Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1081: progress

At this moment, Ran was in a good mood, she got up from her seat and stretched her waist.

Is it done? "Baluti greeted her next to her.

Sometimes, she seems to convince her big sister very much. Although she is not a few years older than herself, she is always so diligent in the pursuit of strength.

Ba Ludi Zhou's discovery, but at this point, he is the most lacking.

She won't feel frequent if she walks around every day, but if she is allowed to sit for a long time, she is really unacceptable.

Even if it is her favorite flying aircraft, she also likes the kind of short-distance, tricky, exciting flying.

Rather than the boring, long trip like this.

She can't sit still even for her favorite sport, let alone the spiritual training taught to her by her teacher?

Baluti has been unable to understand this teacher from the earth. It is said that he is from a distant galaxy, which is a place she has never heard of.

Although she is also a person from another planet, but she has nothing to make Baluti feel weird.

On the contrary, they are very happy together and get along very well.

His teacher is not good enough. For example, one day, her teacher was sleeping on the bed, and she just happened to change classes, and she fell to the teacher's side.

Who knows that his teacher left the bed immediately. Seeing his movements, Ba Ludai didn't understand for a while. She could only smell her clothes, whether she hadn't noticed where there was something dirty and had a strange smell.

Of course this will not happen, after all, Barretti is also a very clean girl.

When she told the teacher that the bed was big enough to accommodate the two of them, her teacher actually said something she didn't understand, and she couldn't understand what she said, so she remembered something. Ah shit.

Later, when she told Ran about this, Jing Qi asked her if her teacher had any opinion on her, Yan Ran also felt strange.

Finally one day Bingran also learned the practice of Ba Luluo, his teacher immediately stood up and left the bedroom.

Although Ba Lv felt comfortable now, her teacher didn't do this because she was celebrating, but she still didn't know why.

The two people discussed in whispers for a long time, and didn't get a clue, so they had to hide this doubt in their hearts.

Yanran and Ba Lurong are still flying in the endless space, and they have basically never seen other aircraft since this period of time.

In the vast universe, they are the only spacecraft that exist alone.

This time it was Ma Ran who was driving to fly. Ba Lurong was sitting next to her at this time. She entered a state of thinking and was cultivating mental power.

Seeing if Ba Luluo was immersed in the thought, Ran's corner appeared to smile and she remembered the scene of ~ Gang again.

She didn't know how much Baluti was to seek medical meditation. When she wanted to go out and play without completing the necessary homework every day, her teacher Liang Shiliang reprimanded her without mercy.

Although the teacher did not say much, the weight in the words was heavy.

Without strong power, let alone in the future alone in the China of the universe, even if you follow the teacher, it will only be a tired person and will only drag the teacher.

And if you want to have a strong power, then the cultivation of spiritual power is the most important thing. There is no enough spiritual power to wield. No matter how strong the power is, it is a superficial phenomenon. If you meet a real master or encounter dangerous things, then You will find that your strength is not as strong as you think.

With Ba Luluo's current strength, their teacher couldn't help but sneer. In the battle on Delmar planet, the teachers of the special people in the team were already their strong opponents.

Although fundamentally speaking, their strength is indeed a little stronger than those of teachers.

But in the universe, there are so many characters like teaching people, and their goal is not to teach people like Delmar planet.

That is the existence they can't imagine, at least for now.

If Ba Luluo didn't work **** cultivating spiritual power, Yan Ran clearly remembered that her teacher's tone was extremely harsh.

If Ba Luluo doesn't work hard, then after they arrive on Earth, Jiang Cheng will let Ba Luluo live freely there instead of following him.

Although Jiang Cheng didn't say anything about driving Ba Ludi out of the teacher's door, the meaning in his words couldn't be clearer.

Because Ba Lv is a child, although the world is big, but she does not have a family, according to her situation, since Jiang Cheng has become her teacher, of course she will not be driven out and let her fend for herself. That would be too worthwhile. Responsible.

Therefore, he is still her teacher, and she is also his disciple, but this is only a nominal name given to her by Jiang Cheng. In the name of this teacher and apprentice, with Su’s influence on the earth, I want to come. No one offends his disciples with such a lack of eyesight.

Their master-disciple relationship stops here.

Ba Luluo had never seen Jiang Cheng make such a big fire. Looking at the serious-looking teacher, the little girl was really frightened.

Jing Qi, when Yanran was about to go up to An En, she was also reprimanded by Jiang Cheng. Bingran had to stand there obediently, and listened to Baluti sobbing and sobbing.

After Jiang Cheng left, Ma Ran still didn't approach Ba Lu, let alone speak, she could only silently look at her beside her.

After the little girl sobbed in the seat for a while, she stretched out and washed her face. By the time she returned to the cockpit, her complexion had calmed down. After taking a few deep breaths, she calmed down. Slowly entered a state of meditation.

This time, Baluti spent much longer in meditation than usual. During this time, Jiang Cheng quietly came in to see it twice, and after quietly standing beside her for a while, he left.

All Yan Ran could do was to drive the spacecraft more steadily. She didn't want any fluctuations to affect Ba Ludi.

I don't know how long it took, Ba Ludi came from thinking. As soon as she opened her eyes, she found that Yan Ran and Jiang Cheng were standing in front of her looking at her.

She was taken aback by the actions of the two of them. For a while, she didn't know what to say.

Take a look inside. "Jiang Chengba Ludi, he intuitively told him that this time his disciples should have made a relatively big improvement in the cultivation of spiritual power.

Ba Ludi lowered her head, and raised her head in surprise after a while: "I seem to have broken through the second level of spiritual power cultivation and reached the third level.

Moreover, it is the degree that Tier 3 is close to Tier 4, isn't it? "Jiang Cheng held her.

Ba Luluo lowered his head again: "Yes, I can see that my mental power can already vaguely see the fourth level, but the fourth level is not obvious.

Well, "Jiang Cheng nodded, he was extremely satisfied with Ba Luluo's performance.

Oh my god!" I felt: "You were only a second-order, how can you make such a big improvement?

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