Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1086: Strange

The mermaids hope that Jiang Cheng and the others can kill all their enemies, the sea wolves, but in Jiang Cheng's eyes, this is an unrealistic idea, and it is impossible for them to realize the mermaid's wishes.

"Then, we will go back now," the mermaid said to them, "thank you for teaching us just now. If you have anything we need to do, please tell us and we will repay you.

The mermaid said, her beautiful face had already returned to calm.

Jiang Cheng knew that this was an expression of extreme numbness in their hearts after they lost hope, rather than true peace.

Although I feel bewildered, but this thing is really not what they can do.

The atmosphere froze for a while.

Well, you guys? "Yan Ran felt that such a silent atmosphere really made her unbearable, so she asked the mermaids.

We live in a bay, and the mermaid replied: "That bay is enough for the rest of our people to live in.

Then you, why are you being chased by those sea wolves today? Isn't it okay for you to stay in that bay? ~" Ba Lu asked.

The mermaid smiled bitterly: "The bay is too small for us, Bi Jing, outside is the vast sea, where we are longing."

Well, let us protect you from going home, okay?" Yan Ran said: "At least, we can protect you from getting home safely. This may be the only thing we can do for you.

Son-in-law felt uncomfortable. Although she was not a race with the mermaids in front of her, she knew the pain of losing her clan.

In fact, it is not the only way she has such thoughts. Think about the master builder who lived alone in the small town of Delmar for a long time. When he discovered Yan Ran, he knew that his well was not the only one in this world. They were the same as Rory. .Busbill, when Fergus and other people existed, wasn’t he also very excited?

The mermaid looked at them gratefully, the three people in front of them still wanted to help them, but they couldn't complete her secret cultivation.

They accepted their kindness.

The mermaids were swimming unhurriedly on the sea, Jiang Cheng followed them to protect them.

At this time, Jiang Cheng's whole body was trapped in a round, bubble-like air mass, which was formed by relying on his powerful mental power.

This mass of air allows him to walk freely on the sea, but Heba Luluo doesn't have his ability. They drive the Ruo spaceship over their heads.

Only the flamingo can accompany them freely.

This beautiful bird doesn’t know the situation of those mermaids. She only knows that she doesn’t have to go back to the small boat. Even if it is time, she is very happy. Jiang Cheng did not speak, he looked at the sea of ​​Liao Yin, Thoughts for a while.

Suddenly, the flamingo flying in front made an angry cry. Following her cry, a long flame was ejected from her mouth, and a sea wolf baffled the fruit in the sea. It had never been in contact with such an enemy before, and it was caught off guard by such an attack. Its fur was ignited by the flames ejected by the flamingo, and a fireball was formed in a blink of an eye. Even if it was in the sea, it could not escape. The end of nuclear burn.

There was a flame that was not afraid of water. Although Jiang Cheng had come into contact with such a flame before, it was the first time he saw it ejected by a creature.

It seems that I will have to catch the flamingo and study it when I have time.

Seeing the flamingo flying in the air proudly because the enemy burned to death, Jiang Cheng thought to himself secretly.

And farther in front of them, the "Ranhe Baluti" also dived down suddenly, and Jiang Cheng saw with his own eyes a school of attack missiles shot into the sea from the spacecraft.

With a roar, the smoke lifted up a huge column of water.

Jiang Cheng knew that they attacked when they discovered that a sea wolf was there.

As Ruojiangcheng and the others gradually approached the place where the mermaid lives, they encountered more and more sea wolves along the way.

Although these mermaids have a very strong sense of the sea wolves, under the attack of Yan Ran and the others, the sea wolves no longer felt their bodies out of the water, but attacked the mermaids from the water.

It's not difficult to tell Jiang Cheng's touching way of their attacks like this.


Although his body was on the surface of the sea, his touching touch had already penetrated into the sea. Once the sea wolves emerged from the depths of the sea and were about to attack the mermaids, Jiang Cheng could always spot their attacks in advance.

Although they have a certain IQ for these, it is obvious that their IQs are not comparable to those of humans in the past, and Jiang Cheng can deal with them more easily.

As long as he felt those sea wolves, he would take the lead to attack them.

The fingers flicked one after another, and the spikes condensed with mental power kept shooting towards those seas.

The almost transparent spikes may not be found even if you look straight at it, let alone in the sea, let alone those sea wolves that are just creatures with low intelligence?

The corpses of sea wolves floated up from under their feet, and the blood from them dyed the nearby sea water into a flush.

Finally felt the danger, the remaining sea wolves were no longer entangled with the mermaids that were very sensitive to them. They gave up their goals, dived into the depths of the sea one after another, and chose to escape.

Not far ahead, is where the mermaids rest.

The mermaids stopped, and they prepared to bid farewell to the kind people on the alien planet who escorted them.

On the way home, they saw with their own eyes that this man easily killed the sea wolves that were invincible for them, and the number of sea wolves he killed made them very surprised.

Thank you, kind aliens, we are safe here. "The mermaid said: "Thank you for your **** along the way.

Jiang Cheng nodded, he is not a polite person.

Good-hearted people, would you like to come to our habitat as a guest? "The mermaid invites him

Jiang Cheng hesitated, and at this moment, a voice came from not far away.


Jiang Cheng looked up and saw that Ran and Baluti was waving at him not far away.

And their spacecraft stayed on an island magnet beside them.

Jiang Cheng knew that his two female disciples had not given up the idea of ​​helping the mermaid. They wanted to go to the field and take a good look to see if Jing could find a good way.

Jiang Cheng and the others escorted the mermaid back to their habitat. However, and Barrutti did not completely give up the idea of ​​helping the mermaid. They stopped the spacecraft and prepared to examine the mermaid's habitat on the spot.

Walking on the islands and reefs, Jiang Cheng watched the surroundings.

This bay is actually not small. In terms of the number of these mermaids, there is no problem with them living here, but that mermaid is right, outside is the sea of ​​Liao, who wants to live in such a small bay for a lifetime What about inside?

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