Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1082: feather

Tell me quickly, what made you suddenly improve so much. "Yan Ran urged.

Barrutti has been making mediocre progress in the cultivation of spiritual power, and her animal is eager to achieve nothing in the cultivation of spiritual power.

Before she broke through the third stage this time, she had stayed in the second stage for a long time.

But on the third day of following Jiang Cheng, she broke through the first level of spiritual power cultivation. After fourteen days, she had reached the second level.

Spiritual power cannot be cultivated fast, so Jiang Cheng is special. Don't rush to improve the ranks, but lay a solid foundation for each rank, and then move on on such a solid foundation.

Such a step by step, the future achievements will be particularly amazing, and according to this kind of cultivation method, there will be no accidents in the cultivation process.

So Yanran was joking half-truths at this moment, and she was afraid that Ba Lu would think about being reprimanded by Jiang Cheng before meditating.

I don't have any good way," Barrutti calmed down from the initial joy, she said quietly: "As long as I think of the teacher not accepting me as a disciple, I can calm down.

"Are you kidding? There is actually such a way?" Yan Ran opened her eyes wide.

"Really!" Barluti looked at Ruo Yanran earnestly and said, "As long as I think about it, there will be a chill in my body, and then I will calm down, and if I can quickly enter the state of thinking.

Such a method is really incredible, let alone Yan Ran, even Jiang Cheng did not expect to have such a quick way to calm down.

He touched his nose, not knowing what to say.

Maybe by mistake, this method is suitable for Ba Luluo. Ding Balu was severely reprimanded by Jiang Cheng, but she received excellent results in the cultivation of spiritual power. Even Jiang Cheng was surprised by Baluti's method.

Teacher, teacher, "Surely called Jiang Cheng.

Huh? "Jiang Cheng didn't understand why Yan Ran called him so excited.

"You scold me." Yan Ran demanded.

What? "Jiang Cheng didn't understand what Yan Ran's request was.

Reprimand? Would you like to reprimand her for doing it?

You scold me and let me see if I feel like Baluti," Bingran said, "I want to try.

If you let me slap me, the effect will be better, believe it or not?" "Jiang Cheng poses to fight Yanran.

In the past few days, his two female disciples have made a relatively large improvement in the cultivation of spiritual power, which makes him feel good.

Therefore, it is rare that he and his disciple joked.

Yanran pretended to be scared and hid behind Ba Ludi.

Baluti looked at Jiang Cheng and her heart was warm. She knew they did it for her. In order not to remind her of what she had been reprimanded just now, even her teacher reluctantly started. Just kidding.

However, all of this can only be kept in the bottom of my heart, and Barretti will not say these things.

"Teacher, since I have made some progress, then I can go out to play?

Ba Ludi remembered the sacrifice very well, she clearly remembered Jiang Cheng's reply to her.

"Talking!" Jiang Cheng nodded.

He turned and walked to the galaxy cloud map, calculated the distance, and said to Ba Lufan Heran: "There is a planet not far away. You can go down and play, but I don't know if you can land.

What does it mean to be unable to land? Yanran and Ba Ludi didn't understand what Jiang Cheng meant.

Jiang Cheng beckoned, and when they came to him, he pointed to one of the planets in the galaxy cloud chart and said, "We will be here soon, but there are no human beings here. Would you like to stay here? ?

Yanran and Ba Lv looked at each other. There is no human planet, how desolate it should be.

Jiang Cheng seemed to have seen their thoughts, and he said with a faint smile: You don't have to think about it so much, let's take a look on this planet.

Son-in-law and Ba Ludi nodded, no one is no one, it's better than stuffing in the cabin all day long.

When they were approaching the planet Jiang Cheng was talking about, Yanran and Ba Luluo knew what he meant by "cannot land".

This is a planet almost covered by the ocean.

Such an environment is certainly not suitable for human survival.

Although this planet is not big, it is still a planet, so it is not too small.

After Ba Lu was hoisting the spacecraft and circling a few parks, he found a small piece of land with a relatively narrow terrain, and slowly landed along the edge.

There are some green grasses growing on the land, and occasionally there are bunches of wild flowers blooming in them.

For Jiang Cheng and others who have already seen the space scene, such a refreshing scene is just right for them.

The cool sea breeze blew towards the face, with the taste of the sea, which made people feel refreshed. The waves rolled and rushed to Jiang Cheng's feet, and white foam appeared.

After spending so many days in the spacecraft, although the spacecraft is comfortable enough, no matter what, its space is very small. After a long time in such a confined place, I think of entering the wide world. Take a walk.

Therefore, when a few people came outside, they couldn't help but took a few deep breaths of this fresh air.

The flamingo flew into the air. Jiang Cheng, who hadn't seen her fly by for many days, was surprised to find that the flamingo was basically the same as her mother.

Perhaps it is too good to eat in the human world. The body of the flamingo looks even larger than her mother's.

At this time, the flamingo spread its wings, and its red feathers were shining.

She kept flying up and down in the air, and her feelings of being locked in the spacecraft finally got vent.

Son-in-law looked at the figure of Flamingo obsessively, as if fascinated by her sudden demeanor.

Ba Luluo was holding her trousers, bare-white Xiao Jiya walking on the sand on the beach and looking for some beautiful shells.

Her harvest looks pretty good, her two pockets are bulging, and she seems to have found what she is after

Jiang Cheng squatted on the ground, and he was repeatedly looking at a small piece of object in his hand, which obviously had the characteristics of human civilization.

In other words, there is absolutely no such thing in nature.

Teacher, what are you looking at? "Yan Ran didn't know when she returned to his side, she went down to ask for it, and looked at Jiang Cheng curiously.

look. "Jiang Cheng raised what was in his hand to let Ran see more clearly.

However, she carefully promised, after a while, she raised her head in surprise: "Here, this thing seems to be a piece of plastic?

Haha, you can also see the direction. "Jiang Cheng smiled and said: "Yes, this is a piece of plastic that looks like it, or it was left by another spacecraft when it passed by, or it was here.

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