Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1201: share it

After introducing the people in the first row, Jiang Cheng saw that the camera above seemed to be taking pictures of his face, and the people behind seemed to be whispering, "Hey, who is that, I have never seen it before," "I don't know. Ah, it should be pretty good to sit in the first row anyway. I saw the boss talking to him just now. "Really? Are you sure you are not the boss’s bastard?" Jiang Cheng’s hearing is better than ordinary people. Listen In this case, I can't help but feel a little funny inside. Fortunately, Zhao Shuai didn't hear it, otherwise he didn't know how to blow up his hair.

At this time, a young man in a black suit walked up to the platform and put a blue solid block in his hand on the display stage and showed it to everyone on the big screen. Jiang Cheng saw the blue block on the big screen. The shape solid is like a tetrahedron. It shines like a faint light, and it looks like it should be some kind of chemical. Then the young man said, "This is the elixir I developed. The reason I call it elixir is because it It can quickly make the mouth scar and fall off and heal, and the whole process only takes minutes. After speaking, the young man smiled contentedly.

Then the young man talked about his research process in recent years. Jiang Cheng found that such a seminar was really boring. First of all, he didn’t need such a "spiritual medicine", and he had already developed a more effective hemostatic and restorative imitation mouth thing long ago. A scholar asked him questions, and he answered them one by one.

Hey, what's the matter with it, it's so boring, I'm so happy with this?" Yun Duo yawned next to him, "I'm tired of hearing it for so long.

Come on, the medicine that people use in the future is also very promising, unlike you, who fights and kills as a whole. "Said Zhao Shuai.

Hey, I said you would die if you didn't satirize me. If you have the ability to do something like me, let's talk about it. "Yun Duo said unconvinced.

Oh, don't I want to do it well?" Zhao Shuai turned his head over as he said, as if he didn't want to talk to Yunduo anymore.

Jiang Cheng couldn't help laughing. The two people really kept arguing.

I'll go on the next one, let you see how great the little princess of science is.

Yun Duo shook his head with some contentment and said,

Jiang Cheng felt that the cloud she saw today was the real and vivid one. He didn't see how happy the cloud was at the tattoo shop that day.

Yunduo, why don't you go to school to a tattoo shop?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Tattoos are just what I want to do on a whim, but there are no people in my tattoo shop, so I just do research in the shop, after all, school is really annoying, I don’t go to school at home. Dad will keep urging me too, which is really annoying, so it's better to go outside and feel at ease. "Yun Duo said.

It turned out to be so. Then I am still looking forward to your research later. "Jiang Cheng said.

Haha, well, I promise not to let you down. "Yun Duo said with a smile.

Jiang Cheng felt that she could talk more with Yunduo, and seeing her was like seeing herself back then, and she couldn't help feeling a little more cordial.

After a while, I saw Yun Duo first came to the stage and introduced himself. Everyone looked at the clouds on the stage. Bi Jing's boring scientific research hall was mostly men. The appearance of fresh and beautiful clouds undoubtedly made everyone more sober. .

I saw Yunduo pull out a "robot" from behind the scenes that was twice as tall as himself. When Zhao Shuai saw this robot, the first thing he thought of was the Autobot of Transformers. This robot is more sophisticated than the Autobot. The face is very handsome, the body is tall and stalwart, and the whole body is made of steel. Jiang Cheng thinks that the clouds are really powerful. This robot can do such a precision is already good. "Ah, I know this girl. These tall and terrifying things." Although Zhao Shuai said so, his eyes were still staring at the robot on the stage.

"I named it'George, but I did it during my spare time when I was in school." When Yun Duo said this, there was a pant from the stage, and she felt that the little girl was a bit too exaggerated. What you do in your free time? It must not be the hemp that can only be done by throwing all your heart on it.

Yunduo didn’t care about people’s criticism of her. Instead, he continued to say that he has no practical use, that is, he can follow instructions to do some things, such as your kite hanging on a tree and can’t take it off. If you want to touch but can't touch 057, you can ask him to do these things for you.

Following the roar of laughter, Jiang Cheng also laughed. Clouds are really strange.

Well, George can also be transformed into a car, and drive you to where you want to go, "Transformation, car." Cloud said to George, and George quickly turned into a car, not when Transformers deformed With the sound, George quickly turned into a car, and the people underneath looked at him for a while.

Yun Duo really has two things. Hahaha. "The boss also smiled and said,

"It's very interesting. I knew I wouldn't mess with her just now, so I turned around to coax her and let her give me one for fun." Zhao Shuai said with a smile.

Jiang Cheng thought of the robot technology on the earth. It is okay to say it, but he has no interest and demand in this area, and he has never made such a large deformable robot. I have to say that Yunduo's qualifications are indeed very good, and he has heard about Zhao Shuai before. Yunduo seems to be very good at making some huge and powerful things. It cannot be said that this talent is still very useful in the current crisis-ridden Kai-Ao country. At this time, Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of Li Guo, Jiang Cheng looked at the first floor. While reading Li Pu found that Li Pu was also looking at the cloud "George" very seriously, he looked very interested. Jiang Cheng lightened his defense a little. Miss Ji, I wonder if you intend to sell George?" Li Pu asked.

What is this Li Pu going to do?" Zhao Shuai looked at Li Pu and said.

Not at the moment. Today I just think it’s fun to show everyone. "Yun Duo said,

Oh, that's the case. Does Miss Ji usually dabble in other aspects?" Li Pu asked.

Yes, but why should I tell you? Yunduo said playfully, causing other reporters in the audience to look at Li Pu and smile.

Li Pu didn't know what to say for a while, "Isn't it a seminar today? Scholars should share their achievements with others." Li Pu said.

"I'm done sharing." Yun Duo stopped looking at Li Pu after saying that he sacrificed sacrifices, and clearly refused to answer his questions.

A sullen expression appeared on Li Pu's face, but he did not ask any more questions.

This Li Pu is really annoying. "Zhao Shuai said if.

Jiang Cheng was a little worried about Yunduo at this time. Li Pu clearly liked Yunduo's talents, and was afraid that he would be miserable when he took away himself as before. And in this seminar, Jiang Cheng felt that Li Pu should be more than a Lebanese native.

After Yunduo stepped down, he was surrounded by the planners. At this time, everyone in his family had a smile on his face. On the other hand, other families seemed to be in low mood instead of high.

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