Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1084: Counterattack

Without exception, they have exquisite and beautiful looks. They have long golden hair. Although they are alive in the sea, they do not seem to get wet. The wind blows through, and their long hair shines like golden luster.

They are really beautiful creatures, Jiang Cheng sighed.

Not to mention Jiang Cheng, even Yan Ran and Ba Ludi were stunned by the beauty of these mermaids.

Although they almost never mention their appearance, they have confidence in their appearance, which they have confirmed in countless eyes or expressions of those male animals.

However, beside these mermaids, it seems that even their beauty has faded.

They looked at these beautiful creatures, and the mermaids were also looking at them.

To their surprise, the mermaids actually started talking.

Jiang Cheng and their spacecraft landed on a planet covered by water. Originally, they just wanted to get here during a long trip to breathe. Bi Jing always makes people easily silent in the spacecraft.

While they were enjoying the breeze on the beach and enjoying the view of the sea, they suddenly saw a group of mermaids being chased by a group of creatures that looked like sea wolves.

Under this circumstance, Jiang Cheng and the others will definitely make a deal.

The group of sea wolves chasing the mermaids was shot and killed by Ma Ran alone, and they successfully saved the group of mermaids.

When Yan Ran and Baluti looked at these beautiful creatures, to their expectations, the mermaids actually started to speak.

thank you all. "One of the mermaids spoke.

Maybe they haven’t communicated with humans for a long time, or maybe they can only use this

The way they speak, their utterance is a bit awkward. However, their nice voice made up for their shortcomings.

That is the real sound of nature. If these mermaids sing, it must be the most beautiful song in the world.

Time, Yan Ran and Ba Ludi were almost fascinated by their voices.

It was Jiang Cheng who walked deep, he was not moved by the appearance and voice of those mermaids, he coughed and reminded Ran and Baluti, and then he asked: "You guys, why do you talk?

The mermaid turned to look at him: "Now, we, will, speak, talk.

Jiang Cheng scratched his head, not knowing what to say for a while.

Ba Luluo took the topic in time: "Are you born to speak? You know, what you say is the universal language, which is not the language of you, fish, right?

The mermaids laughed: "Why do you think you have to be in a class and can talk?

Sad, Ba Luluo really didn't think about this question. She was asked by the group of mermaids.

Do you usually use this language to communicate? "But when she continued to ask her, she was stunned by the incredible scene before her.

That's not true, we have our own eyes, another language. "Speaking of this, the mermaid said a word. Although Jiang Cheng didn't understand the meaning, there is no doubt that this is a language.

"How should I put it?" The mermaid also pondered, and she unexpectedly made Jiang Cheng and the others surprised again.

In addition to their feet turning into tails, their entire bodies are covered with a thin layer of film. Their appearance is really very similar to humans.

"You can say that our position on this planet is equivalent to that of human beings on other planets." The mermaid said, her face lightened, it was obvious that she remembered something unhappy. .

"Or, more than a hundred years ago, our status was indeed like this," the mermaid's expression became tragic: "However, now our status is threatened, will we be there in the future? Not necessarily.

Jiang Cheng and the others quickly communicated.

They believe that these mermaids are fish in their eyes, but compared with humans, apart from the difference in appearance, at least they have many human shadows.

For example, what they say is the universal language. I won’t mention how they learned this language for the time being, but this can show that they are capable of learning.

Moreover, seeing that mermaid can actually think, which is also the obvious difference between them and other creatures.

Of course, now is not the time to investigate why they speak, Jiang Cheng and the others have noticed that the mermaid's tone is tragic.

They must have encountered hemp, and the trouble is not small, it may threaten their existence.

Yanran and Ba Luluo were originally kind-hearted girls, and the pitiful appearance of the mermaid touched their hearts even more.

They couldn't help but sympathize with them.

What happened to you? Speak it out, maybe we can help you solve Baluti. She is very straightforward, and she asks first

These are the sea wolves that you just saw chasing us," the mermaid replied that they are becoming more and more in number now, which seriously threatens our survival.

Have you ever counterattacked them?" Yan Ran asked, but she looked at the slender figures of the mermaids, she didn't think they could have any good way.

"We have counterattacked them, but, as time goes by, they have developed resistance to us, and our counterattack has been unable to imitate them." To Yanran's expectation, the mermaid also countered those fierce sea wolves .

Baluti couldn't help asking: "You guys, how did you counter them? Please forgive me, but I see you, it's really not like a swordsman.

Since the mermaids said they were human, Barretti thought so too.

No one would doubt the beauty of the mermaids in front of them, but if they were able to fight, Baruti would not believe them.

These mermaids are slender, not to mention, even their arms are also weak, giving people a feeling of weakness.

Don't say such a figure can't fight or fight, even if they can take up weapons, it makes people doubt whether they have enough strength to use them.

Moreover, the mermaid said just now that the sea wolves resisted their counterattack, so they couldn't understand it. Could it be that the sea wolves are getting more and more resistant?

Seeing the suspicion in the eyes of Yanran and Ba Ludi, the mermaid thought for a while and said, I will show you something, but I don’t know if you will be copied, and Ba Ludi will not be moved. I didn't see that the mermaid would actually use Fan Guo to attack.

Seeing Yan Ran and the others were ready, the mermaid took a deep breath. Suddenly, she opened her mouth and stood up to them.

The cry of the mermaid was silent.

For an instant, Yan Ran and Ba Ludi felt intense pain in their heads. These thorns were like thousands of spikes that pierced their heads together. To cry out in pain.

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