Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1083: experience

Either humans have lived here. "Huran grabbed Jiang Cheng's unfinished words.

Yes," Jiang Cheng said with a sigh, abandoning the spectacle in his hand, "I really want to know what the truth is. If humans have lived here, have these humans perished, or have they moved to another place? The power of the planet.

What are you talking about? "Palluti turned enough by the beach and returned to their side.

Is the teacher feeling emotional?" Ran said with a smile.

Is the teacher Shi Xing making a big deal? Did he recite a few sweet poems for you?" Baluti asked.

Jiang Cheng looked at her peacefully, with a puzzled look.

"Am I wrong? Poetry, don't you understand?" Ba Luluo asked Yanran.

Poem, I know, but I don’t know what sweet poem you are talking about, what is it? "Yan Ran really doesn’t understand.

Oh, you are so stupid! The teacher said when chatting with us before, his motherland has a long history, and there are many verses in it. "Balluti looked at Ran with contempt." Don't you understand this?

Oh oh, "Yan Ran really understands now, she pointed to Baluti: "I don't want to talk about you, is the "sweet" poem the teacher said?

"Isn't it?" Baluti asked back.

That's Tang Shi! You little messenger!" Yan Ran said.

The teacher was talking about Tang poems! It was Tang poems one by one! "When she saw Ba Ludi gaped, she began to pursue the victory.

But? No? Teacher. Ba Lu turned her head and looked at Jiang Cheng with questioning eyes.

Jiang Cheng nodded, smiled and said: It is indeed Tang poetry, not the sweet poetry you said.

But he said unreasonably beside him: "Who is wrong? You say, you say!

Ba Ludi was stunned for a moment, and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, whatever Tang poetry is sweet, it's all poems anyway, haha." The little girl laughed at herself.

Jiang Cheng Heran was amused by her.

Although she didn’t want to let Ba Lv easily go, she rushed forward, ready to tickle her. Bi Lvdi is most afraid of her like this [笔趣阁], even if Yanran just makes a look, she is already His hands and feet weakened with a smile.

Seeing Yanran's wicked look, she kept her hands on her lips, begging for mercy. The two people were really quarreling. Suddenly Jiang Cheng yelled: "Ma Ran was shocked, turned around quickly, and looked in the direction of Jiang Cheng's finger, only to see a few unclear creatures appeared on the sea. Was swimming towards them quickly.

Behind them, they were chasing more than a dozen creatures that also couldn't see clearly. Suddenly, one of the creatures being chased suddenly jumped out of the sea.

Almost at the same time, the creatures behind him also jumped up, opened their bloodshot mouths, and rushed towards him.

"Shoot the back!" Jiang Cheng shouted again.

Yan Ran, who had been prepared for a long time, had already taken off Wei Ruo's bow when Jiang Cheng first shouted. At this moment, Jiang Cheng gave an order, and she bent her bow and pointed the arrow and shot it out with one arrow.

Baluti, who was standing next to her, was taken aback, because as the arrow shot out, it made a very strong sound of breaking through the air, and the sound was extremely sharp.

Chen Yi "The arrow carried a sharp howling and flew at lightning speed. Just when the monster's big mouth was about to swallow the creatures in front of it, the arrow that Yanran issued had already shot into it. in.

As soon as the monster made a terrible cry, the Jianya exploded in its mouth, violently exploding half of its head.

This sudden sound made the monsters who were chasing startled, and the creatures that were running away took the opportunity to speed up and swim towards Jiang Cheng.

It seemed that these violating creatures had considerable intelligence, and they were able to tell in time that the humans standing on the shore had tattooed them.

When those two creatures jumped out of the sea, Jiang Cheng and the others could see clearly.

The one swimming in the front is a mermaid, and the one chasing them is a creature that looks like a wolf.

It's just that Jiang Cheng and the others had never seen a wolf swim so fast in the sea, so they didn't make a judgment for a while.

However, looking at their fierce appearance, Bingran immediately identified those sea wolves as targets of attack following Jiang Cheng's prompt.

The sea wolf who reacted continued to chase the mermaid in front.

After steadying her figure, sharp screams constantly sounded from the bow in her hand, and arrows shot at those fierce seas.

"Chen Zhuchen's arrows accurately hit the backs of the sea dukes that were exposed to the surface of the water. Immediately after those arrows plunged into their bodies, smoke exploded. The sea rolled up, and the dying sea wolf howled. , Struggling in the sea

Stained blood continuously sprayed out of their bodies, dyeing the sea a red.

Yan Ran put down the bow in her hand and began to adjust her breathing deeply.

Beside her, Jiang Cheng looked at her in surprise, while Ba Ludi was full of envy.

After this period of assiduous cultivation, Ma Ran's mental strength cultivation has exceeded the fifth level.

Jiang Cheng was surprised that his female disciple was indeed a genius of Tianzong. He didn't expect Yanran to be able to use spiritual power like this without a teacher.

The arrow that Ma Ran shot just now was basically similar to the long sword he often used, and it was also formed with mental power.

It’s just that Yanran knows that her spiritual power is far less powerful than her teacher, so she condenses her spiritual power into a series of slender arrows. In this way, the spiritual power of the earth is enough to use. .

Moreover, she added the explosive power to the arrow whimsically.

Jiang Cheng had to express his amazement. The female disciple's talent is indeed amazing. In time, the light she emits will definitely be seen by the world.

Ba Lu was really mixed in her heart at this time.

At the beginning, when she and Yan Ran fought for the first time in the small town of Delmar, they still couldn't tell the victory or defeat. Who knew that only a few months later, she had already left herself far behind. Behind.

With Yanran's mental power at this time, coupled with the steel claws in her hand, Ba Luluo is almost certain that she will not be Yanran's opponent at all now.

It's only been a few months!

Ba Ludi can hardly imagine that if another year passes, or two or even three to five years, I am afraid that I will not even have the qualifications to be a junior sister, right?

Seeing Yanran in front of her, Ba Ludi secretly made up his mind that she must stand up and not be able to live as she did before.

I have such a good teacher and such a good example of study. If I am still such a careless mess, I would be too self-willed to fall.

At the beginning, when those members of the Heijiezi Group were training themselves, they also kept talking about their understanding and coordination in practice.

Ba Luluo secretly made up his mind, she must work hard, even if she can't achieve Yanran's achievements, she will never let her senior sister leave herself too far.

The mermaids swam to the shore, and they lifted their bodies from the water one after another.

This is a real mermaid, and definitely not the kind of "mermaid" on earth.

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