Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1228: Unknown

Do you dare to come to my house?" Qi Rongfeng watched Zhang Tian walk into the drawing room of his house without anyone else, and sat down. Thinking of what he had done, he was still a little angry.

Isn't this someone looking for me? I'm here. "Zhang Tian smiled and looked at Jiang Cheng and said.

Jiang Cheng saw that if today's Zhang Tian had disappeared from that day's embarrassment, he wore a well-dressed dress, and his handsome face seemed a little more handsome.

I'm looking for you, can you take us to Li State?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Zhang Tian was a little surprised, "Guo Li? Are you going to? Let me help you go?

"Yes, you take us there. Can you?" Jiang Cheng said while looking at Zhang Tian.

Why me? You are not afraid of me harming you?" Zhang Tian curled his mouth and smiled.

"Since I asked you to take us there, I will trust you." Jiang Cheng personally brought a cup of tea to Zhang Tian and handed it to him.

Chang Tian's answer to Jiang Cheng was unexpected. After taking Jiang Cheng's tea, he took a sip, bowed his head and didn't know what he was thinking and didn't say anything.

Yun Duo and Zhao Shuai also walked into the meeting. When Zhao Shuai saw Zhang Tian sitting here, drinking tea slowly, he remembered the scene where he threatened him and Jiang Cheng with a bomb last time. In Zhao Shuai’s view, Zhang Tian is like this. His expression is planning something bad. Then he walked quickly to Zhang Tian, ​​"Zhang Tian, ​​do you still have a face?

"Ashuai, you are here, Yunduo." Jiang Cheng saw Ruo Yunduo smile, and as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Zhao Shuai walk up to Zhang Tian and question him.

You are the one who came to me," Zhang Tian said, raising his head to look at Zhao Shuai who was aggressive.

Zhao Shuai glanced at Jiang Cheng and Qi Ruifeng, and walked to the other side and sat down as if thinking of something. Yun Duo was confused by the atmosphere of these people, so she also sat down next to Zhao Shuai. This was the first time she saw Zhang Tian. She did not seem to be insignificant as she thought, but looked very handsome. Zhang Tian noticed that someone was looking at him, and he looked up at Yunduo and smiled too much.

Looking at Zhang Tian's handsome face, Yun Duo smiled and became more vivid, and his face turned red.

Brother Jiang, are you really planning to let Zhang Tian go to Lebanon with us?

Zhao Shuai couldn't figure out why he wanted to go with Zhang Tian. In Zhao Shuai's opinion, even if Zhang Tian was harmless, he still couldn't go with him.

Well, let's go together, what does Yunduo think? "Jiang Cheng feels that it is still necessary to ask Yunduo's thoughts. Bi Jing and Zhangtian once hurt Yunduo.

I was fine, although I was a bit angry at the time, but I was safe and sound. "Yun Duo knew in his heart that Zhang Tian's actions were only to attract Jiang Cheng to go, not to kill himself.

"Hey, I said Yunduo, you won't be fascinated by his face, right. Can you keep a friendly attitude to those who have harmed you like this?" Zhao Shuai looked at Zhang Tian's face and became angry. He was obviously a bad person. But there was a face that confused the little girl.

"Well, you think it's okay," Jiang Cheng looked at Yunduo's calm face, he should no longer resent Zhang Tian.

I can take you there, but I definitely have conditions," said Zhang Tiankan, Ruo Jiangcheng

"You say it." Jiang Cheng said

I haven't thought about it yet. But when will you leave? "Zhang Tian narrowed his eyes and asked.

You want to tell me, just leave in these two days. "Jiang Cheng said. "I'll go to the super bathroom first. "After that, Jiang Cheng glanced at Zhang Tian and got up and walked out.

Zhang Tian also got up immediately, "I want to go to the bathroom too.

Jiang Cheng stopped in a small pavilion outside the meeting room. Zhang Tian also walked to Jiang Cheng's side, "You really know what I mean." Zhang Tian said.

Seeing Zhang Tian's face just now, Jiang Cheng knew that Zhang Tian wanted to say something to himself alone. That's why he came out to wait for Ruo Zhang Tian.

"You speak now." Jiang Cheng said.

I want you to help me find my father. "Zhang Tian felt a little struggling when he said the word father, as if he didn't want to say these two words.

Jiang Cheng didn’t expect Zhang Tian’s condition to be this. He thought that Zhang Tian would take this opportunity to ask for some precious things. Didn’t he expect that, in fact, I didn’t want to see him at first, and even wanted to retaliate against him. , But in the tunnel that day, I suddenly figured out that my mother died early because of melancholy, or because of him, I want to ask him why he abandoned me and my mother. "Zhang Tian said as if he was in a memory. There was pain in his eyes.

Why should I help you find it? You can actually find it yourself.

Jiang Cheng felt that Zhang Tian should not be troubled by this matter.

I really can't find it. Can you help? "Zhang Tian said with a helpless smile.

Well, I promise you,

"Tomorrow morning, we will leave for Lebanon and meet here." Zhang Tian turned and left after speaking.

Jiang Cheng Wuliang shook his head. He wanted to ask about the details of going to Lebanon, but Zhang Tian didn't want to say this.

Zhao Shuai and others saw Jiang Cheng coming back alone, "Brother Jiang, where did Zhang Tian go?" Zhao Shuai asked

I’m leaving, saying that it’s fine for us to wait for him to go to Li Guo tomorrow, Jiang Cheng said

Did he ask you to do something alone? Brother Jiang. "Qi Ruifeng went out before and after Zhang Tian and Jiang Cheng, and felt that there should be something that he and Zhao Shuaiyunduo should not know.

There is nothing wrong. You all clean up today and leave tomorrow. "Jiang Cheng knew that Zhang Tian's self-esteem would not allow him to be abandoned by his father, so he chose not to answer.

Did your parents agree with Yunduo?" Qi Rongfeng asked.

I plan to tell my parents that I want to travel a long distance. "Yun Duo felt that if he said to go to Lebanon, his parents would definitely not agree, so he wanted to make up a reliable reason.

This is not so good. Everything is unknown when you arrive in Lebanon. You will definitely worry Uncle Ji and the others," Qi Ruifeng said.

"Rong Feng, do your parents support you very much?" Zhao Shuai asked. "It's not a support. It's just that I told my parents that I'm going to Li Guo to have a look. They didn't object. Qi Ruifeng remembered that after the last tunnel incident happened, his father went to the tunnel for the first time. His eyes were shocked and surprised, and it seemed that his father had already known the existence of Li Guo.

Yunduo, tell the truth, and I think Li Guo is really dangerous, and it is definitely not suitable for you. "Jiang Cheng still feels that Yunduo is not suitable to go, because now everything in the country of Li is unknown.

Yunduo was very angry when he saw that no one supported him to go to Lebanon. "Forget it, I will go back and tell my parents that I am going to make a decision with you this time." Yunduo got up and walked out. , This girl is angry again. "Zhao Shuai looked at Yun Duo and ran away in anger. It also had a headache. Remembering that Yun Duo has been very strong since he was young, he has to do what he is not allowed to do.

"Then we will go back first, Rong Feng, we will come over tomorrow morning. You should also be prepared." Jiang Cheng said to Qi Ruifeng.

Well, go ahead. "Qi Ruifeng looked at Ruo Jiangcheng and Zhao Shuai said.

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