Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1208: A little clue

"Hey, I was also at the seminar, next to the boss. At that time, I saw the whole process of removing the virus. I was really a genius. Hahaha, I didn't expect to see you here.

"Dean, do you know him?" Xun Nian also walked to Jiang Cheng at this time and looked at Ruo Jiang Cheng carefully.

"Don’t be embarrassed anymore. No matter what you do, your position as chief will not be maintained. If you don’t go to the seminar, you don’t know the most powerful scientist today, and you know how to cheat the old man as a whole. , What if someone is guilty of taking your things? "The dean was so angry that he was a little unstable when speaking.

Jiang Cheng quickly took out a bottle of water from the mustard bracelet and handed it to the dean.

When the dean saw Jiang Cheng's act of fetching something from the air, his eyes lit up, and he nodded again. "Hey, Xiaolin, let you watch a joke. To be honest, there are too few capable people in our Academy of Sciences, and most of them are ignorant people who are greedy for pleasure all day long." Gou Nian, "I am really pleased to have a talent like you. I wonder if you would like to come to our scientist?

I actually haven't roughly determined the direction of my future research, so I still won't come first. "Jiang Cheng declined the dean.

The dean saw that Jiang Cheng really didn't mean to come and didn't say anything.

So what are you here for now?" The dean asked~ Ah, I want to borrow a research room to make something." Jiang Cheng said.

Yes, Dean, Manager Li said let us come and use this research room. As a result, as soon as we came in, that Xun scientist came and said that I

We took his things and we said we were leaving, but he still refused. "Zhao Shuai vomits bitterness to the President Ruo.

Hey, you are the son of the boss, Zhao Shuai, right? "The dean just saw that Jiang Cheng was so excited that he saw Zhao Shuai.

"Hey, I'm so handsome. You only saw me now." Zhao Shuai said aggrievedly.

"Haha, my fault, my father and I are friends, and I held you when you were young." The dean said with a smile.

Gou Nian's face was so dark that he couldn't describe it at this time. He didn't expect that the person who had smashed him this time was such an identity.

The dean turned around and said to Gou Nian, "Actually, I told you before that you are no longer suitable to be a chief scientist, but you still have more than ten years of affection, and you are still the Patriarch of the Hua clan, but what about you now? I thought I didn’t know your little Jiujiu, because I was thinking about this time that someone stole your new research and made people lose their hands. Can you continue to stay in the yard for a while. Hey, you go, don’t ruin the yard again Don’t discredit the scientist’s reputation again.” The dean said disappointedly.

Dean, I was wrong. You forgive me this time. I will do my research in the future. You used to say that you don’t want to be the chief and let me stay in the courtyard. Are you going to drive me away? Dean, if I was kicked out like this, and I'm afraid that the Hua clan Patriarch will not be able to do it. "Gou Nianyi changed his appearance, and now he almost knelt down to intercede.

Is this caused by me? It’s you who pushed yourself into the fire pit time and time again. Others in the courtyard looked at your previous achievements, and looked at your identity as the Patriarch of the Skating Clan. Your identity oppresses young scientists and puts no one in your eyes. Even such a large research room is occupied by yourself, living a life like a luxury, but you don’t see you put your mind on research. Now, no one can save you. , You hurry up and take things away by yourself. "The dean was so excited that he turned around and stopped Xunnian.

So, Kobayashi, you go here. "Said that if you hand Jiang Cheng a key, the environment will be similar to this, and the equipment will be very good. Do your job well, and no one will disturb you.

Thank you dean. "Jiang Cheng sincerely thanked the dean.

, Then I'll go first. "The dean looked at Jiang Cheng and Zhao Shuai and went out. He didn't look back at Gou Nian.

Jiang Cheng and Zhao Shuai also followed Ruo out, while Gou Nian sat on the ground as if he couldn't believe it, desperate.

"Hey, Brother Lin, I didn't think that the skaters had fallen to this level in just a few years. It was really self-inflicted." Zhao Shuai said as he walked.

No matter what, you must be a man. "After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he remembered the environment of Gonian's research room just now, thinking that Kai Aoguo Technology really can't mention it now.

After walking to the research room provided by the dean, Zhao Shuai said he was waiting for Jiang Cheng outside, so Jiang Cheng went into the research room alone and found that the equipment in this research room was also top-notch, which was longer than Jiang Cheng originally expected. It will cost less. Jiang Cheng took out the golan gum, took out the other raw materials he had stored in the mustard bracelet, nano-synthetics, etc., used the equipment in the laboratory to make the medicine he wanted in ten minutes. This high-level medicine Jiang Cheng intends The imitation mouth is fast stitched. After all, golan glue is a raw material, and it is not very compatible with the human body. Jiang Cheng satisfied that he put the medicine in the mustard bracelet. Jiang Cheng got up and turned around the laboratory and found that it is indeed There are a lot of good raw materials and equipment, but Jiang Cheng didn't want to use the raw materials here, because Bi Jing is strictly a thing in the courtyard. Jiang Cheng walked out of the research room.

Why are you so fast? It's done in ten minutes?" Zhao Shuai watched Jiang Cheng come out and said to Jiang Cheng.

Well, the equipment here is very good, I do it quickly. "

Oh, brother Lin, you are too modest. I think you have good skills. Look at the Xun Nian just now. After so many years, it should have been eight years. There is no work at all. It is not that you also occupy such a good research room. . "Said Zhao Shuai.


Eight years? Can you still be the Patriarch of the Skipper?

The main reason is that the Hua clan really has no talents now, and no one is qualified to be the head of the Hua clan. I think that after Xun Nian returned this time, he was known to have been retired by the Academy of Sciences, and even his identity as a scientist was lost. There is no suitable person to be the master of the family, the Hua clan is going to be messed up for a while this time, Zhao Shuai said

Said that if Zhao Shuai’s cell phone rang again, "Is it Ruifeng?" Zhao Shuai answered the phone, "Ruifeng? What's the matter?

What? The clouds are missing? What's the matter. "Zhao Shuai frowned and said.

Jiang Cheng was also very surprised when he heard Zhao Shuai's words. Seeing Zhao Shuai's brows tightening, he felt that things might not be easy.

Brother Lin, the cloud has disappeared. He said it disappeared after the seminar. Now the whole family is panicked. "Zhao Shuai hung up and said anxiously.

"What? Have you ever seen it in the research hall and said that you did it, but there is no clue, but Rong Feng said that the last place someone saw the cloud appeared was Qi's house." Zhao Shuai said.

The Qi family? "Jiang Cheng is very puzzled.

Yeah, so now the head of the family planner has been leading several people in the Qi family, saying that they are hiding the clouds, and they have been forcing Ruifeng to claim people.

Zhao Shuai said.

This is too strange. Let's check it out. "Jiang Cheng said to Zhao Shuai

"Yes, let's go to Qi's house now.

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