Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1221: Well-known

After another ten minutes, the person in charge who had just been scolded entered the control room and said, "How do you guys sit and learn a little bit next to you?" The person in charge said with a bad expression, "They can't do anything. , The boss has to bring someone over," the person in charge is still whispering.

The faces of several people in the control room were also very bad, but because of Jiang Cheng's presence, they didn't say anything.

Please be quiet. "Zhao Shuai felt angry when he looked at this verbose and troublesome person in charge.

The person in charge heard what Zhao Shuai said, but said nothing, just smiled apologetically. Just waited aside.

After five minutes, Jiang Cheng had already lifted the virus. "Okay." The few people present were excited when they heard Jiang Cheng's words. They took out their mobile phones to check, and found that the computer mobile phones can be used normally.

"Scientist Jiang is really well-deserved. Haha" The people present were relieved and smiled and praised Jiang Cheng.

Zhao Shuai also patted Ruo Jiangcheng on the shoulder excitedly, "Oh, Brother Jiang, I know you can do it."

The person in charge on the side saw Jiang Cheng's release of the virus and smiled, "Scientist Jiang, do you want to report it to the boss?

Zhao Shuai looked at the person in charge [August One Chinese Website] who was impatient just now and suddenly became the present compliment. My heart is also unspeakably disgusting, and such a person in charge seems to be confused.

No need, don't worry about this kind of thing. Just do your job well. "Zhao Shuai said with a serious face.

When the person in charge heard what Zhao Shuai said, he suddenly choked and didn't know what to say for a while. After a while, I reacted with a smile on my face, okay

"A handsome, let's go first." Jiang Cheng didn't have time to think so much at this time. When Jiang Cheng relieved the virus, he found that the perpetrator should be the person who committed the crime last time. Although the two viruses were different, the transmission method Jiang Cheng finds it very familiar. They are all spread through different ports. I am afraid that this person is not only uneasy and kindly wants the network to be paralyzed in the country. He thinks that there are some special tools. Jiang Cheng feels most at this time. The most important thing is to catch the perpetrators so that the virus can be completely contained, otherwise the people will be led away again and again.

Zhao Shuai didn't say anything, so he went out with Jiang Cheng.

After Jiang Cheng and Zhao Shuai left, the people in the control room were still immersed in Jiang Cheng’s divine operations, and they all sighed secretly at Jiang Cheng’s operations, "Okay, this time the boss brought him here to beat us in the face, you guys. Can't you tell? I'm still complacent here. "The person in charge turned pale at this time, and was angry when he remembered what Zhao Shuai had said just now. He was reprimanded by such a child at such an age. The person in charge felt dull on his face, but could not say anything due to Zhao Shuai's identity.

The people in the room were very annoyed when they saw the person in charge withdraw their anger on themselves. When they saw the person in charge rush away, they all started talking. The fat man said, "I don't do anything every day, so I know to scold us.

Yes, I didn't want to do it a long time ago. I really don't know how he became the person in charge at that time. "Another thin young man also said, at this time another young man said, "I have heard a gossip before that our person in charge is Gou Nian's brother.

Gou Nian? Was it the chief scientist of the original Imperial Academy of Sciences?

Yes, it was him. He was windy and bright before, and now he is said to be at home. In fact, what is the disease, it is said that he was sent home by the dean without any merit. "

Really, hehe, then his brother has stepped down, and he is still rampant here? Is it arrogant to us?" said the fat man angrily.

"If you want me to say it, we'll just let him go," said another.

The rest are echoing.

On the other side, Jiang Cheng took out his mobile phone and saw that everything was back to normal. It was already one o’clock in the morning, but news about this matter was broadcast live. Jiang Cheng saw that his name was also broadcast, and there were people who became Own fans. Jiang Cheng couldn't help smiling, he didn't want to be so public at all.

Zhao Shuai also called the boss, "Brother Jiang, my dad said he was caught, and he is now being interrogated."

Jiang Cheng didn't expect that the interrogation would have started now.

Then Brother Jiang, are we going to go over now?" Zhao Shuai yawned as he said, and Jiang Cheng noticed that Zhao Shuai's eyes were red, which should be caused by the delay in sleeping.

Forget it, let's go back to sleep first, and wait until tomorrow morning. "Since the interrogation has started, Jiang Cheng knows that he shouldn't be intermingled and he is indeed very tired now." Zhao Shuai, let me drive. "There is definitely something wrong with Zhao Shuai's fatigue driving.

Zhao Shuai didn't insist anymore, so he let Jiang Cheng drive home.

Jiang Cheng and Zhao Shuai fell asleep as soon as they got home.

Jiang Cheng woke up early the next morning. After a while, Zhao Shuai woke up too. Zhao Shuai picked up his mobile phone and saw that the news today was all about Jiang Cheng's removal of the virus last night.

Hey, Brother Jiang, you think you are really a celebrity now, even more famous than before, and you are really a household name. "Zhao Shuai said with a smile.

Jiang Cheng was helpless and ignored Zhao Shuai and went to wash.

Zhao Shuai can look energetically, "Hey? Brother Jiang, you see someone has a picture of you, haha, there is actually a fan meeting. What do these people call you, brother. Haha, it's funny. ."

Okay, you hurry up and call the boss and ask when is it convenient for us to go today. "Jiang Cheng interrupted Zhao Shuai and said.

Okay, I ask. "Zhao Shuaiche withdrew his mouth and made the call.

After Zhao Shuai called the boss, he told Jiang Cheng that he could pass now and he was locked up in the team.

"Then let's go over now." Jiang Cheng didn't want to slack off the matter.

Hey, Brother Jiang, you are really suitable for being a player. Why are you so concerned about these things, as if it were your own family affairs.

Stop glib and go. "Jiang Cheng smiled and stopped talking.

Zhao Shuai and Jiang Cheng simply cleaned up and went to the Imperial City team. As soon as they arrived at the door of the team, Jiang Cheng saw that many reporters made the team’s country unsuccessful. "Hey, it seems that this incident really caused our people It's a lot of psychological trauma." Zhao Shuai said, looking at the scene in front of him.

How do we get in now? "Jiang Cheng was a little hurt.

You can't appear in the public, now you are a celebrity. "Zhao Shuai laughed at Jiang Cheng.

Come on, business matters.

It’s not impossible, look at me!" Zhao Shuai took out his mobile phone and made a call. Soon after, Jiang Cheng saw the team members come out.

Who is this young man?" Jiang Cheng asked.

It was my dad’s assistant, and he settled many things. Let's go now. Surely few people pay attention to it when we go in now. "Said Zhao Shuai.

Seeing that the boss’s assistant was at the door, but because of this he opened a way for Jiang Cheng and Zhao Shuai. Zhao Shuai and Jiang Cheng walked into the team quickly. After entering the team, Jiang Cheng felt the atmosphere today. Unusually, all the players walking in a hurry, the nervous expression can be seen from their faces.

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