Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1202: Princess slipper

Hey, this time the Jie family has a face in the four major families. I don’t know what Rong Feng has prepared this time.” Zhao Shuai said, watching Ruoji’s family.

Is Ruifeng going too? "When Jiang Cheng and Qi Ruifeng were together, they just felt that he was calm and understood a lot, and Jing didn't watch him say something about scientific research.

"Yeah, don’t you think that Rong Feng is usually similar to our normal people, but ah, he is a scientific lunatic. Once he found a very rare raw material, he shut himself at home for half a year and did not go out until he became himself. I want to go out." Zhao Shuai said.

"Then he is very good in the scientific world?" Jiang Cheng felt that Qi Rongfeng's qualifications and hard work should be very good.

Yes, although Ruifeng is usually low-key, he can shock the world as long as he has a new invention. In our country, Kaiao is a hot young scientist. "Zhao Shuai looked at Ruo Qi Rongfeng and said.

I don't know when Qi Rongfeng also stood in the audience and looked at Ruo Jiangcheng and Zhao Shuai. Jiang Cheng smiled at Ruo Qi Ruifeng. Qi Ruifeng wore a uniform today, and his handsome face attracted a lot of people's attention. Qi Ruifeng just took a small box and went on stage, because Qi Ruifeng is a reporter with a camera. They all pointed the camera at Qi Rongfeng one after another. He was not nervous, and took out a small thing from the box calmly.

"Is that a chip?" Zhao Shuai squinted at what Qi Rongfeng was holding.

Jiang Cheng also saw that Qi Ruifeng was holding a chip at this time, "Yes, it is a chip.

"Yes, Ruifeng often studies high-tech. He feels that the communication tools and networks we use now are not developed, so he is committed to doing this." Zhao Shuai said.

Jiang Cheng looked at the chip and thought that the communication equipment and network of the Kingdom of Kai Ao were indeed underdeveloped. This is very inconvenient for Lin Zhong, who has lived on the earth for many years.

You can see the chip in my hand. Now everyone’s mobile phones are PHSs, and they can only make calls and send text messages, but can’t access the Internet. My chip can make everyone’s mobile phones smart," said Qi Ruifeng from Taking out an earth-like smartphone, the people underneath began to talk,

What is this? The screen is so big. ""Yes, it looks good too.

Qi Mifeng slid around on the screen of his mobile phone to demonstrate to everyone. Jiang Cheng saw on the big screen that the mobile phone Qi Ruifeng was holding was a modern smartphone. Jiang Cheng felt that Qi Ruifeng was indeed excellent. He made such a thing by himself. It is not easy to come out, but Qi Ruifeng's research is bound to improve the technology of the backward electronic products of Kai'ao country.

Qi, Rui is really amazing, such a good thing, I have to ask him to experience it first. "Zhao Shuai looks at Qi Rongfeng's mobile phone

At this time, the atmosphere in the venue is already very warm, and many people are discussing Qi Ruifeng’s research.

The reporters interviewed below were all saying "Mr. Qi is really young and promising," he is indeed the most promising scientist now.

Qi Ruifeng didn't feel happy about it, but bowed down and walked next to Zhao Shuai.

"Ruifeng, you are so, don't share it with me if you have such a good thing," Zhao Shuai said, Ruo's eyes have been looking at Qi Ruifeng's pocket on his phone.

Okay, okay, didn’t I just research it out? I will show you Qi Rongfeng (the money is good) and hand it to Zhao Shuai with the phone just now.

Ruifeng, you are very smart. "Jiang Cheng said to Qi Ruifeng.

Hey, where and where, Brother Lin should stop teasing me, I have spent many years studying this, and I really am not smart. "Qi Ruifeng said with a smile.

Zhao Shuai was very excited holding the phone, and kept asking Qi Ruifeng how to use it, etc., "Ruifeng, you really shocked the audience this time, your father must be very happy." Zhao Shuai asked.

Well, I’m very happy, but I’m not doing something like this for our family,” Qi Rongfeng said

"Then what are you doing? I think your four big families usually seem to be in peace, and sometimes they eat together, but I always do. Sometimes I think, if I were like Brother Lin, it would be fine. , To be an independent scholar, without participating in the struggle between families."" Qi Ruifeng sighed.

"Have you had any conflicts before?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Yes, there is a story, I don’t know Brother Lin, if you want to hear it.

Qi Ruifeng said.

Appreciate further details. "

It should have been a hundred years ago. At that time, the princess of the Hua clan, the daughter of the Hua clan’s patriarch at the time, fell in love with the Patriarch of the Qi family, my grandfather. At that time, my grandfather was 30 years old. He is the most outstanding patriarch in the history of our Qi family, and the princess of the Hua family is 20 years old. After this incident, the Hua family did not oppose it, nor did our Qi family object because there was nothing between our four major families. Contradictions, and even hope that marriage is to promote this good thing to strengthen the relationship between our two races, but later, something happened that led to the current team. "Qi Ruifeng said that if he frowned, what's the matter? Why didn't I hear Ruifeng you say about this." Zhao Shuai asked

Because of this, I didn’t want to mention it,” Qi Rongfeng looked at Zhao Shuai’s eyes and said, “Later on the day before my grandfather and Princess Hua’s marriage, the Princess of Hua suddenly disappeared, and he took the latest research from my grandfather. They disappeared together. That thing was the hard work of my grandfather for more than ten years. He suffered a double blow and fell ill. Later, our Qi family ran to the Hua family dignitaries, but the Hua people said that they had never seen their princess, and said It was our Qi family who hid their princess. Since then, our Qi family has severed contact with the Hua family. Two years later, my grandfather married another woman, but my grandfather never touched science again. The related thing is fascination with literature. Later, my grandfather was just one year old after he was born. My grandfather died from a relapse. At that time, the death of my grandfather was also considered by the clan to be indirectly caused by the disappearance of the Hua clan princess. . "Qi Ruifeng said that his eyes were red.

Jiang Cheng patted Qi Rongfeng on the shoulder and Ann En him, Zhao Shuai did not say a word, he was immersed in this tragic story.

Later, our family was always run by my grandma. When my grandfather was seventeen, my grandma passed away. My grandfather became the head of the Qi family. At this time, some people said that they saw the Princess of the Hua clan, and our Qi family rushed to the Hua clan. The princess really just returned to the Hua clan, and did not avoid our Qi family. My grandfather asked her why she disappeared and brought my grandfather's research. She said that she didn't like my grandfather from beginning to end, and she hadn't seen any research. And she had already married the Yue family's head. After this, our Qi family completely broke off with the Yan family Yue family. Although the Hua clan and the Yue family were better off for a while, they gradually lost contact with the death of the Hua clan princess. So now, our four major families don't have much contact, and our Qi family only keeps in touch with the Ji family. "Qi Rongfeng sighed after speaking.

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