Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1076: Cry and laugh

But at this time, they obviously had no thoughts and big mouths to care about. They turned their dissatisfaction gaze on the team leader, and their attitude showed everything.

Where did you find such a bright girl? Actually let us know, too much, right? "An oily guy opened his mouth.

The others nodded in a move, as his opinion.

It's not what you think, you have misunderstood. "The team leader said hurriedly.

Misunderstanding? Okay, then you can tell me what happened to these two beauties!"

One looks very handsome, but his eyes are very light Buddha, which greatly affected his handsomeness.

This is, I cannot say. "The leader of the team stammered speechless.

He is really hard to say, how would he solve the process? At the end, it is inevitable that he has to mention the things he has benefited from Brother Dahl, and for the money, he is going to buy himself a few sets of clothing and eyes.

It's been a long time since he bought some decent eyes for himself.

However, if these guys knew that he actually had such a sum of money on him, they wouldn’t let them go, and they would definitely be dragged by them to eat and play. If they didn’t squander it, they wouldn’t let him go. of.

"One by one" Seeing that he was speechless, the guys pointed out that the team led by the team laughed deeply.

The oily guy snapped his fingers: "Brothers, let's go!" After saying this, the rest of the guys rushed towards Ran and Ba Lurong who was sitting on the side.

Jing Daruo had eyes and a look of Ran and Baluti, watching if those team members were pointing and drawing the country. Before they knew what was going on, those team members suddenly turned and rushed towards them.

No! "Although the leader of the team stopped in time, how could his fox friends listen to him?

In fact, even if they heard it, they would just ignore it as if they hadn't heard it. They are all, with such a delicious delicacy in front of them, how can they stop?

Before the words of the leader of the team came to an end, the bus that rushed to Ran and Ba Lurong first stretched out his hand, and was suddenly thrown up.

After all, he was lucky enough to land on the sofa. Even so, the bus was scared to death.

The other people are living, they haven't seen why the bus will fly up all at once. Someone in Jizhi specifically checked whether there are banana peels on the ground.

However, when they saw that the two girls from different planets who had been sitting there had stood up, they already knew that the reason the bus could fly was definitely related to the two of them.

The two young girls in front of them had a faint anger on their faces, and their cold eyes made these team members feel at a loss for a while.

Sigh, sigh. "The roar of the bus broke the calm in the room, and some of the stars raised the big ball.

How are you? "Although everyone is a friend of Hu Peng, they will pretend to be safe when necessary.

Scared me to death, scared me to death. "Big Mouth said Ruo while turning his head, staring at Ran and Baluti fiercely. He kept pointing his head and sighing inside: "Too much, seeing that the meat inside can't be eaten, it's a pity, a pity.

Da Duanba's words undoubtedly aroused the eagerness of the remaining few people. The frivolous team member slowly approached Ran and Ba Ludi, Zuo Xu, and suddenly flew up his abdomen.

The other people saw clearly this time, the weak-looking girl stretched out her hand and immediately caught the light team member.

Then everyone knew how the big mouth flew up.

The girl casually used his foot in the air, and the confessed team flew up

But his luck is not as good as his big mouth.

The big mouth fell on the sofa, and he fell to the ground.

That frivolous guy died suddenly.

Of course, this hand calmed the people present, none of them dared to rush to them again

"You guys, don't you stand here?!" The team leader was finally mentally prepared, and he was the first to react.

He hurriedly asked his friends to stay away from the two girls.

At the same time, he was also rejoicing that if their teacher hadn't shown his hand and let himself dispel some unrealistic ideas, maybe he would be the one on the ground now.

The team members slowly withdrew to the side. At this time, some of them spoke: Here, these two people, what are they doing?

Now they finally know that the two in front of them are not the objects they can laugh at

Moreover, they are team members, who have experienced more or less experience in the team. They know that even the most powerful fighters they have ever seen are definitely not the opponents of the girl in front of them.

Seeing their companions smiling bitterly, their big mouth urged: "Say, where did you find these two evil stars? What did you want to do when you brought them back?"

An angry Jiang Cheng opened the closed door of the conference room, and the two heavy doors flew up and fell heavily to the ground with a loud noise.

The people who were meeting in the conference room were all frightened by the sudden sound. If it hadn't been reported, they would almost think it was an enemy's return attack.

They watched in such a way that a man from a different planet came in angrily and walked to the barrel-shaped conference table. After looking around, the man said in a deep voice: "Who is Dalken's? Brother, stand up!

The faces of the people in the meeting, after they realized it, the first person who spoke was not the brother Dalkun that Jiang Cheng was looking for, but an old man in team uniform with medals on his clothes.

"You, who are you! Helper!" The old man was angry: "I want to shoot you! I want to kill you! And those **** helpers, they actually let such people in!

The deputy next to him quickly pulled out the short gun at his waist, but before he aimed his gun at the intruder, the man who was standing opposite him suddenly came in front of him and the male hand surprised him. Short gun in hand.

Poof. "A series of sounds, a neat row appeared on the table in front of the old man.

Then Jiang Cheng turned his hand back and put a gun on the head of the deputy, and he covered the **** head and fell onto the chair.

Jiang Cheng gently placed the short spear on the table and made a soft noise. Although the sound was small, everyone was shocked.

This person in front of me is probably crazy. He will definitely end up very badly, and he can't bear to bet that he is so rude in front of the planet's highest division!

This old commander is so highly respected, even if the boss of this planet sees him, he has to be respectful, and the guy in front of him who does not know where he is from, is so unscrupulous in front of him, really knows how to "live!"

"I'll ask again," Jiang Cheng glanced at the people attending the meeting coldly. Anyone who came into contact with his eyes couldn't help but avoid his eyes, including the old commander: "Who is Dahl? Ken's brother, stand up!

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