Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1209: outsider

Jiang Cheng sat in Zhao Shuai’s car thinking about what happened at that time. At that time, he and Zhao Shuai Qi Rongfeng were overwhelmed by the reporter’s country, and he didn’t notice where the clouds had gone, but the family had no reason to hide them. It was still at this time. It happened that someone saw the cloud hidden by the Qi family. The only people who did this were Li Pu and the others. They could grab the cloud, and on the other hand, they could provoke the contradiction between the Ji family and the Qi family. Now, the Yue family is also unknown, and now Li Guo’s goal is the Ji family and the Qi family. Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but worry about the safety of Yunduo.

Zhao Shuai took Jiang Cheng to the Qi's house soon. Jiang Cheng saw that this was an independent courtyard with many hundred-year-old trees. The style of the house was very simple, much like the ancient courtyard of Jiang Cheng before the earth. There were many reporters in the courtyard at the time, and Naruo's microphone kept yelling like a camera. Go in and ask for explanations.

Hey, Brother Lin, do you think these reporters are stupid? Now that the problem is still not clear, I have to come to Ruifeng to ask for an explanation," Zhao Shuai said and glanced at the reporters.

It can't be said that these people were instigated, and this time the matter was not simple, Jiang Cheng said.

"Let me call Ruifeng first. If you accidentally put these reporters in, it would be troublesome, and now Brother Lin, you are also a celebrity." Zhao Shuai dialed Qi Ruifeng's phone, Rong Feng, and I Brother Lin has just arrived outside the door. There are so many reporters outside. How can we get in?

Jiang Cheng looked at the courtyard in front of him. It looked like it had been in existence for many years, and the house inside looked brand new. It must have been maintained for many generations, and it was really a good place.

Brother Lin, Rong Feng said that someone would come to pick us up. "Zhao Shuai looked at the impenetrable door and said.

At this moment, a young man who looked exactly like Qi Ruifeng opened the door and walked out. When the reporter saw someone coming, he swarmed up and surrounded the man to ask questions. At this time, several people appeared around Jiang Cheng and Zhao Shuai. Mr. Zhao, the young master let us take you in. "The leader said.

"Let's go, Brother Lin." Zhao Shuai and Jiang Cheng followed these people to the right side of the courtyard. They saw that the wall was covered with ivy. One of the men stepped forward and touched a mechanism among the ivy. Turning Jiang Cheng, he saw a crack in the wall. The man stepped forward and pushed the wall away. Zhao Shuai and Jiang Cheng followed in. As soon as Jiang Cheng entered Qi's house, he felt that the air was fresh and the road was paved. If the bluestone slabs go well with the quaint houses in front of them, there are many unknown trees on the roadside, and there are countless houses in front of them. There are also many pavilions on the roadside. Jiang Cheng can’t help but sigh when he sees such a courtyard. Such a house was really only seen on TV before.

After walking forward for a while, Jiang Cheng saw Qi Rongfeng also walking towards Jiang Cheng, looking a little bit.

Ruifeng, what's the situation now?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Hey, forget it, now the head of the family planner is sure that we are hiding the clouds. It is true that there are still so many reporters stuck at our door. Originally, you came to my house for the first time to help you get better, but now..." Qi Rongfeng said with embarrassment.

It's okay, now our top priority is to find the clouds. "Jiang Cheng patted Qi Ruifeng on the shoulder and said.

Yes, Rong Feng, let's take a look now, and I will persuade Uncle Ji, he is not such an unreasonable person. "Said Zhao Shuai.

Yes, Uncle Ji is indeed not such an unreasonable person, but there is a reporter inside. He took a picture of clouds in my yard. I am also very troubled, how can clouds appear in my yard. "

Qi Ruifeng frowned, really puzzled.

Reporter? What's his name. "Jiang Cheng asked.

"I don't know. Let's go in and take a look now." Qi Ruifeng said.

Jiang Cheng felt that things were a little strange, but it seems that everything really is unknown at the moment.

Jiang Cheng and Zhao Shuai entered the room with Ruo Qi Ruifeng. I saw that sitting on the main seat of the room was the housekeeper that I saw in the seminar before. Next to him was a man in his forties who was Qi Ruifeng’s father. A young man sat beside him. He looks very thin, dressed casually, and looks pretty. There was no other person in the room, and when they saw Jiang Cheng, Zhao Shuai and others coming in, they looked at it first. "Hey, are you Mr. Jiang Chenglin from the previous seminar?" The middle-aged man next to the family planner stood up and walked to Jiang Cheng's side and asked.

Yes, Dad, this is Jiang Cheng I told you before. "Qi Ruifeng introduced to his father.

Okay, it really is a person. "Patriarch Qi looks a bit excited before the gloom.

Hello, Uncle Qi. "Jiang Cheng also said hello.

Oh, Uncle Qi, you only see Brother Lin but you can't see me.

Zhao Shuai walked to the Qi Patriarch and said with a smile.

"How come, A handsome. Of course Uncle Qi can see you. Patriarch Qi said with a smile.

Zhao Shuai saw the anxious face of the family planning master also stepped forward, "Uncle Ji, don't be too anxious, the cloud will be fine, but I don't think it is easy. Uncle Qi should not hide the cloud. of

Hey, when you look at the photo, how can you say that I wronged their Qi family? "The master planner showed Zhao Shuai a picture.

Zhao Shuai took the photo. Jiang Cheng saw that the woman in this photo does look like a cloud, but it should be taken from a long distance and can’t see her face. However, the woman in this photo looks like a cloud. In the courtyard of the Qi family.

"Hey, I also think this matter is very strange, but now there are photos to testify, what do you want me to do? Yun Duo grew up with you, although she usually looks fearless and fearless, she is actually very courageous. Little, I really really" said that if Jingran was in tears, the people present seemed to have been infected by the family planner. Suddenly, he felt imitated.

Family planner, I swear by Qi Ye that I will never hide your cloud. I really don’t know how to explain that picture. Our two families are usually peaceful and friendly. I think this should be done. Someone is behind it. "Patriarch Qi said excitedly. He also glanced at the sitting young man.

Jiang Cheng looked at the man, his face was cold from beginning to end, and there was no change in the attention of others, he looked like an outsider.

But this is the reporter," Zhao Shuai walked up to the man and said, "Where did you take the picture?"

My name is Zhang Tian and I am a reporter. I took this photo outside the Qi family courtyard. "The man stood up and introduced himself briefly.

Jiang Cheng saw the photo just now and felt that it did not actually look like p, and the woman should be a cloud, because the woman in the photo raised her bangs because of the wind, Jiang Cheng saw the tattoo on the corner of his eye, but Qi Rongfeng was obviously I don’t know it, and the Qi family leader also swore a letter just now. It seems that this was not done by the Qi family, but Yun Duo should not have contact with the Qi family. There is no reason why Yun Duo would come to the Qi family. .

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