Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1218: Illusion gate

"Mom!" Zhang Tian said while looking at Jiang Cheng, seeing that Zhang Tian was back to normal, Jiang Cheng quickly pulled Zhang Tian out of the door of fantasy.

There was a flash in front of him, Jiang Cheng saw that he was still in the tunnel just now, and Zhang Tian also returned to normal. He stood up from the ground and saw that if Jiang Cheng did not speak, Jiang Cheng was a little bit ambitious at this time. He saw Zhang Tian before. Jiang Cheng's heart is very heavy, and he just used his mother's name to call him, and he doesn't know what will happen after he is known by this lunatic.

Zhang Tian just stood there with Jiang Cheng, and no one spoke. Zhang Tian was clearly awake, but he watched Jiang Cheng motionlessly.

After a while, Zhang Tian smiled. Jiang Cheng had never seen such a smile. Zhang Tian was always smiling, but his smile was a fake smile that didn't reach the bottom of his eyes, but now he really laughed, he Looks very tired,

I didn't expect you to pull me out, why don't you leave," Zhang Tian asked.

There is no reason. "Jiang Cheng's original intention was that he didn't want him to die. Zhang Tian didn't hope Jiang Cheng could say anything, so he sat on the ground, "You have seen it all." My life experience.

At this time, Zhang Tian did not look at Jiang Cheng, but looked at the distance without knowing what he was looking at. His eyes were dizzy, as if lost in memory.

My mother is from the Li country, she is a very kind person, she is beautiful, and always speaks softly in my impression. I have never seen my father since I was a child, but then I heard others say that my father is from the Kai Ao country. When I was often bullied, I was thinking about where my father went and why didn't he come to me. It wasn't until later that my mother was seriously ill and had no money to treat and died, that I really knew that I didn't have a father. "

Jiang Cheng saw Zhang Tian’s eyes reddened and very fragile.” Then I came to Kai'ao Country. I wanted to find that person and ask why I abandoned me and my mother back then. But the longer I stay here, I will I don't want to find him more and more. I'm afraid that if I really find him, I can't help but kill him." Zhang Tian finished talking and smiled.

Jiang Cheng didn't know what to say, but he thought that if such a fragile Zhang Tian suddenly felt that he was pitiful, at least he did not intend to imitate others. "But your body can't train your body." When Jiang Cheng saw Zhang Tian fall into the illusion, he knew that this method of cultivating with zijinshi could not be used by anyone. At least he could not do it. He had a system and was very good at Zijin. The absorption of stone is resistant, so you can only do some simple physical training. It is impossible to achieve those ten levels. And Zhang Tian’s situation should be similar. Don’t just practice forcibly to get into a madness and fall into a fantasy

Oh, I know, but I'm not reconciled. Actually, since my mother passed away, there is nothing I care about in this world. I just want to be strong and stand in front of that person in the future and make him regret Abandon me back then. "Zhang Tian said, coughing suddenly.

Jiang Cheng took out a bottle of intermediate medicine from the mustard bracelet and handed it to Zhang Tian. Drink some medicine first. If you forcefully train, you have already damaged your own internal organs. It is not easy to escape from the illusion. "

Zhang Tian didn’t take Jiang Cheng’s medicine. "Why did you help me? Wouldn’t you be happier when I died? Haven’t you been afraid that I will continue to do anything to hurt others?" Zhang Tian shook his head, "still said , You, pity me?" Zhang Tian's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Whatever you want, if you don't take this medicine, you may die here if you can't even get out of this tunnel. "Jiang Cheng put the medicine on the ground next to Zhang Tian.

I’m leaving now. You can’t hold me up like this. "Jiang Cheng walked towards the tunnel exit after speaking. After walking a few steps, Jiang Cheng stopped suddenly and said, "A person lives for the rest of my life. Live. "After finishing Jiang Cheng, he left.

Zhang Tian, ​​who was sitting on the ground, hadn't moved for a long time, as if thinking about something.

When Jiang Cheng walked out of the tunnel, he saw Zhao Shuai and Qi Ruifeng guarding at the tunnel entrance. He was very excited to see himself coming out.

Brother Jiang, are you okay? Did the lunatic treat you like that? "" Zhao Shuai quickly stepped forward and touched Jiang Cheng's arm, looking at Jiang Cheng worriedly.

Yes, brother Jiang, are you okay? "Qi Ruifeng also looked at Jiang Cheng and asked worriedly.

It's okay. "Jiang Cheng smiled.

"Also, Brother Jiang, you have been inside for two hours. Ruifeng and I think that if you don't come out, we will go in again, and we will **** you out." Zhao Shuai said with great momentum.

Jiang Cheng didn't expect it to be so long, and he himself didn't expect to be able to come out so easily. And Zhang Tian is really not as bad as he thought.

Brother Jiang, should we seal up this tunnel? If Zhang Tian can't get out again, he can't harm anyone. "Zhao Shuai was angry when he thought of Zhang Tian's beating.

"Forget it, no need for now. Let's go." I don't know why Jiang Cheng sometimes thinks of the thin little boy he saw in Zhang Tian's dream, so he doesn't worry.

Zhao Shuai wanted to say something but was stopped by Qi Ruifeng, "Forget it, A Shuai, think about it, if Zhang Tian is really bad and hopeless, we won't be able to come out first.

Zhao Shuai said after thinking about it, but he didn't insist on it, "Okay, but if there is another time, I will definitely not let him go.

"Brother Jiang, let's go today and live with me,"" Zhao Shuai said to Jiang Cheng.

"Well, good," Jiang Cheng didn't want to live here anymore. He was looking for clouds before, but there are still a lot of things in the big family. Many of them are inconvenient for outsiders to know and he really can't live here. Finished,

When Qi Ruifeng heard this, he didn't keep him. There was something wrong with Bi Jing's own family now, and the authentic matter had not been completely resolved. He didn't want to live anymore after listening to Jiang Cheng.

"Brother Jiang, A Shuai, you have not lived well these few days. I didn't take care of you. Brother Jiang, you can live with A Shuai. If you need anything, just ask me." Qi Ruifeng said guiltily, you don't have to apologize. , I live in a comfortable place, but there have been too many recent things. It has nothing to do with you. "Jiang Cheng said.

Yeah, Ruifeng, you are just seeing you outside, and you told me to hug Brother Jiang. "Zhao Shuai smiled and walked to Qi Ruifeng's side and said, "Let's play together tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I will go back with Brother Jiang first. Brother Jiang should be very tired now. "After Zhao Shuai finished speaking, Jiang Cheng said,

It’s okay, "Jiang Cheng thinks it’s okay, but it really takes a lot of energy to go to Zhang Tian’s dream, and now he really wants to rest.

Let's go first. If Ruifeng has something to do, call. "Jiang Cheng said to Qi Rongfeng.

The three of them are gone.

Zhao Shuai brought Ruo Jiangcheng to his home. Jiang Cheng saw that Zhao Shuai lived in a high-end residential area. There were many restaurants and entertainment venues in Zhou State. Unsurprisingly, Zhao Shuai lived in such a place, Jiang Cheng. Think if.

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