba Luluo also replied politely.

The young man hesitated, he looked at the boss, and the boss nodded to him.

May I ask you to sell your spacecraft to us?" The young man finally revealed their purpose of looking for Ba Ludi.

Baluti was taken aback. Zhang was about to buy her spacecraft, but it was either rich or expensive.

Not for sale. "Balluti refused.

The boss couldn't help but speak: "The price is easy to say, and I will never treat you badly.

Barretti had to say something, she waved her hand, turned around, and started searching for the **** staff again.

What the boss wanted to say, he opened his mouth, but finally he didn't say it.

The subordinates next to him began to talk violently.

Beauty, think about it again.

As long as you quote a price, our boss will never let you down. "

What can you do as a little girl who wants such a good spaceship? How good is it to buy clothes and perfume with money.

The young boss didn’t feel tempted to see Ba ​​Ludi, he sighed and stopped talking, and the group left here.

This little thing just passed.

Baluti didn't take it to heart.

When it was almost noon, a staff member finally arrived here, and he looked surprised at Ruo Ludi.

When he learned that Ba Luluo and others had come to refuel Feilead, he said, "Miss, haven't you seen the notice in our lobby?"

What announcement?" Ba Luluo asked.

"Because the fuel transport spacecraft encountered an electromagnetic storm during transportation, it will not be able to get here until tomorrow." The staff member said: "There is no plan to refill it now, so you can't see anyone refueling here.

Ba Luluo almost exploded her lungs. She didn't say a word. She ran to the lobby to take a look. As expected, there was a notice about fuel on an electronic version.

There was no way now, and Ba Lu 567 left here dejectedly.

As soon as she arrived at the hotel, she said to Muran who had already returned: "The fuel has not been added.

Yanran asked in surprise: "Why? When did you go to refuel?

Baluti couldn't help but pour the bitterness: "I've been there a long time ago, but there is no fuel to add to this **** place, which made me wait for so long in vain.

"No more fuel? Are you kidding?" Ran became more surprised.

Ba Luluo saw that Yanran was a little bit wrong: "Is there anything abnormal? The staff said that the fuel transport spacecraft encountered an electromagnetic storm, and there will be fuel to add tomorrow.

Yanran shook her head: "You, I will definitely not help you when scolded by the teacher this time.

What, the teacher is still scolding me?" Ba Luluo cried out. It is really unreasonable. She rushed to refuel without even eating. After waiting for a long time, she would still scold her when she said the teacher came back. , Is there any reason to speak?

Do you not drive your mind when you do things?" Yanran couldn't help but began to say that she still couldn't bear the aggrieved appearance of Baluti. It is obvious that she is not serious, so who can she blame?

Baruti heard Ran say this, knowing there must be a reason, she didn't argue anymore, just watched Ran and waited for her to speak.

Ba Luzhu went to refuel the spacecraft early in the morning. After waiting for a long time, someone informed her that because of special circumstances, she could not refuel today.

While waiting, she met the young people who flew with them yesterday and they actually wanted to buy their spacecraft.

How is this possible?

So Barretti refused.

But looking at the appearance of the boss of those people, he seems not to give up.

When Ba Ludi returned to the hotel in a hurry, Yan Ran, who came back first, knew that Ba Luluo hadn't added fuel, so she couldn't help but hug her.

This made Balutti feel very wronged. It was not her fault that she didn't know what to expect. There was no fuel, what could she do?

Yan Ran looked at Ba Ludi and didn't understand what was going on. She sighed and said, "You refuge, don't you know that our spacecraft is different from other ordinary spacecraft?

Baluti was confused: "However, what is different about fuel?"

"The fuel we add to the spacecraft is quite special. Because this fuel is only used by certain special types of spacecraft in the mansion or team, there is no shortage of fuel.

"Think about it, once this special material is in short supply and the aircraft in the mansion is needed, what will happen?

That's why the fuel you mentioned will only be available tomorrow. That's ordinary fuel, and it has nothing to do with our spacecraft.

Do you understand now?" Then he looked at Ba Lu and said.

Baluti was still a bit unconvinced: "How do you know that our spacecraft still needs fuel?

Also, "Bingran gave Ba Ludi a glance: "It's very simple, because I have seen it there.

"When I came back, I stopped by the spacecraft and took a look, and found that the fuel hadn't been added, so I asked the staff, and then I knew what was different about the fuel."

Then let them add it by the way. "Baludi's mouth is still reluctant.

Ran nodded on her head: "Am I rich?

I, I, I will run another Zhao now, let them refuel. "Now Barrut has nothing to say, she stands up and wants to go out.

"Forget it, when I came back, it was already off work there, and it was useless for you to stop her now.

Besides, it’s time for lunch. If you want to go, just go in the afternoon. "Seeing Ba Lv looks sad, but she can't bear it anymore, she sees

I had known that she would be better off running, so why let this little fanfare go away.

Since it's useless to go now, let's go again in the afternoon, but it's not a big deal to leave for a long time.

Thinking about this, Ba Green was happy again.

Suddenly she remembered something: "Sigh, but you know what, today someone wants to buy our Feiyan.

Sure enough, this incident attracted Ran's attention. She was surprised and said, "Is that man kidding? Does he know how expensive our spacecraft is?

Ba Luluo replied: "I don't know, but listening to his return, it seems that he is rich.

Ran: "I believe that person treats our flight as a normal spaceship

Our spacecraft was specially built by the planet Delmar for their heads. No matter in which aspect, it is not comparable to ordinary spacecraft.

Think about it again, how many trips are there for this kind of spacecraft, Sanming!" Then he raised his fingers and strengthened his tone: "Only three! There are so many people in the Delmar Planet Mansion, think about it.

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