Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1071: strange

Forget it, let's not talk about it, what should we eat today? "As soon as Baluti mentioned the gods, she came up: "I eat fast food every day in the spacecraft. I ate her and pulled Yanran:" Let's go out to eat, okay?

Then he shook his head and wanted to say something, someone asked.

The two glanced at each other, not to mention that they don't have any pledgers on the planet Ulda. Even if they did, they couldn't find out so quickly when they just arrived here.

"Be careful." Of course, it belonged to Ba Green.

Although he has always been cautious in his work, it is not a bad thing to be careful when encountering unknown situations.

Seeing Ba Luluo nodded, he walked over.

Who?" Ran asked.

"Miss, I am the steward of the hotel. In the lobby below, someone wants to see you.

This is strange, Ran and Ba Luluo glanced at each other, they were no one on this planet.

It's strange that someone wants to see them now.

Ran opened his mouth and said: "I see, thank you Mr. Guan, we will go down with a dew, and the two of them came to the hotel building.

Sitting on the sofa in the hall was someone they didn't know, and he stood up immediately after seeing them coming.

Although he and Baluti stood there and didn't know what to say, they really didn't know this person.

The man said: "Hello, two young ladies. Let me introduce myself first. I am the housekeeper of the Dalken family. Our master would like to invite both of you to sit in the middle of the house for a while and have a casual meal.

This person spoke gentle and polite, which made them less scrupulous.

But his request still made them feel fascinated. Everyone didn't know him. What should you eat well?

"Mr. Butler, we appreciate your kindness. As for the meal, we will spare it." Yanran replied, "This, please forgive me for taking the risk. The gentleman we told you did not know, right?

"I don't know about this, miss, you know, it is inconvenient for us who are the servants to ask the master more." The butler answered with a smile.

However, if the two ladies can come to Hanhan, he would definitely feel very honored.

The butler still smiled. She saw that there was still no reply, and came across a business card: "This is the business card from the department. Please discuss with the two ladies. I will wait outside for their reply.

The butler bent over and walked out.

However (to get Zhao) and Baluti flipped over the business cards in their hands. They really didn't understand. It's pretty good, what is this Dalken asking them to eat.

The hotel standing on the side couldn't help it anymore: "The two ladies are not from our planet Ulda, right?

Ran and Ba Luluo nodded and looked at the hotel steward, knowing that since he took the initiative to speak, he must have something to say.

Sure enough, the hotel steward saw that they were interested, and went on to say: "Mr. Dalken is one of the best businessmen on our planet, and his business is very big.

But you heard it too, we don't know him. "Barretti answered his journal.

"Well, although I don't know why Master Dalken invited the two to a banquet, this opportunity is very rare, so my suggestion is that no matter what it is, it is not a bad thing for the two ladies to go to their house.

The hotel steward told him what he said.

Suddenly, a butler of the Dalken family came to visit and invited Ran and Baluti to a banquet. This sudden invitation made Yanran and Baluti feel very fascinated.

They are not familiar with the Dalkun, who is doing a lot of business, and they are just passing through this planet, and they really don't want to have any extra branches.

So they made up their minds and asked the steward of the hotel to reply to the butler who was still waiting outside. They stopped going to his old man's house.

Although the steward of the hotel felt it was a pity, he relayed their words to the steward who was waiting outside according to what he said.

Ran and Balu entered their room, and Baluti suddenly remembered something

She said "Ah".

The sound shocked Bing Ran, she raised her head and looked at Ba Luluo.

This is what Mr. Darken, isn't it the elder of the young man who wants to buy our spaceship?

Ran clapped his hands: "Not bad! It should be related to this matter.

The best businessman must be very rich, no wonder that kid has such a big tone, he turned out to be a rich second generation Ming. "Bar Green exclaimed.

It's useless to have more money," Yan Ran said: "Let's not say whether we can sell it or not. If he knew that our spaceship came from, he would definitely consider it carefully.

"That's it, it's great to be rich. Miss Ben 280 is also a rich man." Barretti pretended to be a noble lady.

Yanran smiled and said: "Although you are rich, listening to the tone of that hotel manager, you certainly can't compare with that old Dalkun.

The two talked and laughed, and the "cuckoo" cry from their stomach reminded them that after this episode, they all forgot that they hadn't eaten lunch yet.

Go, eat, I'll treat. "Baluti took Ma Ran's hand, and the two walked out the hotel door together.

However, what they didn't expect was that beside the gate, the butler of Dalken's house was still standing there.

Ran stepped forward: "I'm sorry, Mr. Butler, didn't we ask the manager of the hotel to tell you that we are not going to the banquet?

The butler smiled bitterly: "Before leaving, the minister repeatedly fumbled, be sure to invite both of you to meet up, both of you have now refused, I, I am not good to go back.

Although Bingran and Ba Ludi have never seen this kind of bitter trick, they have also heard that since this butler wants to stand here, then he should continue to stand.

For this kind of disguised method that is difficult for others, Yan Ran and Ba Ludi would not care at all.

The two happily went to lunch, and Ba Ludi wanted to go to Ting Street. Yan Ran was afraid that Jiang Cheng would be anxious, so she let her get rid of this idea.

When they returned to the hotel, the butler was still standing there.

After all, Yan Ran was still a little softer. She stepped forward and said to the butler: "Mr. Butler, we have already said very clearly, you should go back.

Luluo added: "Mr. Butler, we are just passing here. We are leaving here this afternoon. What's the use of you standing here? Or go back. The butler smiled bitterly and didn't say anything.

Yan Ran and the others have already said what they should say, but the housekeeper is still so stubborn, then they have nothing to do.

As soon as he walked into the lobby of the hotel, a middle-aged man with a big body and blushing face greeted him with a haha ​​smile. He saw Ruo Yanran and Ba Ludi smiled and said: "The two young ladies refused to go to the humble house for a banquet, so I had to visit the house personally. Please don't be offended by the two ladies.

It turned out that the man in front of him was the master of the housekeeper outside the door, the master Dalkun who did a lot of business.

It should be true to want to come to this master Dalken, just look at the look of the hotel steward who is standing next to him.

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