Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1217: Three grades

It is written as the other side, divided into three grades, which need to be transformed into the human body. "Jiang Cheng Zhaoruo read the words on the wall as they were, pretending not to know what it was, and reading each word bluntly.

Zhang Tian knew these words, he just wanted to see if Jiang Cheng really didn't understand what they were used for. Obviously, Jiang Cheng’s actions successfully alleviated Zhang Tian’s suspicion. Okay, okay, now you sit there for a while, and don’t care about what happens to me. "Zhang Tian sat on the ground after speaking, and there was no one else. Close your eyes.

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Tian sitting on the ground with confidence, and couldn't help wondering, did he start practicing like this? According to Zhang Tian's suspicious style, he should not be so relieved.

Jiang Cheng took out the super-analysis lens and saw through the super-analysis lens that there was a yellow mask around Zhang Tian. Sure enough, Zhang still wouldn't worry about himself, but this mask aroused Jiang Cheng’s interest. Jiang Cheng saw this The raw material of the mask is a kind of material that he has not seen before. Jiang Cheng saw that this material can be turned into powder at a certain humidity and temperature, so that it can isolate noise, not be disturbed by the outside world, and protect it. Own role. Jiang Cheng felt that Zhang Tian must have made complete preparations before coming. I am afraid it will take a long time to cultivate here, so he has to find a way to get out as soon as possible.

After more than ten minutes, Jiang Cheng saw Zhang Tian sitting motionless on the ground, but from time to time he could see the purple light next to his body. Jiang Cheng felt bad in his heart. He didn't know what Zhang Tian's roots were. , If Zhang Tian has good aptitude, the longer the time, the less chance he will leave. Just as Jiang Cheng was trying to figure out a solution, Zhang Tian seemed to be trapped in a demon, the light next to him gradually disappeared and he rolled on the ground. Go away,

Jiang Cheng walked to Zhang Tian, ​​saw Zhang Tian closed his eyes, his mouth seemed to be muttering something, his face was very painful, "Zhang Tian, ​​Zhang Tian!" Jiang Cheng pushed Zhang Tian several times and called His name is just that Zhang Tian still seems to be caught in a dream. Jiang Cheng saw this Xiang Zhang Tian and thought if it was indeed the best time to go, but now he is a little bit contradictory. If he left like this, Zhang Tian was dead, and Jiang Cheng felt that he still couldn't do such a thing.

Jiang Cheng used an ultrasonic gun to launch sound waves on Zhang Tian. Jiang Cheng saw that Zhang Tian was in a phantom, Jiang Cheng also walked into Zhang Tian’s illusion~ Zhong Jiangcheng saw himself on a street, this street The streets on the earth are no different, but there are a group of people on this street like a little boy. Jiang Cheng walked over and saw that the little boy in the middle country looked like six or seven years old. Very thin and dusty on his clothes at this time.

"My mother said that your father is not from our Li country, but from Kai'ao country." said Bu Yi, a child next to him. Only then did Jiang Cheng know that this was the street of Li Guo, and the little boy in the middle, Jiang Cheng, thought he was a bit familiar, a bit like Zhang Tian. The little boy was watching Jiang Cheng’s own direction at this time, but Jiang Cheng realized that he could not see himself, yes, this is Zhang Tian’s illusion, and no one can see himself here.

The other little boys nearby all smiled and said, "Zhang Tian is a little bastard." It sounds childish, but Jiang Cheng saw that Xiao Tian's eyes were red in the middle. The body was shaking constantly.

Yes, my mother said, it was your father who didn't want you and your mother, and you were driven back," said another little boy.

The little boys next to each other burst into laughter. One of the little boys said to the other, "Hey, let me tell you, my mother said, the science and technology of Kaiao Country is very backward, and the people there are very hidden. Weak and very poor.

The kid next to him became more vigorous and said, "Hey, Zhang Tian, ​​why doesn't your father want your mother,

At this time, Xiao Zhangtian seemed to endure the extreme, suddenly stood up and jumped to the side of the talking little boy, bit the little boy’s ear, and the children next to him all hit Xiao Zhangtian when he saw it, but Xiao Zhangtian never stopped. Song Luo only saw the boy yelled, and Xiao Zhang Tian's ear was bitten out of blood, and Xiao Zhang Tian finally couldn't beat everyone's fists and fell to the ground. At this time Jiang Cheng saw Zhang Tian's face. They were all fake mouths, but there was a smile on his face, the kind of triumphant smile Jiang Chengxi had.

Suddenly, Jiang Cheng's eyes became impersonal, and the picture before him changed into a graveyard. It looked like a wasteland, with yellow sand in the sky and extremely desolate. There were only a few lone graves in front of him. Some soil bags, Jiang Cheng saw a boy in front of him, running on the ground, his back was thin, Jiang Cheng walked to the boy, Jiang Cheng saw that the boy was about twelve years old, his eyebrows were very similar to those of Zhang Tian. Make sure this boy is Zhang Tian, ​​mother. "The boy looked at the earth tomb in front of him, and only said a word of mother in his mouth. The tombstone in front of him is actually a simple wooden board with the words "The Tomb of the Loving Mother Zhang Yuan" on it. After the boy said a word to his mother, he said nothing, just I kept crying,

Jiang Cheng couldn't help feeling a little moved when he saw Zhang Tian like this. He didn't expect his life experience to be so bitter.

The boy knelt on the ground for about an hour, and then the boy magnetized three heads at the tomb in front of him, and stood up, because after kneeling for too long and getting up, Jiang Cheng watched the boy Man in front of him walking slowly away, watching When his thin back gradually disappeared, it eventually became a point.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Cheng saw that the scene in front of him disappeared again. What followed was a place Jiang Cheng was very familiar with. It was the science seminar in the Imperial Capital that Jiang Cheng attended that day. Jiang Cheng saw that Zhang Tian was what he is now. In the corner of the first floor, this is when the virus starts to spread.

Jiang Cheng saw that he was relieved of the virus on stage, but Zhang Tian’s dream was different from his own situation at that time. It took a few minutes to relieve the virus at that time, but Zhang Tian’s dream was not cleared. , But Zhang Tian was not as anxious as the person next to him, but sat calmly.

But after a while, Jiang Cheng saw Zhang Tian’s eyes slowly starting to lose focus, and everyone in the seminar was like Zhang Tian, ​​all of them fell down. Jiang Cheng realized that Zhang Tian’s dreams should have ended at this time. If Zhang Tian still can't get out, then he will be locked here forever. Jiang Cheng ran to Zhang Tian and tried to call him, but found that Zhang Tian was indifferent.

Jiang Cheng remembered that he was a mental entity in Zhang Tian’s dream, so Jiang Cheng ran to him and saw that his eyes were also distracting, so he quickly attached to his body and ran to Zhang Tian, ​​"Hey , Zhang Tian, ​​wake up. "Jiang Cheng quickly recruited Zhang Tian, ​​but Zhang Tian still did not wake up.

Jiang Cheng saw that the door of the illusion in front of him was getting smaller and smaller. If Zhang Tian didn't wake up, he would be locked in this place. Jiang Cheng thought about it and said in Zhang Tian's ear, "Zhang Yuan." There was only one voice. Jiang Cheng saw Zhang Tian wake up with clear eyes, "Zhang Tian, ​​hurry up with me, your mother is waiting for you.

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