Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1216: Purple stone

Let me go, you lunatic!" Qi Ruifeng couldn't help but said when he saw Zhang Tian's madness.

To tell you the truth, I arrested Ji Yunduo in order to lead your Qi family down, so that you can sleep together here forever. Hahahaha. "Zhang Tian seems to have a disease at this time.

Jiang Cheng didn't expect that Zhang Tian's thoughts were so perverted. He felt that he wanted to hurt the Ji family and the Qi family together. This person is really vicious in mind.

But I did not expect that Jiang Cheng, you are here, it is you, your appearance broke my plan, "Zhang Tian kicked Jiang Cheng very viciously after he said, "But then Qi Ruifeng also appeared, the boss of Zhao Shuai My son also showed up, so I was happy, so I have a future. "Zhang Tian said proudly.

Qi Ruifeng and Zhao Shuai were really angry at Zhang Tian's viciousness at this time. It's just because of the bomb in his hand that he dare not act rashly.

But that collapse did not crush you to death. But now you are here, haha. "Zhang Tian with a grinning smile, if Jiang Cheng looked at such a crazy Zhang Tian, ​​he couldn't tell if the bomb thing he said was true. At this time, he can only hold Zhang Tian, ​​Zhang Tian, ​​what do you want." Jiang Cheng asked Dao Slave.

How is it? You know, the words on the wall, Zijinshi help to train, I want to train now, but I can’t fully understand it, and I don’t have enough Zijinshi," Zhang Tian finished speaking and glanced at Jiang. Sincere, but now, scientist Jiang, you are here, I think you have a lot of treasures, do you lack purple gold stones, you can give me some purple gold stones, help me exercise, I can help you here, but you Let them go out first. "Jiang Cheng didn't expect Zhang Tian to be so greedy, but now the most important thing is the safety of Zhao Shuai and Qi Rongfeng.

Zhang Tian smiled, "Oh, Scientist Jiang, your abacus is so good, they are gone, and you are so capable, can I still trap you if I know that I am capable, you'd better not be too stubborn. Let them go first, and I will help you here. "Jiang Cheng feels that Zhang Tian is really rooted in poison and counseling. On the one hand, he wants to trap himself, on the other hand, he is afraid of himself.

No, Brother Jiang, how can we go, leave you here alone, who knows what this lunatic will do. "Zhao Shuai was really moved when he saw Jiang Cheng let him go first, but on the other hand, he was still very worried about Jiangzhong's safety.

Yes Ming, Brother Jiang, we can't go first. "Qi Ruifeng also said.

"Oh, look, Scientist Jiang, they really don't want to leave." Zhang Tian smiled sinisterly.

Jiang Cheng walked up to Zhao Shuai and Qi Ruifeng and whispered, "You go first and I will go out immediately. It would be very dangerous for the three of us to be here.

but.. Zhao Shuai has something to say, but Jiang Cheng stopped it. Listen to me, you go first, I will be fine.

Qi Ruifeng saw the current situation and thought about it. If he and Zhao Shuai continue to stay here, it should be Jiang Cheng’s burden. He has to worry about himself and Zhao Shuai in everything he does, so 823 pushed Zhao Shuai with his hand. Let's go first, I think we will only have disadvantages and no benefits if we continue here

Zhao Shuai obviously thought that he was not suitable to stay here, so he nodded and agreed.

Seeing that both Zhao Shuai and Du Rongfeng had agreed to go out first, Jiang Cheng was finally relieved, "Zhang Tian, ​​let them go out first.

Zhang Tian looked at Jiang Cheng's resolute expression. If he didn't let Zhao Shuai and the others go, Jiang Cheng would turn his face. In that case, his goal might not be achieved.

Okay, let them go, but they can't call people in. In that case, you know what will happen to me," Zhang Tian said, raising the remote control in his hand.

"Don't worry, they know that I am in your hands and will not act rashly.

Jiang Cheng said and nodded towards [XBooktxt] Yan Zhao Shuai and Qi Ruifeng.

Qi Rongfeng also nodded to Jiang Cheng. Zhao Shuai was inexplicable. Originally, he wanted to move people out after going out, but now he really didn't know what to do.

Jiang Cheng was amused for a while when he saw Zhao Shuai's appearance. He knew that Zhao Shuai didn't know what to do after he went out. Fortunately, there was a peak, so he wouldn't be too worried.

Brother Jiang, let's go out first, so be careful here. "Qi Ruifeng glared at Zhang Tian and said to Jiang Cheng,

Well, you guys go out quickly. "Jiang Cheng looked at the back of Zhao Shuai and Qi Rongfeng, and the big stone in his heart finally fell. Now he doesn't have to be too jealous when he does things.

"Okay, Jiang Cheng, now they are gone, you can help me. Zhang Tianruo is very upset for Zhao Shuai and Qi Ruifeng to leave. He originally intended to keep Zhao Shuai and Qi Ruifeng, but now that he has left, he hasn't The solution was to shock Jiang Cheng with the remote control in his hand.

Jiang Cheng looked at the remote control in Zhang Tian's hand very contemptuously. People like Zhang Tian would never die with him here, but he still wants to figure out what Zhang Tian wants to do.

What do you need me to do. "Jiang Cheng asked.

Do you have a purple stone? I need such a big one. "Zhang Tian said with his hands the size of a fist.

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Tian and shot such a big purple stone. "I am not this big,

No? Then give me as much as you have, "Zhang Tian obliquely looked at Ruo Jiang Cheng in disbelief.

Zhang Tian took out two fingernail-sized purple gold stones from the mustard bracelet and handed them to Zhang Tian, ​​"There are only so many.

Really? Then can you show me your mustard bracelet?" Zhang Tian looked at Jiang Cheng's mustard bracelet very enviously.

"This may not work. I can only see and use this bracelet by myself. Others can't use it." Jiang Cheng's remarks didn't deceive Zhang Tian. This mustard bracelet on his own is a master.

Zhang Tian didn't insist, and took the purple gold stone in Jiang Cheng's hand. Now, I just want you to help me look at the words on that wall. "

Zhang Tian looked at the zijinshi Ruo Jiangcheng had brought over, thinking that, as expected, Jiang Cheng’s zijinshi was very good in all aspects of purity.

Jiang Cheng didn't expect Zhang Tian to read the writing on the wall, but he didn't say anything, "Okay.

Jiang Cheng and Zhang Tian came to the secret room outside. Jiang Cheng saw that the wall was full of words that he had memorized. He originally wanted to practice after going out recently, and Zhang Tian pointed out one paragraph.

The physical training skills written on the wall are divided into realms. Each realm is divided into three grades. It takes three years for a talented ordinary person to practice one realm, which means that each grade needs to practice for one year. Success, now Zhang Tian wants to practice the first level of the ten realms, one across the sea, and the remaining nine realms are, the other side, Xiantai, Xianji, and the fifth level: Hualong, Wangxian, and Dengxian. As the name implies, as long as the eighth level is cultivated to the eighth level, human beings can fly through the clouds and fog like gods, but ordinary people will not reach this level even after a lifetime. The ninth level is reversed and the tenth level is immortal. At that time, when this tunnel was built, no one had reached the state of immortality, and there were very few descriptions of the tenth level.

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Tianzhiruo's first level, and thought that he should have known this tunnel too, but as a Lebanese, why didn't he understand the language of Lebanon?

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