Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1100: Sea of ​​fire

Just as he waved his hand, a ball of light with the size of a fist had already been submerged in the wolf king. With a bang, the wolf king's body flew across and turned into pieces.

Under Jiang Cheng's proper arrangement, the sea wolves who had fallen into their traps were ruthlessly killed.

Seeing the tragic death of the mermaids used as bait, she felt inexplicably heartache. Her heart was burning with anger. She hated the group of sea wolves in front of her. She needed these sea wolves!

All of this made her need a killing. Only by killing all the sea wolves in front of her can she calm down.

Driven by this kind of revenge, she became a female ~ God of War.

In addition to her pet, the flamingo gave a powerful assist. The flamingo ejected flames that could not even be extinguished by the sea. It had a very high combat efficiency against the sea wolves, under their double blows. , The sea wolves soon became a team.

At this time, Jiang Cheng just stood quietly and watched, he had no need to end.

Under the storm-like blow of this person and bird, seeing its subordinates die in groups and seeing their blood staining the sea, the Sea Wolf King finally realized the danger, and it led the remaining wolves to flee. .

Although the entrance was blocked by a boulder, the wolves still rushed over. They built a ladder with their bodies in an instant, and watched the wolf king escape from the ladder three times and twice, witnessing the sweetness of this situation. Can't help but exclaim

Her worry is obviously unnecessary. No matter how powerful the Sea Wolf King is, it is still a child. Although its movements are fast, how can it be faster than Jiang Cheng?

Jiang Cheng waved his hand, and a beam of powerful energy shot into the body of the wolf king, and the explosion immediately produced announcing the end of the life of the sea wolf king.

Even its household body has been blown into death powder.

This creature with the mission of exterminating the mermaids caused great Ma Shun to the mermaids, even after they almost let them into the disaster, Jiang Cheng finally ended its life.

The remaining wolves no longer need Jiang Cheng to do anything, and Barrutti screamed and rushed out of the cave where the mermaids were hiding.

She wielded the dagger that the mermaid leader gave her. Wherever the dagger sword went, the sea wolves were flying blood and their bodies were cut into pieces.

Jiang Cheng watched Ba Ludi kill among the wolves, then looked at the **** Ran, and couldn't help sighing.

What did he do? Why did the two female disciples he accepted were such fierce men?

The remaining sea wolves in the bay were killed by Yanran and the blazing birds. There was not much left. Now a green bark was added. Soon, all the sea wolves were killed by both of them. Thousands are clean.

Why did you come out? Didn't you let you protect those mermaids?" Then he stopped and asked Ba Lu.

Chee, you are ashamed to say that if I wait until now, I’m afraid I can only look at the sea wolf corpse in front of me and feel depressed! "Ba Lu wanted to find Ran Ma, but she didn’t expect her son-in-law to blame her first. So she immediately pushed it back.

What did you say to me? What did you promise me? Did you forget what you said? Do you need me to mention you? "Baludi is not forgiving: "You tell me you want to leave a few seas alone for me to kill What about it? Did you keep it?

"I_" Yanran was speechless when facing a series of questions from Ba Ludi.

She really did not think of her promise to Baluti, and the death of the mermaids who were responsible for the decoy mission, made her mind full of anger. All she thought about was to tie, kill, kill, kill this group of evil wolves. , Avenge the dead mermaids!

She had already left the matter of Tong Yingba Lvluo behind.

Yanran is a real person, she knows that she is at a loss anyway, so facing Ba Luluo's questioning, she did not protect herself.

"Look at it, you know it's wrong, right?" Ba Ludai said when she saw that Ma Ran didn't speak, she pointedly said: "Let's talk now, you must forget what you said to me! Humph, Speaking is nothing, but fortunately I react quickly. If I believe what you say, I am still standing in the cave waiting for you stupidly.

Yanran still didn't speak, and speaking didn't help. Besides, the battle was over anyway.

Barrotti saw that Waran didn’t speak. She was too embarrassed to say more. She walked over and asked Yanran, “Do you know? It’s said that several mermaids died. Because of this, I didn’t come out until the battle was over. of.


She didn’t say this. When she mentioned this matter, she remembered that she saw the most elephants in the Mermaid Tower that died in the mouth of the sea wolf. Her eyes were red again, and she turned her head to prevent Barretti from seeing her. Face.

There is no need for Yanran to answer, Ba Ludi already knows the answer.

She rushed out suddenly because she saw a dying mermaid chasing a waxy body

Under the question, I knew that, except for her, the mermaids who were on the task of luring Heng died in the return of Sea Wolf.

How can this make Baluti endure?

Finally, the battle to get outside was about to end. After she made sure that the mermaid was not in danger, she ran out in a hurry and killed a few sea wolves.

Now she sees how sad she is, and she also regrets mentioning this matter, why bother to provoke her to impersonate?

Ba Lu stepped forward and comforted Ma Ran in a low voice: "Okay, don't be sad. We have already avenged them.

The battle was over, and the mermaids came out of the cave where they were hiding.

The corpses of sea wolves all over the bay in front of them were shocking, and at the same time surprised by the methods of these three alien planets.

They know that these three people are very powerful, but they don't know that their strength is so powerful.

Mermaids are a race that loves cleanliness very much. Therefore, they did not wait for their leader's hope, so they began to clean up the battlefield.

Huh? Where is your teacher? "The mermaid head looked around Ruohaiwan, looking for Jiang Cheng's figure.

Ma Ran and Baluti heard the mermaid leader say this, and they started too. Sure enough, they didn't know when their teacher had lost the overall picture.

However, they don't worry about their teachers. Not to mention that there is no danger on this planet. Even if there is danger, what can they do with their teachers?

"It's okay, you don't have to worry," Barrotti comforted the mermaid chief in turn: "My teacher will not be in any danger, he may, may do something, come to her "Larubaluti:" Let's not idle, let's help the mermaids plan the battlefield together."

The death of the mermaids who served as decoy missions aroused Bing Ran's anger, and with the mentality of revenge for them, she launched a ruthless murder against the sea wolves who had fallen into the trap.

The grown-up flamingo has become very powerful. Her flame attacks have caused great imitations on the sea wolves. Even in the water, the flames she sprayed on the sea wolves will not be extinguished by the cannon. The sea wolf was buried in the fire.

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