Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1220: Virus source

Okay, now we can't panic, we can't panic. "The boss said

Dad, now I brought Brother Jiang to solve the problem. "Zhao Shuai took Jiang Cheng to the boss and said.

"Yes, why did I forget this, Xiao Jiang is very good." The president smiled relievedly. Looking towards Jiang Cheng, "Xiao Jiang, I can trust you.

Jiang Cheng saw that if the old man's eyes were sharp, he couldn't say no. "Let's go to the central network communication room now. I can try first." Jiang Cheng said.

But dad, do you really have this centralized network control room?" Zhao Shuai looked sad when he heard it. He really hadn't heard of this for so many years.

The boss told everyone next to him to go back. Only Jiang Cheng and Zhao Shuai were the only ones left, but they were kept secret, so you definitely didn't know. "The boss said to Jiang Cheng and Zhao Shuai,

Jiang Cheng, Zhao Shuai and Ruo came to a small and inconspicuous place. Jiang Cheng saw that this was a simple two-story building. Jiang Cheng saw a few staff members in the room, which was similar to the others he saw. Like the central control room, there is a huge control system connected to several computers. Before entering, Jiang Cheng noticed that although it looks inconspicuous, there are many security guards here.

At this time, due to the paralysis of network communication, the staff here are already in a state of exhaustion. There are many people walking around in the corridor. Jiang Cheng saw that the person in charge seemed to be scolding a staff member. Jiang Cheng followed the boss . The negative nobleman was a little surprised to see the boss coming over, but more panic.

"Boss, why are you here" 々. "The person in charge said to the boss with a serious smile.

"Can I not come after such a big thing? When is it now, do you still have time to scold others," the old man stared at the person in charge and went straight to the central control room.

Jiang Cheng and Zhao Shuai also followed to the control room. Several people in the control room were constantly debugging the computer. Everyone looked nervous. Jiang Cheng saw the sweat of a fat man constantly dripping. These people didn't even notice the arrival of the boss.

At this time, the person in charge outside came in and saw this scene, and he was shocked again, "Don't do it for now, and see who is here." I am afraid that I will be scolded again.

A few people saw the boss who was usually only seen on TV appear in front of them like this, and stood there blankly without saying anything.

Okay, I think they are so serious that they didn't bother them. "The boss said and walked to a few young people, "Did you find the problem?"

Several people saw the "living" boss standing in front of them like this, and asking themselves questions kindly, they were all flattered and looked at like the boss.

One of the young men with glasses said, "So far, it has been found to be a virus, but we have not seen this kind of virus before. This kind of virus can penetrate various restoration software and hardware restoration cards. This virus preempts and restores by driving files. Hard disk control of the software. And modify the user's initialization file to achieve the purpose of hiding itself. This virus is a typical network architecture Trojan-type virus. After the virus penetrates and restores the software, it saves itself in the system and downloads various files from designated websites regularly. Kind of Trojan horse program to intercept user account information.

The detailed description of this young man made Jiang Cheng know that he was very Qingzhe. It reminded him of a disease he had experienced on the earth, which also ravaged the world like this, but the virus at that time only had an impact in Internet cafes and some families.

How many people have been affected now. "Jiang Cheng asked.

The fat man next to him replied, "According to current statistics, almost all people across the country have been affected." As soon as Jiang Cheng came in, these young people recognized Jiang Cheng. At the time, Bi Jing, Jiang Cheng relieved the virus at the Imperial Capital seminar. , Jiang Cheng has a great influence among young people engaged in scientific research in Kai'ao Country, especially among the people in these network communication parks.

"Then can you find out who spread the virus?" the boss asked. This question is the same as Jiang Cheng wants to ask. When removing the virus, we must first control the source.

"We found an Internet cafe. The suspect committed the crime in this Internet cafe." The fat man said again.

The eldest brother and Jiang Cheng saw the Internet cafe that a few young people found out. It was a place called "Kano Internet Cafe".

This internet cafe is 500 meters from the Imperial Capital Seminar Hall," a young man said.

Can you remove this virus now?" the boss asked.

At present, we can't get rid of it. We named this virus Canglan virus. "The fat man said.

Xiao Jiang, it's up to you now. I will contain the source of the virus and hope you can remove the virus as soon as possible. "The boss looked at Ruo Jiangcheng and said.

Jiang Cheng saw if the boss looked anxiously and eagerly, and suddenly felt a lot of pressure. The Canglan virus this time was obviously more rampant than last time. I don’t know if I can get rid of it as soon as possible, [Bizuege] "Boss rest assured, I will try my best.

Okay, I feel more at ease with you. "The boss is relieved."

I'm leaving now to check the source of this virus.

The boss walked out after speaking. "Ashuai, do you want to stay here?" the boss asked, and Jiang Cheng found that Zhao Shuai had not come in at this time. Jiang Cheng went out and found Zhao Shuai standing at the door. "Yeah, I'll wait for Brother Jiang here. Why are you going to catch the bad guy?" said Shuai.

The boss looked at Zhao Shuai and left without saying anything.

A handsome, why don't you come in? "Jiang Cheng asked, this kind of place is not accessible to ordinary people, I'll just wait for you here." Zhao Shuai said, "Go and see the virus, but Jiang Cheng has never found that Zhao Shuai has been so sensible. Smiled and went in

Seeing Jiang Cheng coming in, the young people inside gave up their positions respectfully. "Scientist Jiang, sit down."

Jiang Cheng was flattered at this time, smiled at a few people and sat down.

"Sit down too, I will try my best to check it," Jiang Cheng said to several people.

Jiang Cheng saw that the computer in front of him was intact, and the hacker had hacked the computer in the Internet cafe, but the equipment here was still usable. Jiang Cheng felt that the situation was not too bad, so he started searching on this computer.

Several people in the room looked at Jiang Cheng's fingers flapping and operating quickly, and they couldn't help being dazzled. Jiang Cheng is dedicated to removing the virus. In his opinion, the Canglan virus this time is indeed more rampant than before, and this time it is not just the damage done through the network port, it seems that there is a problem with the power grid port.

Jiang Cheng had been exposed to various viruses before, but never once was this difficult. I can't help but get a little impatient,

Ten minutes passed, and Jiang Cheng was still the operator. Zhao Shuai outside the door was a little worried. The last virus Jiang Cheng took almost ten minutes to remove. This time it seems to be really tricky. But I can't help with any help, so I can only wait here.

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