Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1214: Cationic gun

Jiang Cheng took out the cationic cannon, "Stand farther and cover your ears," Jiang Cheng said to the remaining three people.

Only heard a "boom", the solid stone in front of him was blown open, the air was filled with the smell of rock, and the powder of the stone was visible to the naked eye, Jiang Cheng covered his mouth but saw a black figure in front of him. Flashing past, Jiang Cheng hurried to catch up, only to see the black back just now. He looked like a boy, thin, but disappeared quickly.

Brother Jiang, what are you going to do?" Qi Ruifeng and Zhao Shuai also caught up.

I saw another person, but soon disappeared, alas. "Jiang Cheng looked at the road that was blown up by him, and walked forward as if he could go out, but the presence of the person Gang was still disturbing.

Brother Jiang is so amazing, why do you always have all kinds of good things? "Yun Duo also walked to Jiang Cheng's side and said.

I used to like to do research by myself, and when I made it, I took it with Jiang Cheng. I didn't expect this mustard bracelet to be so useful before, but it is often used here now.

"Let's go, we can get out now." Then Jiang Cheng and the four of them walked out of the tunnel safely.

Unexpectedly, this is your research institute. "Yun Duo just walked out of the tunnel and took a look, don't you know? How did you get in?" Qi Mifeng finally exited the tunnel and closed the tunnel door.

She should have been brought here without being aware of it. "Jiang Cheng looked at Ruo Yunduo and said.

Who is that? Why did you bring Yunduo to the tunnel? Could it be that who has a grudge against you and wants to kill you?" "Zhao Shuai looked at Yunduo and said.

What are you talking about, how can I have such a deep hatred with people.

Yun Duo glared at Zhao Shuai, this Zhao Shuai couldn't say a normal word at all.

The purpose of this person should be to lead us in, not to kill the cloud. I think it has something to do with the person who was authentic just now, but now the person is gone. "Jiang Cheng remembered the black figure just now, and couldn't think of who it was.

"Let's go eat first. Brother Jiang and Yunduo, you should be starving." Qi Rongfeng said, I am also starving, Rong Feng, why don't you ask me?" Zhao Shuai said aggrievedly.

Okay, you've worked hard, how about we go out to eat? "Qi Rui felt speechless, and Zhao Shuai was very excited when he mentioned eating.

I'll go home first, my father must be in a hurry. "Yun Duo thinks of his relatives and thinks they must be in a hurry. He planned to go home for the seminar and stay for a few days, but he was locked up in such a place because of the money he had left home before.

Yes, Uncle Ji is in a panic. I looked for you here all day yesterday. "Zhao Shuai was very worried when he thought of Patriarch's face that seemed to be suddenly old.

Then I will send Yunduo home first. You go to eat. Yunduo originally happened at my house, so I should explain it now. "Qi Rongfeng felt that although his family should have not intervened in this matter, to a certain extent, his father knew the authentic things but didn't say it. Because this matter is definitely not as good as it used to be, and now it’s better to go by yourself, Jiang Cheng thought of Qi Ruifeng’s thoughts, "Well, you can send Yun Duo back.

"Brother Jiang, I am really grateful for you this time. My dad will thank you and me..." Yun Duo saw Jiang Cheng look at himself seriously when he spoke. Moreover.

It's okay, you go back and have a good rest. "Jiang Cheng said with a smile.

Zhao Shuai smirked at Ruo Yunduo's appearance, "Oh, Yunduo, I also saved you by saying that, and I didn't see you thank me.

I thank you for moving, bye. "Yun Duo looked at Zhao Shuai and turned and walked. Brother Jiang, what is her attitude toward you and what is her attitude toward me? Really annoying. But, Brother Jiang, don't you see that Yun Duo is facing Zhao Shuai? Jiang Cheng winked his eyes.

What? "Jiang Cheng didn't notice anything, and was scared with goose bumps on Zhao Shuai's greasy expression.

Hey, you can't see this? That girl, I think she is in love with you. Hey, I grew up with her and I have never seen her shy expression just now. Hahahaha. "Zhao Shuai smiled and said, Jiang Cheng thought about Yunduo's expression, and didn't think it was any different. He felt that Zhao Shuai was mostly acting as a demon, "Hurry up and go eat. "After speaking, Jiang Cheng took Zhao Shuai out of the Qi family.

Jiang Cheng and Zhao Shuai came to a restaurant next to Qi's house. They sat down and ordered Brother Jiang. Who do you think was the one who took the cloud?" Zhao Shuai asked, not sure, I just saw a man from the back. "Jiang Cheng thought about it," and he was not sure that he took the cloud.

"Brother Jiang, I always feel that something is going to happen," Zhao Shuai looked at Brother Jiang with an inscrutable expression, "I always feel that it has been very uneasy recently. "Why? What's wrong with you?" Jiang Sincerely asked.

"No, it just feels that a lot of things have happened recently, and my dad, recently he..." Zhao Shuai said that if he frowned, he didn't go on.

It's okay, anything can be solved. "Jiang Cheng thinks maybe something happened to Zhao Shuai's family or just because of the recent events that made him feel uneasy, but now there are many mysteries that have not been solved, and he doesn't know what to do.

Yes, I feel very relieved with Brother Jiang. "Zhao Shuai smiled and winked at Jiang Cheng.

As soon as the two of them were about to get up and leave after eating, Jiang Cheng saw a person walking in front of him. This black figure looked like he saw in the tunnel. Jiang Cheng was about to catch up, when the person in front suddenly turned around. Jiang Cheng saw this person very familiar, but Jiang Cheng just met his eyes and felt dizzy, as if the name of the person in his mind suddenly disappeared. Isn't this Reporter Zhang? "Zhao Shuai shouted, and Jiang Cheng suddenly changed Sober up, yes, it was Zhang Tian. The reporter I saw at Qi’s house that day was that he took a picture of Yun Duo at Qi’s house. Jiang Cheng didn’t know what happened to him just now. He clearly knew the name of the person just now. I'm about to say it right on my lips, but with a pair of Zhang Tian's eyes, I am inexplicably ignorant, and Jiang Cheng's eyes seemed to be red the moment he saw Zhang Tian. Could it be contemplation?

"Ah, it's you, meet again, haha."

At this time, Zhang Tian just greeted Zhao Shuai and Jiang Cheng like ordinary people, without the evil charm that Jiang Cheng saw just now, and Jiang Cheng saw Zhang Tian’s eyes are just ordinary black eyes, Jiang Cheng Looking at Zhang Tian's clothes, a trace of his eyes flashed clearly, "Did Reporter Zhang just come out of Qi's house?

No, I just came out from home," Zhang Tian Xiaoruo said.

Oh, Yunduo has been found, reporter Zhang doesn't know yet. "Jiang Cheng asked.

Really? That's great. I'm going to the Qi's house right now.

Zhang Tian seemed surprised, with a happy expression.

"Well, let's go first." Jiang Cheng didn't want to talk to this hypocritical reporter any more. I hope I can interview you when I have a chance. "Zhang Tian said with an expression of worship.

Jiang Cheng nodded to see if Zhang Tian had gone away. Jiang Cheng was convinced that Zhang Tian was in the tunnel. He just saw the stone ashes in the tunnel on Zhang Tian’s sleeve, and Jiang Cheng was sure that Zhang Tian’s back was himself. Seen in the tunnel,

"Brother Jiang, are you familiar with Zhang Tian? How do you say so many things." Zhao Shuai was very strange seeing the conversation between Jiang Cheng and Zhang Tian just now. In his impression, the two of them should have only met once. Brother's high-cold animal style, it is impossible to get acquainted with someone in a short time and chat happily.

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