Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1074: trembling

This sudden accident made Jiang Cheng hard to accept. His original joy disappeared, and his anger continued to rise.

It's really "people being deceived by others"!

If the tiger doesn't show off your power, you treat me as a sick cat?

Seeing the ugly face of the team in front of him, just as Jiang Cheng wanted to do it, Ba Lute stopped him.

Teacher!" Ba Luluo cried. Seeing Jiang Cheng's face, she knew that her teacher was on the verge of an attack, so she spoke in time.

"Teacher, if there is a fight, I'm afraid this spacecraft will be affected," Ba Green said, "I don't want to see it, I'll go with them.

Jiang Cheng held back his anger and said coldly to the team member: "She can go with you, but if you let one of her hair hurt, I will make you regret it!

Without waiting for the team member to speak, he chopped off the short spear of the county team, **** with both hands, turned it into a ball of scrap metal, and threw it at his future.

"See?! If you don't listen to me, this is your end!

Ignoring the danger of the team member's sudden red and blue, he turned his head, he said to his son-in-law that you will go with them, if they are doing anything that makes you unsatisfied, do what you want!

When the team member appeared, his figure flashed, and his figure disappeared.

The team member and his staff looked at the direction in which Makoto Ruojiang's figure disappeared dumbfounded, and then looked at the javelin that was crumpled under his feet. They knew what kind of person they had gotten into.

This discovery made them secretly lucky, they did not act excessively towards the two girls in front of them.

The team left two scholars to guard Ruo Jiangcheng and their flying, and then left here with Ran and Ba Lurong.

With a bang, the door to the mansion of Lord Dalkun came up, and then fell to the ground again.

Who? 1 "Hearing such a big movement, the security of Dalken's house was rushed.

Here, they read about the stranger who came in, with their hands in front of them, secretly looking at the intruder.

Who is this guy in front of me? Is he the courage to eat the heart of the bear, he is actually working here?

Let Dalkun get me out 1" Jiang Cheng simply ignored these things in front of him, he shouted.

"Bold" is the old name you can call directly? "Someone among the bodyguards said to stop Jiang Cheng.

Lord Dalken is rich in the enemy's country, and his life is of course very important, but because his business is too big, he will inevitably offend people, so he does not hesitate to pay a lot of money to hire some people to protect him.

There must be a brave man under the gold, and Master Dahlken can afford to spend money, and he has indeed found some capable people for him.

Dalken's money is so powerful that most people are easy to wrong him. These bodyguards have not had a few decent mobile phone meetings. This time they finally ran into a person who seemed to have two things, and they didn't jump to try.

Their local laws stipulate that human property is sacred and inviolable, and if someone has a private residence, human resistance can be regarded as legitimate defense.

The meaning of this sentence is profound, and it also allows these bodyguards to move their hands without any scruples.

Jiang Cheng is getting angry, how can he stand others yelling at him?

He rushed forward, and the bodyguards flashed before his eyes, before he had time to make any movements, the man who was angry at Jiang Cheng just now had been caught by him.

Jiang Cheng looked directly at the person he was holding, and shouted: "Say! Where is Dalkun!"

Although the bodyguard was caught by Jiang Cheng, he didn't know whether he was doing it for the sake of face or being so tyrannical. He actually yelled: "You **** don't let go of you.

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Cheng threw him at the crowd in front of him.

A sound that made people feel extremely uncomfortable sounded, and there were two more flesh-and-blood corpses on the ground, red blood, white brain plasma, and broken body tissues mixed together, giving out a hard-to-return smell, which made people feel terrified.

When did those bodyguards have seen such cruel methods? They looked terrified. Before they could do anything, Jiang Cheng's figure flashed again, and a bodyguard was caught in his hand again.

Say "Where is Dalkun!" The same tone, the same questioning.

I, I don't know, ah-"With a cry, the man was screamed at someone by Jiang Cheng, and Xia Pai stopped, and there were two more flesh and blood corpses on the ground.

Anyway, it's dead! Some defenders began to resist.

Several people rushed to Jiang Cheng, and their hands were the first to emit a secret circle of light.

Phew! "Following the roar, he stabs the Bishou to different parts of Jiang Cheng's body from different angles.

Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand, and the temple passed by. The light of the sword flashed. The bodyguards around him were holding hands. They tried their best to block the blood rushing out. Their bodies were struggling and finally did not. He fell to the ground willingly.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the other bodyguards began to meet.

Jiang Cheng let out a cold snort, and his toes twitched one after another, and those who fell on the ground flew up as if they had eyes long, and got into the back of the bodyguards.

The last bodyguard was on the ground. This was Jiang Cheng's intention to live, but at this time his body was already exuding a foul smell. Photographed by Jiang Cheng's rage, the man had already been scared to urinate.

Say! Where is Dalken!" The same voice followed for the third time.

He, he said, his son, son, a few days, a few hours ago, left. "That Bao's voice was trembling, he looked at Jiang Cheng, who was approaching him, and said with exhaustion: "Don't kill me, he has a younger brother who lives in XX.

It was a matter of life, the bodyguard no longer stammered, and he said it almost in one breath.

Jiang Cheng stopped. He didn't believe that under such circumstances, there were people who were retreating.

Turning around, Jiang Cheng left here. Behind him, more than a dozen corpses were lying in the yard, blood flowing freely on the ground, and the strong smell of blood filled Ruo Zhou.

A person who was stinking all over, his body was still shaking, and his mouth was muttering some unclear words from time to time.

Actually, there was a local rich man who didn't know the life and death of Jiang Cheng and their spacecraft, and Jing Qi let Ba Lufan Heran be taken away by a team member who didn't know the life and death. Jiang Cheng couldn't resist the anger in his heart.

Someone is robbing Haoqi on his head. If he doesn't get rid of others, he should burn the incense. These people are really ignorant and fearless.

After killing the bodyguard of the Dalken family, Jiang Cheng did not stop for a moment, and went to look for Dalkun's brother in the area.

Ran and Ba Lu were taken back to a team base by that team of scholars. When they entered, the passing scholars looked at them with strange eyes.

Yes, Zhao is lucky. Where did you find these two big beauties? "A team member with a big mouth on his face blew a mouthpiece and asked the team member who led the team.

Don’t talk nonsense! "The team leader had just seen Jiang Cheng’s greatness at the airport. If it hadn’t been for this blonde beauty to stop him in time, he would be able to walk back to the team camp now, even if he was fascinated. He clearly remembered how scared the man was. cloth.

Therefore, he does not cooperate with his big-mouthed colleague to say those teasing things.

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