Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1073: weak

This rule has been strictly enforced by every planet. Just imagine, if there is no such rule, how could the enemy's spacecraft take the opportunity to attack?

Of course, in order to satisfy travelers from other planets, the residences of each planet also have the obligation to protect their aircraft.

Although he couldn't board the spacecraft to check it out, but this did not prevent the brothers from approaching the observer.

Dalkun's old brother's face gradually became hard to look at. Master Dalkun is a layman for machinery. He looked at his brother and asked hopefully: "Did you see anything?

His younger brother shook his head and exhaled: "This spacecraft can't be ordinary people, you see," he pointed to the sign on the outside of the spacecraft and said, "This is the secret service department affiliated to the planet Delmar. of.

Looking at his brother's puzzled eyes, he said: "In short, this spacecraft has a huge background, and many high-tech achievements have been condensed on it.

He sighed again: "You know, the technological level of our planet is far behind that of Delmar. What's more, this spacecraft is specially made. I'm betting that this kind of flight is even on Delmar. The number is also extremely limited. Except for very few heads, other people have no chance to come into contact with such a spacecraft. He sees it as his brother: "No wonder people don't sell it. After all, even if it sells, the price is unimaginable, not to mention, You can't price anything like this.

Is there no alternative at the beginning? "Dalken always looked desperate.

His brother pondered, and finally shook his head: "Anyway, I think there is no hope.

He added: "Originally, I wanted to use the spacecraft we produced to pretend to be this spacecraft. Now look at it. Even if I can imitate its appearance, the speed is far from reaching it. Squeezed, I must know its speed.

"Then what to do?" At this time, Master Dalkun still has the slightest appearance of a big businessman, he is like a Yingtong who knows nothing.

"Can you persuade my nephew to give up his idea?

Master Dalken spit out two words firmly: "No!

"We can only use some humble methods, don't you say?" Facing Ruo's younger brother's eyes, Old Lady Dalkun nodded.

For his son, Dahl went out with the old man behind his back.

No matter what price he paid, he did not hesitate.

The two brothers whispered as they walked, and a plan for Jiang Cheng and them slowly took shape in their palace talks.

Jiang Cheng and the others didn't know that they had become the target of others' Yang lessons because of Yifei.

After all, as soon as Jiang Cheng walked into the distance between Ran and Ba Lurong, he said happily that this time he won a lot.

What time do you get? Hurry up and stop. "Xi Cao asked, cleverly giving the old man a glass of water.

Ye Weichen nodded and took a sip of water. He said: "I'm sure, there is a star with my **** coordinate on it. As long as you get to the county, you can find the transportation line of Tongzhu Earth.

He started: "I have been out for so long this time, and found that we are a little bit thinking about the earth, what should we do?" Ba Lulu said, and she also showed great concern beside her.

You? Of course you will walk with me, and put your milk on a certain planet?" Ye smiled.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Lu Rong stood up and started to move.

Of course, he said to Jiang Cheng: "All the materials that should be prepared are ready to be used. Now we will go to Feijia Yueke, and then we can set off.

"Okay! Let's go now." Jiang Cheng's mood is also exceptionally good. After spending so long outside, he can't find his way back to the earth.

When they came to the spaceship and wanted to board the plane, a group of scholars stopped! "The life of the leading group will come.

Jiang Cheng and the others stopped, looking at them with feeling.

"Please show your credentials," the team member said.

What documents? "Jiang Cheng is really not white.

People who come from between the various planets have almost no necessary documents. The universe is so big and the distance between the planets is so transported. What is the use of the documents?

Do you know that those documents are true? Do you wait to verify them one by one?

Therefore, the demands of this team made Jiang Cheng and the others fascinated.

Related documents about this flight. "The team said.

I have already checked it for you, how else can we think about how we can land on your planet. "Ran said.

What they said is true. Without the relevant certificates of the spacecraft, it would be impossible for them to land legally on this planet.

If you don’t have the relevant certificates of the spacecraft, God knows that the Feixi you wrote belongs to you, and the one who came here exactly, or even grabbed Song?

Therefore, the people on the various planet pillars can have no certificates, but the aircraft needs to have them.

We have checked with your spacecraft based on the proof you provided. Your spacecraft is owned by the planet Delmar mansion, and you cannot provide the relevant documents to prove that you are a member of the planet Delmar mansion.

The team member added: "So we suspect that you have the legal animal of this spaceship. "You are not mistaken for picking it!" Ba Luluo broke out. What nonsense this team member is talking about?

As long as they have a certificate of the spacecraft, what does it have to do with their people?

Besides, if there is a problem, how could the relevant department here give them a landing?

Miss, please pay attention to your attitude and words. "The team member was unmoved, and his tone began to become strict.

However, in Jiang Cheng's ear, he briefly talked about Mr. Dalkun wanting to buy their flight.

Jiang Cheng understood. The Dalkun boss saw that they didn't sell it, and he began to play conspiracy to take it by force.

Facing Ruo that team member, Baluti didn't care about him. It was just a small team member, and the people who died under her were much better than him.

Just as Ma Ran cares about the flamingo very much, Ba Luluo also values ​​the spaceship named after them.

If anyone wanted to take the spaceship away from her, she would never agree.

Seeing Ba Luluo and the team member talk more and more stiff, the smell of gunpowder between the two is getting stronger and stronger, Ye Fen stepped forward and pulled Ba Luluo away.

"I know what's going on," he said to the team member: "We can leave now and want to go, but she must stay," the team member has to keep an inch, he regards Jiang Cheng's words as weakness.

This person is suspected of hindering my performance of official duties and must go back with me for questioning.

The team member was still awkward, and without eye movement, he actually ignored the man's increasingly cold face.

Originally, Jiang Cheng was in a good mood. After two days of hard work, he has found the right route to the earth. This discovery made his idea of ​​returning to the earth a reality.

Unexpectedly, when they went to the spacecraft, they encountered an accusation from a team member. In addition to asking Jiang Cheng and the others to provide documents that Jing did not need to provide, he actually found an excuse to detain Ba Lurong.

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