Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1095: Threat

For example, the drink he is drinking now does not mean that he is very hungry, but that he feels that he needs a drink after he completes the task and returns with victory. This is a way to celebrate.

When Ba Luluo saw Jiang Cheng finished the drink, she immediately poured another glass and delivered it to his hand.

Flattery. "Yan Ran was ashamed of Ba Ludi.

"Teacher, look at the senior sister scolding me." Ba Ludi complained to Jiang Cheng.

The mermaid leader smiled and watched the joy of their master and apprentice.

You two are gone. "Jiang Cheng stopped Ma Ran and Ba Luluo from fighting. If he doesn't speak, his two disciples will have a long fight.

Ran and Baluti calmed down. They sat beside Jiang Cheng with the mermaid leader, knowing that he was going to tell the story of his journey to the sea wolf habitat.

Jiang Cheng was not in a hurry to talk about the situation of his trip, but asked the mermaid leader: Do you know, maybe it's you, or maybe your people, of course, I can't determine the time, but it should be a long time ago Well, you have attacked a spaceship

The mermaid leader widened her beautiful eyes in surprise, and she asked Ruo Jiangcheng back to us? Attack a spaceship?

Seeing Jiang Cheng nodded affirmatively, the mermaid leader categorically rejected: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Ran and Baluti thought it was strange that Jiang Cheng asked such a question, but they also thought how could the mermaids attack a spaceship for no reason?

These beautiful creatures are so kind, Yan Ran and Ba Luluo have discovered this a long time ago when they were getting along.

On this planet almost completely covered by sea water, apart from sea wolves, there are almost no other large creatures of the fierce court. This is also something they knew when they were chatting with the mermaids.

So the mermaids can live here freely.

Moreover, they can almost be regarded as vegetarian creatures, and their daily diet is almost all plants like seaweed in the sea.

Such creatures can be said to be harmless to humans and animals, how can they attack others without reason?

Although they agree with what the mermaid chief said, they also know that their teacher must ask for a reason.

Jiang Cheng returned from the sea wolf's habitat, and his scout this time can be said to have achieved quite good results.

He knew where these sea wolves that appeared suddenly came from, originally he was surprised because in the story of the mermaid leader, these sea wolves appeared almost suddenly.

Jiang Cheng still knows a little bit about the evolution of living things. He knew that in any case, it is impossible for species like sea wolves to appear suddenly, and it is almost impossible for them to appear without the immersive years.

According to the mermaid chief, they had never discovered the existence of sea wolves before, even creatures similar to sea wolves.

So Jiang Cheng judged that these sea wolves must be alien species.

Sure enough, as he thought, through the diary left by a dead smuggler, he knew that these posters were brought to this planet by him.

Moreover, these sea wolves under his momentary training, their sole purpose is to fight the mermaids and destroy them.

And the reason why this smuggler used mermaids as enemies, according to the record in his diary, was because when he was looking for a place to land on the sea, the mermaid suddenly attacked him, causing his spaceship to crash, and what he was carrying The property also sank to the bottom of the sea.

This is the root cause of grievances between him and the mermaids.

The question now is, why would the mermaid suddenly hit this smuggler?

Although this issue is not that important, it does arouse Jiang Cheng and the others' curiosity, because in their impression, mermaids are not the kind of creatures that will actively attack other people. Their kind beasts determine their behavior.

Seeing the mermaid leader's categorical answer, Jiang Cheng recounted his discovery in the sea wolf's habitat.

After listening to what Jiang Cheng said, the mermaid leader hardly believed his ears. When did their mermaid clan attack a spaceship, so did they become enemies like the sea wolf?

However, it is impossible for Jiang Cheng to joke about this matter, and the dead smuggler does not seem to need to lie in the diary, that is to say, all this is a real thing.

The appearance of the sea wolves, they and the mermaids were trapped in an endless line, the origin of all this is because the mermaids attacked the spaceship driven by the smuggler.

If they hadn't attacked the spaceship, then the mermaids would never encounter sea wolves, and they would not have reached such an almost extinct fate.

The mermaid leader thought, she desperately searched for traces of this matter in her memory.

Her time of contemplation was such a long time. Just when Jiang Cheng wanted to make her give up, the mermaid leader suddenly said to herself: "Oh my God, it’s not for this reason, Jiang Cheng knows that the mermaid leader must have remembered it. What, they didn't speak, afraid to interrupt her thoughts, they waited quietly.

The mermaid leader raised his head and said to Jiang Cheng and the others: "Actually, I am very inadequate, but in my memory, only this matter may have something to do with it.

You talk about it first, and then we will analyze it together. "Yan Ran agitatedly

"The county was when I was in my childhood," the mermaid chief recalled: "At that time, there were indeed no sea wolves, so we lived very freely, except for playing in groups in different seas every day, almost nothing. Have done other things.

Then one day, we found this habitat, which is here. "The mermaid chief defended it and started: "It is quiet and peaceful, and it is our favorite place. Therefore, the chief at that time decided to use this as our current residence. , Since then, we will call this home.

"Don't underestimate the meaning of this bay to our mermaid clan," when he said this, the mermaid leader raised his head and watched Ruojiang agree with them: "First of all, although at that time, we mermaids had no natural enemies, but because We have never had a fixed address. As a result, the harsh and variable weather is our worst enemy.

Jiang Cheng and they nodded peacefully. As human beings, they even know what "home" means

The mermaid leader nodded in relief. She was very grateful that the three humans living on land could understand their mermaid lives.

"Every year, because of the bad weather, many of our people die, and because we don't have a fixed residence, many of our people still wander in other places.


"So, with this good place to live, it is simply a happy home for us by our God. In this way, not only will we no longer have to face the threat of bad weather, but our wandering tribes can also return to the big family Up.

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