Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1219: Without delay

The environment in the community is very quiet, with good greening and no conspicuous facilities, but it looks very comfortable.

Zhao Shuai took Ruo Jiangcheng to the place where he lived, "Brother Jiang, come in quickly, knowing that you are coming, I will take care of the room ahead of time, Zhao Shuai smiled triumphantly, with a look of praise. Jiang Cheng was very funny.

Zhao Shuai’s house is a simple duplex bedroom. The decoration is simple, but it is not as sloppy as Jiang Cheng imagined. It looks neat and tidy. "Brother Jiang, do you want to see your room?" Zhao Shuai took Jiang Cheng to the second floor. Go, "You live next to me, okay?" Zhao Shuai enthusiastically Laruo Jiangcheng went to a room on the second floor. Jiang Cheng opened the door and saw a big bed, a computer or something, decoration Simple and generous, "Well, I like it very much." Jiang Cheng is still very satisfied with such a room

Haha, I know you like it. You will use this as your home from now on, and take you to see my room," Zhao Shuai said, pulling Ruo Jiangcheng to the next room.

As soon as he walked in, Jiang Cheng saw a big bed, thinking that Zhao Shuai really likes a big bed and would enjoy it. Zhao Shuai’s room is nothing special, just like some boys. He likes boxing. A few sandbags, Jiang Cheng walked over and looked at these sandbags and they didn’t look like new, "I don’t see that you like boxing." Jiang Cheng smiled and said, Brother Jiang, don’t tease me," Zhao Shuai He curled his lips and sat on the small sofa by the side, "I have liked boxing since I was a kid, but my dad insisted that I study science and wanted me to be a scientist, but it turns out that my IQ cannot be a scientist." Zhao Shuai said and looked at the sandbag next to him, "I want to be a boxer, but I know I can't realize this wish.

Jiang Cheng has never seen such a lonely Zhao Shuai, "You can’t be a scientist because of your IQ, but because you don’t want to do it. Everyone has to do what they like to be motivated, right? You only need to do what you want. Just do it," Jiang Cheng said to him while sitting beside Zhao Shuai.

Hey, it's okay, Brother Jiang, let's go, tonight, I will show you something and cook for you. "Zhao Shuai swept away the loneliness before and blinked at Jiang Cheng and said.

Jiang Cheng sees that if Zhao Shuai like this is really dumbfounded, Jiang Cheng didn't expect that Zhao Shuai's cooking would be good. After the two of them had eaten, they saw Zhao Shuai turn on the TV. Zhao Shuai's TV is very big. , Jiang Cheng felt dizzy just looking at the screen.

It's just that Zhao Shuai found that the TV was turned on and the screen was black, "Hey, what's wrong with the TV?" Zhao Shuai was a little confused.

Is there no signal," Jiang Cheng asked, but he didn't care.

Zhao Shuai tuned in with the remote control. After a while, there was no movement on the TV. Restarting the TV was still useless.

Hey, forget it, maybe the TV is broken. "Zhao Shuai said with some regret, saying that if Zhao Shuai picked up the phone, he was shocked, "Hey, brother Jiang, I can't turn on my phone.

Jiang Cheng immediately took out his mobile phone and found that his mobile phone was silent as if it was turned off.

It’s not that the battery is dead. What's going on at this time," Zhao Shuai was very surprised, and he went to the bedroom to take out the ipad, "It's over, Brother Jiang, this is not right, all electronic products are not available," Zhao Shuai said If you look at Jiang Cheng, I have also found out. Don’t move, let’s take a look. "Jiang Cheng was a little panicked, and it looked like the virus from the last time, so he took out his computer from the mustard bracelet and found that it could be turned on. It's the same as before, so it seems that what you bring can be used, but you can't use it here. Jiang Cheng has never seen such a situation.

Zhao Shuai, don't panic, do you know where the central network control room in your country is?"

Central network control room?" Zhao Shuai scratched his head suspiciously, "I don't know, I think my dad must know.

Then we will go to your father now, without further ado, hurry up.

Jiang Cheng knew that all the electronic equipment in the country must not be used now, and the whole country is now in a state where there is no communication network.

"Hurry up, I'll take you there.

Zhao Shuai took Jiang Cheng into the car, "But at this point, my dad seems to be in a meeting, and now I can't use the mobile phone, and I can't contact him, so let's go directly to your dad." Jiang Cheng said.

When Zhao Shuai and Jiang Cheng were walking down the street, they saw the electronic signs of the shops on both sides of the street and the billboards of the shopping malls were all dark. If it weren't for the street lights on the roadside, they would really think that there was a power failure.

Jiang Cheng was indeed very worried. It seemed that he was right. The entire imperial capital’s communication network is now paralyzed. It must be even more troublesome than the previous one at the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Jiang Cheng looked at the dim night outside and felt that the Imperial Capital is tonight. Destined to be a restless night.

Zhao Shuai brought Ruo Jiangcheng to the Imperial Metropolitan House. Jiang Cheng saw that the House in front of Ruo was a six-story building. It was still brightly lit at this time. "Brother Jiang, we are afraid we can't go in. Let's wait at the door. The security didn't let in," Zhao Shuai said.

I know, let's wait at the door. "Jiang Cheng said.

"Brother Jiang, you don’t know. My mother died early. My dad was very busy. He only spends a few days with me a year. Now I can see him when I grow up in some countries. Almost grown up alone, I often wait for my dad to come out at the gate of this conference yard, sometimes waiting to fall asleep, and then when I wake up at home the next day, I am alone, so I can hardly see me Dad, I complained about him at that time, but one day, I was waiting for my dad here as usual and fell asleep, but after a while, I suddenly woke up. I saw that the one holding me home was My dad, I just know that he takes me home when I am sleeping every day. "Said Ruo Shuai's eyes are moist.

Jiang Cheng patted Zhao Shuai on the shoulder, "It's good if you understand your father.

Zhao Shuai touched his eyes, "Hey, how can I say this," Zhao Shuai smiled.

After a while, the boss came out of the conference yard. Zhao Shuai and Jiang Cheng got out of the car and walked towards the boss.


The boss was surprised when he saw Zhao Shuai and Jiang Cheng, "Hey? Why are you here. Xiao Jiang, did A Shuai take you again? Hahaha.

They all said with a smile, seemingly unaware.

Jiang Cheng was relieved to see such a boss, at least the boss is really conscientious.

"Dad, you must have been in meetings, I don't know, now the communication network is paralyzed," Zhao Shuai said anxiously.

The boss was surprised when he heard it, and took out his cell phone to take a look. It was found as Zhao Shuai said.

After a while, only a few people came out of the conference yard. Jiang Cheng saw that these were people who were similar in age to the boss, "Boss, do you know? There is no network communication now." One of the men was anxious. Said,

Several other people also said worriedly. "Yeah, what can you do about this? What is going on.

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