Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1075: dissatisfied

"Don't speak? Your kid wants to swallow it alone? I said it's not good for you!" The bus team's face turned cold: "When did I go out to play, I was like you? You are too sorry brother, right?

The team leading the team turned out of danger, and he hurriedly said: "It's not what you think, stop talking!

Because of Xin Zhang, his voice grew louder involuntarily, and his tone became harsher.

Ruthless! You!" The big-mouthed team member became gloomy and cold. He pointed his finger at the team leader and said: "I see how long you can!

The team leader knew that the misunderstanding was big this time, but in front of the two girls from different planets, he didn't tell the actual situation, and his face blushed anxiously.

The Da Leba team misunderstood him: "Don't, don't, you don't have to worry about me, I know you are older than me, I can't offend you, I'll go, I'll go, all right"!

The bus team screamed, turned around and left, thinking Ruo Ran and Ba Lu had a few glances before leaving.

The dialogue between the two teams made Yanran and Baluti puzzled. They didn't know why the two people who were still laughing at the beginning suddenly turned their faces.

It's no wonder that the two of them didn't know the meaning of the words of these two teams.

However, he has been a sports day since he was a child, and has been growing up under the care of his parents, teachers and coaches. He is a good boy and student with good rules.

And when she was about to reach adulthood, the galaxy where the earth was located suddenly arrived and flew into disaster

This sudden historical difficulty not only caused her to lose all her relatives and teachers, but also changed her life.

In the barren land of the nameless planet, she was always accompanied by the old men.

Except for these few of her kind, the only companions who were with her were wild beasts with a kind of fierce base.

Therefore, she is not very clear about the big phenomena in society, but she is talented, has been by Jiang Cheng since she came out of the nameless planet, and her skill is high enough, most people are not her.

As for Baluti, although she was born in the black world, she has been highly valued by the senior leaders of the Heilongzi Group since she was a child, and has been taught by teachers in the group since she was a child. What she learns is something that is elusive, such as murder and poisoning.

When she became an adult, on the one hand, she seldom showed up in front of people under the arrangement of the senior leaders of the Heilongzi Group. On the other hand, because her status in the group was also quite high, no one mentioned those in front of her. Xunqi thing.

So if the two little girls didn't have a good impression of the team leader in front of them, they would almost ask why.

Entering the team's office, the team leader told Ma Ran and Baruti to sit down, and he began to think about how to place the two girls.

He absolutely dared not put them in jail, even in the closed room in the team, he was not putting them in.

On the one hand, the reason why he appeared next to Yanran and their spacecraft today was purely a personal request from Darken’s younger brother. He thought that as a member of his team, he was scared to scare people from a few different planets. Seems like?

So he agreed full of words.

On the other hand, the teacher of these two girls told him that he did not forget what the two girls said when the man was leaving: If they make you dissatisfied with you, do what you want.

He didn't think about this sentence at the time, and now he slowly savors the meaning of the sentence and can't help worrying.

With such a tyrannical teacher, how can I say that his disciples are not too bad, right? Or the man should not worry about letting his two female disciples follow him.

Thinking of this, this team member couldn't help deeply regretting it. He hated himself for having no brains, and casually accepted Brother Dalken's request.

It’s alright now. He doesn’t know what to do if he sees these two girls who are sour

According to what he had discussed with Brother Dalkun at the time, he arrested the people from the three alien planets with a random excuse, and then he didn't care about it, and he took care of the rest.

When will the **** brother Darken come?

With a sound of "Xiaodang", the door of his office was pushed open, and the door hit the wall with a loud noise.

The team leader just wanted to get angry, who is so rude, actually so rude.

But when he raised his head and saw the few people standing in front of him, he immediately swallowed what was in his mouth.

The few people (Nuo Zhao's) who came in were all Hupugoujue who played with him. Except for the Big Duanba team member, the others were a little taller than his team.

At this time, the Big Duanba team member was standing aside and smirked unkindly. Obviously, it was this guy who informed other people, otherwise those people would never get the news so quickly.

It is indeed that the bus team members are making paradoxes!

Seeing that the team leader sent the two big beauties into his office, this guy couldn't help getting angry.

In the old days, everyone played and ate and drank together. Now that they have good stuff, they want to swallow it all by themselves. When I find out, I feel ashamed to deny it.

The big mouth reported to the ground and spit out sputum to express his dissatisfaction.

If there is nothing, why did the team leader put those two beauties into his office?

With his big mouth, he couldn't swallow the expression that the leader of the team gave him. He was even more jealous that his clams actually ate the flesh of the sky. When his eyes rolled, he immediately thought of their friends who often played with them. At this moment, these people are just right. All in the team.

Thinking of this, Big Mouth immediately ran in front of those people and told him about the encounter with the team leader, which made the team leader's face more than ten times ugly.

Said that when the team leader saw him, he moved to hide the two beauties;

Talking about how intimidating the leader of the team threatened him not to talk about it. As for the two beauties, it’s hard to describe the two beauties with big mouths and straight mouths. Apart from constantly boasting "beautiful! So beautiful!", he really couldn't think of how to describe the looks of Ran and Barudi. .

Who makes him read less

However, although Big Mouth could not tell how beautiful the two beauties were in detail, seeing his demented eyes, Lun's stealthy drooling while talking, immediately convinced the other people what the big beauties said.

So they immediately came to the office of the guy who wanted to eat alone.

After they opened the door with one foot, they didn't look at their good friend at all, but at the bus's full-mouthed "Yuan Liang Zhen Yuan Liang" boy.

After seeing Ran and Ba Lulu, they almost wanted to slap the fellow Da Shi Ba to death.

This is called "Yuanliang"?

Damn this guy in the bus!

This is called, this is called "Very bright!" Very bright!" OK?

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