Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1096: powerful

When the mermaid leader talked about this, tears flashed in his eyes.

After a pause, she went on to say: "For this reason, our leader ordered to pass the news that we have a fixed residence, and let all the mermaids know this good news as much as possible, and let them timely come back.

The mermaid leader helped Yan Yi to Ruojiang Cheng and they smiled: "Please don't laugh at me, this matter is really too important to us.

It's okay, if you continue, we just know you better. "Jiang Cheng replied.

The mermaid leader continued: "Finally, after a few months, almost all of our tribesmen gathered in this place. When we were very happy, we also discovered that our tribes did not have as many people as we thought. .

"However, it is a time to be happy and a time to celebrate. We started to sing." The mermaid leader has a happy expression on his face: "Our mermaid clan are creatures that are good at singing. Whenever we have something, we Will celebrate with singing.

But they nodded, the mermaids all have beautiful voices. Such a voice would surely be very beautiful when singing Oulai.

"Although our tribe has fewer people than we thought, it is still far more than the current population, so you can imagine how loud our voice is.

The mermaid leader's words almost meant to show the answer, but she hadn't finished her words: "Especially at the end, when it comes to the highest part of the song, the voices we make can be described as resounding clouds.

She added: "From then on, we have never sang such a magnificent Ou.

The mermaid leader sighed.

The mermaid leader's words were finished, and at the end she sighed unconsciously. It seemed that the happy time left her with a particularly deep impression.

Listening to the words of the leader of the perfect mermaid, the answer that the smuggler tuned into the mermaid's attack is clear.

Jiang Cheng and the others glanced at each other, and Yan Ran spoke, "Could it be that the singing of the mermaid clan affected the smuggler?

Jiang Cheng nodded, and he analyzed: "You have all felt the sound waves of the mermaids. For you, when they gather so many people together to draw high, can they cause great imitation to other creatures? ?

Ba Lu said: "Although their attack intensity is still a little weaker, compared to ordinary people, the sound waves they emit will still seriously affect them.

Bingran added: "What's more, so many mermaids sing together in Europe, they may not have noticed, their voices will be mixed with sound waves, and so many mermaids sing together, the sound waves they emit Must be very powerful

Therefore, "Jiang Cheng concluded: "The smuggler was indeed affected by the sound waves of the mermaids, which caused the flight he was driving to crash.

There is such a coincidence in the world. "Ba Lu sighed, she deeply felt the terrible fate.

Yes, the king made you die for the third watch, who will keep you until the fifth watch. "Jiang Cheng is also very good at what Ba Ludi said.

Although this was an unintentional consequence of the mermaids, the smuggler was also happy to die. For such a person, the more he died, the better, so that the world would be more peaceful. "Balu said.

She grew up in the dark world since she was a child, and no one really knows how many human practices there are in the dark world.

So she didn't have any sympathy for the people in the dark world. She knew deeply that these people were burdened with the lives of many people, and their hands were stained with blood.

Jiang Cheng mentioned the wolf that inhabited alone, but their views were the same as Jiang Cheng, and they also believed that the wolf should be the king of all sea wolves.

More likely, those sea wolves are descendants of this wolf king and other wolves.

Their opinion is very reasonable, the smuggler of Bi Kuan was unlikely to escape with such a large number of sea wolves.

The smuggler also lived on this planet for a long time, and during this period, it is not surprising that the descendants of those wolves traveling so many.

Regarding the treatment of the other side and Wang, they also think that it is better not to kill it now. This will be beneficial to their plan of killing it all.

Think about it, without the control of the Yetou Wolf King, those sea wolves may become stray bandits in a small team. Under such circumstances, it will cause Jiang Cheng and the others to disturb them, and it will also bring them to annihilation. More hemp boards.

Therefore, it is not a bad thing to keep the wolf king.

Now that all the problems have been cleared up, the next thing I need is how to arrange a perfect trap to catch these sea wolves in one fell swoop.

Jiang Cheng Heran and the others checked the topography of the mermaids' habitat again. They decided that, except for leaving some necessary guards at the entrance, all the mermaids would hide in the cave in the bay.

The task of guarding them was given to Ba Lu.

Ba Lufan was a little unhappy, because then she would not be able to be on the front line of combat, until she kept telling her how important the mission she shoulders, she was the last line of defense to guard the mermaid.

If once there is a sea wolf that slips through the net, this kind of possible sacrifice is not non-existent, then the safety of the mermaids at this time is all counted on the green.

Do you want to see San Fear that a mermaid was hurt because of this?" Guo Ran said to Ba Lurong.

Although it is not unreasonable, although Baluti wanted to exchange positions with her, she knew that, on the one hand, she was better than her, and the other reason was that she could command the blazing bird as she wanted.

Even Ba Ludi can't deny that the flamingo is becoming more and more useful now. Her flame attacks are very powerful, and her flames seem to be very special, at least there is no way to extinguish it with water.

"When will I find a magical creature to be a pet." Ba Lu is unwilling to be a girl, she also wants to have a pet to accompany her, but this kind of thing is unavoidable.

On various planets, there are more or less various types of magical creatures. However, some of them are too heavy to be domesticated and become a qualified pet; while some have beriberi and attack. Animals are too strong, such creatures are not suitable for pets; other things, such as those that are too big and eat too much, let alone.

Green has chosen such a thing.

That was when she was still working as a killer in the Heizi Group. Once an organization sent her to perform an assassination mission. The mission was simple and the process went smoothly. There was nothing to say.

It was just on that planet that Barrotti discovered a magical creature.

It is a creature that emits shock waves, and its attack power is still very strong.

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