Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1097: signal

But Ba Lulu Sibo never considered the idea of ​​subduing it and domesticating it into her own pet.

It's not that she didn't have such thoughts at the time, but that the creature was a huge species shaped like a cow.

Although this creature is a kind of herbivore, in the short time when Ba Green saw it, she saw with her own eyes this beast cleaned up a large area of ​​bushes.

When they saw this, the Commercial Green Gang left.

Just kidding, this kind of creature is used as a pet, isn't she busy feeding it every day?

Do you have to carry a lot of forage with you when you go out every day?

Keeping such a pet is a joke.

When she told Yanran about this, she really made her laugh.

Now, the idea of ​​how to find a suitable pet has become the thing that Ba Luyi thinks again.

Her mind was so urgent, she even cast her eyes on the mermaid in front of her, but after thinking about it, she still let go.

Although the mermaids are very beautiful, it is a beautiful enjoyment to look at them every day, and they will attack with sound waves, but their attack power is too low.

The most important thing is that mermaids are marine creatures. They can't survive after they leave the water. Does she have to carry a large water box with her pets?

After Detective Jiang Cheng passed the sea wolves' cup-breathing ground, he had a deeper understanding of their existence. Aiming at their weaknesses, he and Ma Ran and the others began to set traps.

In addition to leaving the necessary mermaids as guards at the entrance and exit of the bay, on the other hand, it does not make the sea wolves suspicious. All the other mermaids are screwed into a cave inside. The safety of these mermaids is left to Balu Di to take charge.

Although she was still reluctant, Barrotti still stayed, and she asked for a few sea wolves to let her get married.

Yanran agreed to her request.

Walking out of the cave where the mermaids were hiding, Yan Ran let out a long breath.

In fact, this arrangement was her teacher, and Jiang Cheng asked her to do it.

Yanran understood Jiang Cheng's painstaking efforts.

Ba Luzha used to be a killer. She grew up in the dark world. Jiang Cheng worried that she would be affected by some negative emotions, such as card killing.

Ba Ludi's hands were also full of other people's blood.

Jiang Cheng wanted to slowly weaken the feeling of killing from Ba Lurong's mind, so that she could feel that she had to do it unless she had to do it for self-defense or to punish the enemy.

Therefore, he tried to kill as little as possible to let Ba Lu participate in some **** battles.

In the immediate battle against the sea wolves, even though their opponents are animals, not humans, Jiang Cheng also worried that the battle against the sea wolves would arouse the bloodthirsty desires buried in her heart.

So he let Ran persuade Ba Lu to stay behind and take on the task of protecting the mermaid.

Jiang Cheng knew that the relationship between Bingran and Ba Luluo was very good. Although he had an effect on Ba Lulu, and Ba Ludi would certainly obey, Bi Kuan was not as good as Yan Ran to say such words.

Of course he knew the painstaking effort of his teacher.

She didn't lose him.

Walking out of the cave, Yan Ran knew that she still had things to do.

Yan Ran's task is to wait until the sea wolves enter the bay, she will guard the only passage and cut off the sea wolves' retreat.

And Jiang Cheng, the task of destroying the sea wolf was left to him.

The Flamingo can maneuver at any time. She can help Jiang Cheng to kill the sea wolves, and she can also work with Ran to Ning Wei's passage. For the sea wolves, the flames of the Flamingo are a weapon that makes them fearful.

When they were about to enter the cave, the mermaid leader looked at Ruo Jiang Cheng and repeatedly expressed his gratitude to him. Jiang Cheng rested her. As long as they hide in the star face of Run cave, when they come out again, the situation will be different from now. It's the same.

The leader of the Austrian fish is indeed a good boss. She has repeatedly used several mermaids who are on the task of Huaheng, and must pay attention to safety before she enters the cave with tears in her eyes.

The mermaids who are in constant missions are selected from all the mermaids.

Not only are the landers young, healthy and full of energy, but compared to other mermaids, their skills in the water are also more exquisite.

More importantly, they have the courage to make an argument for the fate of the mermaid clan.

Although every mermaid has such courage, the mermaids in front of Jiang Cheng are undoubtedly the most brave and upright.

Jiang Cheng looked at their eager expressions, and when he thought of their tasks, he couldn't help feeling a little worried for them.

After a while, these mermaids acting as seducers will encounter their greatest danger in their lives, and Jiang Cheng and the others will hide them in order to prevent the sea wolves from selling.

Although the Hais' intelligence is not high, they still feel sensitive to danger. In order to dispel their suspicion to the greatest extent, the mermaids need to do everything from the beginning.

Seeing all preparations were blocked, Jiang Cheng signaled the start of the operation.

The mermaids who acted as words swim out of their habitat, and the direction they are heading is the island where the sea wolves are.

In order to attract more fierce fiends to the greatest extent, Jiang Cheng had to arrange like this

He knew that such an arrangement was simply too cruel for these mermaids who were carrying bait, but he had to do it again.

The biggest problem with their plan is how to attract more seas to enter the ambush. If the number of seas entering the ambush is too small, then their plan will be meaningless.

The sea wolves are trained to treat mermaids as their natural enemy. As long as they see the mermaids, the sea wolves will remember their mission and will continue to attack them until they are counterattacked and leave.

In response to this situation, Jiang Cheng made such an arrangement to allow these mermaids to go to the sea wolves' habitats freely, in order to attract more sea lords’ attention. The mermaids who acted as lures swim to the sea wolves. Our place is close, in order to attract

Their attention, they also made singing sounds while they were swimming.

I have to say that these mermaids serving as bait are really brave and upright.

The sea wolves were really attracted by them, but, as a kind of epidemic creatures, they were obviously produced by the different behaviors of the mermaids.

Those sea wolves did not blindly attack the mermaids, some of them from the caves and some from the water, they showed up on the island one after another, watching the mermaids not far from them.

Time, almost all the sea wolves are concentrated on the surface of the island.

The mermaids who acted as decoys saw so many sea wolves. They said that they were not afraid. They must be fake, but they still swam close enough to the sea wolves. Only then did they pretend that they had just discovered them and started running in shock.

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