Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1101: bay

Under the attack of this person and bird like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, the sea wolves who entered the bay were annihilated. Even their sea wolf king was killed by Jiang Cheng's blow, and the body was blown to pieces. Piece.

Ba Lu, who was in charge of protecting the mermaid, rushed out in a fierce manner. She finally had a chance to kill a few sea wolves to avenge the dead mermaids, but she only killed a few sea wolves. This result did not make her feel Satisfied, for this, she also quarreled a little with Yanran.

The battle was over, and the mermaids walked out of the hidden caves. As a race that loves cleanliness, they started to clean up without asking for their leader.

Ma Ran and Baluti certainly wouldn't stand aside and stand by. The two of them also joined their ranks and started working with them.

Where is Jiang Cheng?

Now he is in the habitat of sea wolves.

Chopping the grass does not remove the roots, but the spring breeze blows and regenerates.

Jiang Cheng knew this truth.

In order to avoid future troubles, he once again came to the place where the sea wolves inhabited and began to search the small island.

Sure enough, it was almost the same as he thought. In the sea wolf habitat, there are more than a dozen sea wolves remaining. They are running around on the island, and some are still wailing. They should suddenly find their companions. The reason why both the wolf king disappeared.

Seeing such a situation, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but be grateful that he hadn't done anything to kill the Wolf King.

Without the prestige and command of the Wolf King, these sea wolves will surely become scattered and brave. Although their attacks on the mermaids will be reduced, they will still cause nuisance to the mermaids. Moreover, let Jiang Cheng and the others Zimie’s plan is not guaranteed

Jiang Cheng did not hesitate, he killed the sea wolves he saw one by one.

The sea wolf's habitat became quiet, and there was almost no other sound except the sound of the sea breeze.

Jiang Cheng was standing, and he used his touching ability, taking his body as the center, he began to sense whether there were sea wolves hiding in places where he could not see.

The intangible induction power spread out, Jiang Cheng's eyes closed slightly, and he carefully experienced the information returned.

Sure enough, his approach was not superfluous. In the depths of a cave, he felt the existence of remnant sea wolves.

Jiang Cheng unfolded and flew into the Run Cave where the sea wolf existed.

In the habitat of the mermaids, cleaning the battlefield has come to an end.

Yanran, Ba Luluo and the mermaids worked together. They photographed the corpses of the sea wolves into the sea. Watching the corpses of the sea wolves slowly taken away by the sea, their hearts became very calm at the moment. .

These sea husks will soon become food for other creatures, and finally these sea wolves have done a good thing.

On the way to the lake, the sea water poured into the bay, replacing the seawater mixed with the blood of the sea wolf, and gradually, the water in the bay became clear.

Yanran raised her body. She looked at the sea in the distance. The teacher didn't say a word. Where did he go?

According to Jiang Cheng's response, he found the hole where the remaining sea wolves were hiding. Three or four Haiyao saw strange creatures stepping into their territory. They opened their mouths and rushed towards Jiang Cheng. .

Jiang Cheng would definitely not pay attention to the attacks of these sea wolves, and he tied these sea wolves to death with every gesture.

Behind these sea wolves, he found a large group of young sea wolves.

Jiang Cheng was stunned.

These little sea wolves may only be more than a month old. They hum and slowly crawl around on the ground. Some of the little guys will be cured if they are so long.

Looking at these pedestals, the decent little guys, Jiang Cheng didn't know what to do with them for a while.

Their relatives are enemies with the mermaids, and they are now wiped out, but they are nothing.

Jiang Cheng already had a light ball in his hand, he hesitated, but the light ball in his hand did not send out.

A little sea wolf slowly approached him, Jiang Cheng looked down at it.

This young little sea wolf didn’t know that the creature in front of him was the culprit who destroyed their clan. Just in Juegang, this creature also killed their relatives...

Little Sea Wolf didn't know.

So it crashed and climbed to Jiang Cheng's feet, perhaps because he felt the warmth of Jiang Cheng's body, this little sea wolf actually tried to climb on his feet.

Jiang Cheng looked down at it.

Obviously, for this little sea wolf, the task of climbing up to the front is very difficult for it. Once it almost succeeded, but it suddenly went on.

Little Sea Wolf continued to play unyieldingly.

Jiang Cheng sighed, and the Guangguo in his hand disappeared.

He leaned down and picked up the little sea wolf.

The four eyes of the two races looked at each other.

The little sea wolf’s blue barking eyes didn’t have the easy tigers of its relatives. It looked at Ruojiang Cheng, and it made a milky grunt in its throat. Then, it stuck out its little pink tongue and tried to go. Licking Jiang Cheng's hand.

The fur of the little sea wolf's pricked hands reminded Jiang Cheng that this is a wild Lu who will become fierce as an adult. Just now, in order to protect the mermaids, he even killed their people.

Kill them!

While they are still being swaddled, killing them is the correct way.

But Jiang Cheng just couldn't do it.

Time, apart from the hum of the little sea wolves, there were no other sounds in the cave.

"Where did the teacher go?" Ba Lu asked: I haven't come back for so long.

I don’t know," Ran replied: "Our affairs are almost over. Ba Luluo looked at the bay. Except for the smell of blood left by the sea wolves, the bay has been cleaned up. .

Really, I don't know where to go to tell us," Ba Lu complained: "The sea wolf was killed by us, then what are we going to do?

I should leave here, "Yan Ran will not be too long looking at the mermaids who are still busy."

I guess the same is true, "Ba Lvzhe is a very well-informed opinion, but their teacher has not come back so far, so they have some ideas.

Although they know that their teacher is not in danger.

coming. "But suddenly.?

The battle was over, but Yan Ran and Baluti discovered that the teacher in the land didn't know where they were going.

Just as the two of them complained about Jiang Cheng, Ma Ran suddenly felt the air fluctuations caused by Jiang Cheng's figure walking.

The teacher is here. "Yan Ran's words ended, Jiang Cheng really appeared in front of them.

Where did you go, teacher?" Barrutti asked.

I went to the habitat of the sea wolves to see if there would be more sea wolves. "Jiang Cheng answered.

, Teacher, what are you holding in your hand?" Then I saw her teacher holding a bag of things in his hand.

Jiang Cheng didn't say a word, he put the things in his hands on the ground.

Ran and Ba Luluo widened his eyes in disbelief.

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