Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1200: survey

Sure enough, the boss didn't doubt after hearing this. Instead, he took Jiang Cheng's hand and smiled and said, look, this is talent, and places like the desert can stay for many years to do research. Hey, if there are more people like you in our country, why bother to be where it is today. "The boss said Jing was a little sad.

Everything will be fine, science sometimes has a bottleneck period, and everything will be fine after this period of time. "Jiang Cheng comforted the boss.

Hey, I hope. "The boss sighed, "Anyway, I still have confidence in this year's seminar. After all, you see, the four major families have arrived. "The boss glanced at the person behind him and said to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng looked behind him and found that there were many people wearing the same uniform, roughly divided into four groups, and they should be the four big families in the boss's mouth.

These people look glamorous in their clothes. It seems that everyone is full of vigor. Looking at them alone, I really feel that the future technological prospects of Kaiao Country are good.

At this time, the four middle-aged people came to the boss together. Jiang Cheng looked at the clothes of these four people. They should be the current heads of the four families.

They greeted the boss separately, and one of them had a very good relationship with the boss.

Zhao Shuai looked at Jiang Cheng's eyes and explained to Jiang Cheng. "Now it's the master of the family planner. Uncle Ji and my dad met when they were young, and the two have always had a good relationship." Jiang Cheng nodded to express his understanding.

Just after Zhao Shuai finished speaking, the planner asked Zhao Shuai, "A Shuai, have you seen the cloud recently? This girl said she opened a tattoo shop. She hadn't seen a figure in half a year.

I saw you the other day, Uncle Ji, Yunduo should be here too. "Said Zhao Shuai

Hey, I hope, she has grown up, I can't say at all, the owner of the family shook his head and said.

It is said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, the cloud really appeared, and Jiang Cheng saw her as soon as she entered the door. Today's cloud does not look casual that day but wears a goose yellow skirt, which looks paler with light makeup. The letter tattoos at the corners of his eyes were covered by bangs, Yuan Quan did not see the wild animals that day, but sweet and well-behaved everywhere. It looks very beautiful and refined.

Zhao Shuai and the master planner also saw the clouds, and Yun Duo felt the intersection of their eyes on him. They looked up to the second floor and saw a trace of embarrassment flashing across his father’s face. Jiang Cheng saw that Zhao Shuai was right now. Yun Duo winked and motioned for her to come upstairs.

When Yun Duo walked in front of the housekeeper, the housekeeper Jing ignored Yun Duo and turned around like a child.

Zhao Shuai whispered to Yun Duo, "Your dad is really angry this time. I was still asking if I had seen you before. He said you didn't go home or something, so hurry up and coax your dad.

Yun Duo took the housekeeper's arm and said, "Dad, I was wrong.

The planner didn't turn around, "What's wrong with you? You're right, it's me.

Dad, I was wrong. I will go home after the seminar today. "Yun Duo ran to the housekeeper to see if the housekeeper said,

"Are you willing to go to school? Or do you have any new tricks?" The planner obviously didn't believe that Yun Duo would go to school obediently.

Dad, look at you, I said go home, how can there be any new tricks? "Yun Duo took the family master's arm and acted like a baby.

Hey, uncle, don't worry, I will look at the clouds this time. After all, he is also my junior sister. "Zhao Shuai walked to the housekeeper and said.

"Come on, you, take care of yourself, and also care about me, who doesn't know that you, Zhao Shuai, Grandpa Zhao is the first Wanqi in the imperial capital." The cloud pointed at Zhao Shuai's mouth.

Hey, you girl is becoming less and less popular. I will speak for you, and you are still talking about me. See me not hitting you. "Speaking of Zhao Shuai pretending to roll up his sleeves to hit someone.

"Hey, dad, look at him and beat me." Yunduo smiled and hid behind the householder. The householder looked at the two men and laughed. The president and others nearby couldn't help but laugh.

Jiang Cheng didn't know when the corners of his mouth would bend up. When he first saw the cloud, Jiang Cheng just thought it was cool, savage, and smart, but now it seems that he is still a child who has not grown up.

Hey, how about we call the shots and get your wedding organized. "The boss said to Yunduo and Zhao Shuai with a smile.

No!" Zhao Shuai and Yun Duo said in unison.

Now the boss and the planner were stunned, "Did you discuss it in advance?" the planner asked.

"Why, I already have someone I like. Besides, who would like this woman who makes some lethal models all day?" Zhao Shuai said in disgust.

Hey, I still don't despise you, you do nothing and do nothing all day long, who can look at you. "Yunduo Shark mouth said, and the two began to quarrel again.

The boss and the planner looked at the two of them and then smiled, "I'll do it first, this girl will stay here for now." The planner said to Yunduo, "When the seminar is over, you will come back with me. Home, and a point at the seminar.

Got it, dad. "Yun Duo shook his head indifferently. He was next to Jiang Cheng.

Hey, you are Jiang Cheng, right? You went to my store with Zhao Shuai that day?" Yun Duo said to Jiang Cheng.

Yes. "Jiang Cheng said.

Go and sit next to me. I want to sit next to Brother Lin. "Zhao Shuai pointed to the place next to him and said,

"I won't, I'm going to sit here, I want to learn more from Scientist Lin who wants to sit with you." Yun Duo looked at Zhao Shuai with disgust.

How do you know that he is a scientist, and you investigate him? "Zhao Shuai looked unbelievable.

You know, I saw the son on his wrist that day, so it wasn't ordinary people's at first glance?" Yunduo said.

Jiang Cheng admired this little girl more and more, and there are really not many people who can see that their bracelets are unusual at a glance. "Miss Ji has good eyesight." Jiang Cheng said to Yun Duo with a smile, just call me Yun Duo, hehe, "Yun Duo smiled at Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng felt that Yunduo's smile was really as soft and beautiful as her name.

At this time, Zhao Shuai walked around to sit on the other side of Jiang Cheng, "Yunduo, why are you here? I thought you were not coming.

Hey, in fact, I just stayed outside for a long time and wanted to go home, but I felt so awkward to go back. When I thought that my dad was going to this seminar, I thought I came here to meet him first. "Yun Duo said.

But this year is really strange, people from the four big families have gathered. "Yun Duo looked around and said,

Yes, but what are you going to show this time? I think you should have the research product. What kind of lethal weapon this time? Zhao Shuai laughed and teased Yunduo.

Killing imitation animal weapons? "Jiang Cheng is a little skeptical. Girls like Yun Duo make killing animal weapons. They are really inhumane.

Um, you guys will watch it later. "Yun Duo smiled and stopped talking.

At this time, the host walked to the platform on the first floor to announce the start of the seminar. Jiang Cheng saw that the first row of the first floor were all reporters, and Jiang Cheng saw that Li Pu was among them. Later the host announced the guests who were present. Jiang Cheng found that the first on the second floor had excluded himself Zhao Shuai and Yunduo, and the rest were the leaders of the country, and the second row was sitting on the current Kaiao. The more famous scientists in China, and then Huaqi, Yue, and Ji's four families.

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