Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1085: End

If these mermaids' attacks were even stronger, they wondered if they had already been lying on the ground in pain.

However, just when they thought they were going to be unable to stand it, their pain had slowly subsided.

They raised their heads, the mermaid was still shouting, but her attack no longer had any effect on them

Yan Ran made a gesture to signal the mermaids to stop attacking. They already knew how these mermaids attacked.

This is a kind of sound wave, although the attack effect is good, but it lacks lethality.

"This is how we attacked." said the mermaid.

"Can those sea wolves withstand such an attack?" Ran asked.

At first we can disperse them, but as time progresses, they don't care about our attacks more and more. "The mermaid replied.

She nodded, and based on what she had just realized, if the intensity of these mermaids' attacks could be a little bit stronger, the lethality should come out.

Jiang Cheng spoke: "So, what can we do for you?

Kill those sea wolves! "The mermaid's eyes are full of eagerness: "If we can kill them, there will be no more threat.

Hearing the mermaid's request, Jiang Cheng and the others gasped. They looked up at the endless sea, their expressions embarrassed.

The sea is so big, those sea wolves can swim freely in it anytime, anywhere, here is their world, let them catch all the sea wolves in one go, how is this possible?

Yanran said embarrassedly: "It's not that we don't want to help, but, look, in such a big sea, sea wolves can run at will when we attack them, and we, let alone kill them, even if we chase them, I'm afraid we too Can't catch up with them.

The mermaid understood Yan Ran's meaning.

She said, "No, the situation is not what you said. Although the sea is so big, those sea wolves only live in our Zhou Kingdom. For some reason, we have a special attraction to them."

When Jiang Cheng heard the mermaids say this, their expressions were a little moving. According to the mermaids, they could use these mermaids as bait to lure those posters.

"I know that the sea is big, but they only like our sea area. In short, they don't like to go to other places." The mermaid continued.

We discovered this at the beginning. When our counterattack was still effective, the sea wolves fled to other sea areas under the counterattack of the present.

But for some reason, they came back quickly, and their number has decreased a lot. I guess that is because they cannot adapt to the greens of other sea areas.

Jiang Cheng and the others nodded. This is not uncommon. Many creatures can only live in one place, and they will not adapt to other places.

By the way, why don't you leave here?" Jiang Cheng asked, "Since sea wolves can't go to other places, how about you, can't you get rid of their attacks by going to another sea area together?

Jiang Cheng's words are not unreasonable. Since they and the sea wolf are enemies, if the mermaid chooses to leave here, at least they will not be attacked by the sea wolf and save their lives.

But, we live here for generations. "The mermaid said: "How can we abandon our homes at will?

Jiang Cheng had no reaction on the surface, but in his heart he didn't take what these mermaids were saying.

That's right, of course the homeland can't be given up casually, but if you don't leave here, you will have the consequences of being wiped out. If the two are compared, it is of course better to choose to avoid the sea wolf.

Jiang Cheng felt that it was impossible for them to fulfill the wish of the mermaid, let alone that they just passed by here, they just landed on this planet during the long flight to express their breath.

Even if they live here, it is impossible to kill all the sea wolves!

After all, this is the place of those seas. Are they swimming in the sea all day in order to hunt down a sea wolf?

Jiang Cheng thinks that his just proposal is a good way. Since those sea wolves can't go to other sea areas, then these mermaids can just open them.

What are the shortcomings of the sea wolf? "Jiang Cheng asked, only when he knows himself and the enemy can he form a fatal blow to the enemy. This is a famous saying in his motherland.

As a person of Hua's family, he will not easily forget.

There are not many of them, this may be related to their ability to reproduce, and they will always gather together when the full moon is reached.

Yan Ran's spirits lifted up, so that when the sea wolves were gathered together, they could give them a devastating blow, and it would save them from searching aimlessly.

But the mermaid's words made her mood sink again.

Don't just pass a few days on the fourth night of the month, you will have to wait a long time until the next time. "The mermaid seemed to understand what she meant.

Then we have no good solution," Jiang Cheng decided to tell the truth. He didn't want to waste too much time on this impossible task.

You see, we are not marine creatures, chasing those sea wolf wells in the water is not our strong point.

Moreover, although we don't know how many of them are in number, with the vast sea, we cannot guarantee that they will not slip through the net under our attack.

Ran and Baludi stood beside Jiang Cheng, nodding their heads, they also thought that their teacher made sense.

Even if they just hide quietly under the water, we can't find them like this, how do we kill them? "Jiang Cheng ended his words.

Of course, the mermaid’s encounter is sympathetic, but Jiang Cheng has known that many species have gradually become extinct in the long river of time. Although many of them have disappeared, it is a pity that they are natural. The rule of elimination is inevitable.

Since the rabbit is unavoidable, it can't be recovered by manpower.

This is fate.

The mermaid's expression was completely desperate, and such an expression was particularly touching on her beautiful face.

Yanran and Baluti could hardly bear to watch. As cultural sacrifices, they sympathized with the mermaid's situation, but they were not gods, and they had things they couldn't do.

They feel sorry for not being able to help these beautiful creatures.

They want to help these mermaids from the bottom of their hearts, but as their teacher said, let alone sea wolves are creatures in the ocean, even if they live on land, with the power of the three of them, unless they do nothing. Do, the daily work is to hunt down such sea wolves continuously, and it will take years and months to complete

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