Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1215: Fifth person

Unfamiliar, but he should be the fifth person in the tunnel," Jiang Cheng said, what? He? Then who is he?

It's not good, but be careful when you see him in the future. "Jiang Cheng feels that Zhang Tian should have the ability to contemplate the soul. Such a person is really dangerous to be around. You must find a way to figure out his identity.

Jiang Cheng searched for his own record of billions. In that secret room, Jiang Cheng had already recorded everything on the wall, and among them, there were some people who practiced spirituality in gold and stone. So Zhang Tian should be a native of Li. Then he should deliberately lead himself in by doing this, is he trying to murder himself?

Jiang Cheng feels it is necessary to follow Zhang Tian. Such a person is like planting a time bomb by his side, which will endanger others anytime and anywhere.

In this way, we will go to the Qi's house later. Just now Zhang Tian said to go to the Qi's house and I was worried that something would go wrong. "Jiang Cheng said to Zhao Shuai.

Okay, "Immediately Zhao Shuai went to the Qi's house with Jiang Cheng.

On the other hand, Qi Ruifeng and Yunduo were on their way back to Ji's house. Yunduo took out his mobile phone and looked at it and found that his mobile phone should have been running out of power in the secret room. Although he was reluctant to ask Qi Rongfeng to borrow it, he still spoke, "That Qi Ruifeng, let me use your phone, and I will call my dad. "Qi Rongfeng saw Yun Duo not talking to himself all the way, and suddenly seemed shocked, but quickly took out his phone and handed it to Yun Duo.

After Yunduo unplugged the phone, "Dad," I don't know what was said on the other end of the phone, but when he saw Yunduo's eyes were red, Qi Rongfeng immediately handed Yunduo a tissue, and Yunduo took it without thanking him." Well, Dad, I'll go right away, let's meet and talk. "After that, Yunduo hung up the phone.

After a while, he arrived at the Ji's house. Qi Rongfeng saw that although the Ji's house in front of him did not have the Qi's style, he was very elegant. From the outside, it was just a simple villa, not very public.

"Here, Qi Ruifeng, are you going in?" Yunduo didn't pay much attention to Qi Ruifeng along the way, because I was really wronged in the Qi family this time. Although it was not done by the Qi family, the relationship between the two was originally normal.

Qi Rongfeng knew that his family was at fault first, so he tried his best to ask Yun Duosai along the way, but the girl in front of him was obviously not as well-behaved as before Jiang Cheng, and ignored himself along the way, and was very rebellious in her words. So I try not to go to the clouds.

"Go in, I should make amends.

"Let's go. Actually, you don't have to apologize. Although I was in your house, it was not you who caused me." Yun Duo took a look at Qi Ruifeng and entered the gate of the family.

Hey, Brother Jiang, look at this," Zhao Shuai said to Jiang Cheng, pointing to the groove on the stone.

Jiang Cheng saw the circular groove pointed by Zhao Shuai, walked over and touched it, feeling that there was still some warmth, Jiang Cheng thought about taking out a purple gold stone of almost the same shape and size from the mustard bracelet and placing it in the circle. Can this work on the groove? Brother Jiang, can Zijinshi still be used like this?" Qi Rongfeng was surprised to see Jiang Cheng's behavior.

I saw a purple light where Jiang Cheng had just placed a purple gold stone, and then saw the huge square stone moved to the left. Behind it was a small room [interesting novel], I should say It was a secret room. Jiang Cheng put away the purple stone, only to see that the purple stone was still the same as before, no different.

"Wow, it's okay, brother Jiang, you are too handsome." Zhao Shuai saw Jiang Cheng casually opened the secret room and walked in.

Jiang Cheng and Qi Rongfeng also walked in with Ruo. After entering, Jiang Cheng saw the person he guessed--Zhang Tian, ​​and Zhang Tian didn't hide it anymore. What a coincidence, Scientist Jiang, we met again. "Zhang Tian was smiling evilly at this time, and his gentle and moist appearance was completely different from the usual peace.

Zhang Tian, ​​what are you doing in our house? "Qi Ruifeng is really upset to see Zhang Tian so calm.

Uh, Patriarch Qi, have you misunderstood something, do you think this is like a tunnel that your house can build?" Zhang Tian tilted his head and smiled and sat on the ground.

This tunnel is in my house, even if it is not cultivated by our house, you are not qualified to come in. "The first time Qi Ruifeng came in and saw the different words on the wall, he knew that it was not a tunnel built by his own home, but now that he sees Zhang Tiantian and the emperor says such things in his home, he still feels very angry.

"Zhang Tian, ​​it doesn't matter who this tunnel belongs to, but what are you doing here?" Jiang Cheng asked when Zhang Tian looked indifferent.

Me?" Zhang Tian picked up his eyes and saw Ruo Jiangcheng with a playful smile. "Of course I heard that you were locked in this tunnel, so I'll take a look. After all, I am a reporter, am I not? Of course, I have to get the best news in the first place.

Zhang Tian, ​​do you think we will believe it? Since we have been here, of course we know what your purpose is. "Zhao Shuai was very angry when he saw that Zhang Tian didn't want to tell the truth.

What purpose can I have, if you don’t believe me, I will go now. "When Zhang Tian stood up, he would bypass Jiang Cheng and the others.

Waiting for you to go out is ruining this tunnel, do you keep us here?

Jiang Cheng blocked Zhang Tian's way, watching Zhang Tian said with a smirk.

I really don't know what you are talking about. "Zhang Tian looked at Jiang Cheng's eyes and said

Jiang Cheng noticed that Zhang Tian's eyes were turning red again, and thinking that he had used this method to confuse Yun Duo and shut her here, Jiang Cheng immediately turned his head to prevent him from looking directly into his eyes.

Don't use this kind of trick again, Zhang Tian, ​​you are using this kind of contemplation to confuse people, and if I guess it is correct, you must have just wanted to practice here. "Jiang Cheng saw Zhang Tian still wanting to play tricks, so he just started talking.

Zhang Tian, ​​to be honest, now we have three people, just follow us obediently, if you kidnap Yunduo, we will make you pay the price.

Zhao Shuai said.

Zhang Tian put away the smile on his face at this time and turned his neck, "Well, since you know everything, I won't pretend, but"" Zhang Tian walked to Zhao Shuai, "Do you have any evidence? Prove that I caught Ji Yunduo

Jiang Cheng saw that Zhang Tian wanted to try the same trick again. The eyes of Zhao Shuai, who was looked at by Zhang Tian, ​​had begun to loosen. Jiang Cheng quickly took Zhao Shuai away. Zhao Shuai used his head and his eyes became clear again. You, Zhang Tian, ​​you and I will not blind you. "Zhao Shuai is really up at this moment. He did not expect this person to hypnotize himself under the eyes of the three of him and Jiang Chengdufeng. This is not clear. Do you look down on yourself?

Jiang Cheng grabbed Zhao Shuai and said to Zhang Tian, ​​"You'd better be honest, if I guess you're right, you are from Li country.

Yes, since you already know, come here to find me? Zhang Tian didn't expect Jiang Cheng to know that he was from Li country so quickly.

What is your purpose?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Is it the purpose? I said I wanted to solve your letter here? "Zhang Tian finished talking to Jiang Cheng and wiped his neck, "Do you think I will believe it?" Jiang Cheng ignored Zhang Tian's words and said Really, I have planted a bomb here," said Zhang Tian holding the remote control in his hand and shaking it, "As long as you are moving me, we will die here." Zhang Tian's face is very hideous at this time. Smiled fiercely.

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