Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1229: High spirits

Zhao Shuai and Jiang Cheng walked out of the Qi family, "Shall we go back now? Brother Jiang." Zhao Shuai asked.

Yes, you must tell your father where to go," Jiang Cheng said.

Hey, I don't know if my father will agree. "Zhao Shuai frowned and said.

Jiang Cheng looks a little funny if Zhao Shuai has a headache. Normally Zhao Shuai seems to be cynical and unlearned, but Jiang Cheng knows that he really respects his father, otherwise he would not learn something that he doesn't like at all. Professional now.

Zhao Shuai was on the phone with his boss at this time. Jiang Cheng heard that the boss seemed to be at Zhao Shuai's house, "Your father is in your house?" Jiang Cheng saw Zhao Shuai hung up and asked.

Yes, my dad said that when I have dinner together, it is rare that he is not busy. "Zhao Shuai said and laughed, Jiang Cheng rarely saw such a warm smile on Zhao Shuai's face.

Zhao Shuai and Jiang Cheng arrived home very quickly. As soon as they got off the bus, Jiang Cheng saw two face-to-face security guards standing in front of the building where Zhao Shuai lived. Presumably the boss was inside.

When Jiang Cheng and Zhao Shuai walked to the house, they saw the boss sitting beside the dining table. When did you come?" Zhao Shuai said excitedly as soon as he walked in.

A handsome, Xiao Jiang, come sit down, I have been here for a while. "The boss said with a smile.

Wow, Dad, you have made so many delicious foods!" Zhao Shuai exclaimed, watching the table full of dishes.

Yes, it’s rare to have time, so I’ll come over to cook you a meal, sit down and eat, Xiao Jiang. "The boss said to Jiang Cheng with a smile

"Brother Jiang, you have a good taste today, come on, my dad cooks very delicious food." Zhao Shuai said to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng looked at the dishes full of the table and felt deeply moved. It seemed that he hadn't eaten such a meal for a long time. Jiang Cheng didn't expect that the boss who was so busy would still have time to cook for Zhao Shuai.

Yeah, Xiaojiang, try it soon. "The boss arranged the dishes for Jiang Cheng and said

Jiang Cheng ate a few bites and found it was delicious, and suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to have seen Zhao Shuai's mother, and didn't know where it was.

Zhao Shuai looked at the warm and friendly smile on his father's face, and for a moment he didn't know how to say he was going to Li Guo.

Xiao Jiang, I also heard about the last time the suspect of Canglan virus escaped. I heard that you still found out what bar you were in? Thank you very much, otherwise I really don’t know how to explain to people. It. ""The boss said to Jiang Cheng,

It's okay, what I should do, besides, I haven't caught the escaped person Jiang Cheng said.

Dad, you know Li Guo. "Zhao Shuai hesitated and said it again and again.

The boss suddenly looked at Zhao Shuai in surprise when he heard what Zhao Shuai said. After a few seconds, he said, "You, how do you know Li Guo?

Dad, the most recent viruses were caused by the people of Lebanon, and they did damage all the time. Can I not know. "When Zhao Shuai looked at his father like this, he knew he must have known it a long time ago.

After hearing what Zhao Shuai said, the boss was not very surprised, but sat quietly without talking.

, I'm going to Li Guoyi" "." Zhao Shuai continued.

No! "The boss gave Zhao Shuai a serious look and became a little angry. Do you know how dangerous Lebanon is? You can't go."

Dad, because of the danger, it shows that they are very dangerous. Now they are picking us upright, so we have to check the situation first, so as not to be caught off guard in future wars.

Zhao Shuai said, this is not okay, I can let others go, what can you do? "The president still firmly disagrees.

I will be fine, I will go with Brother Jiang. There are others, we won't have anything to do. "Zhao Shuai shot Jiang Cheng's eyes for help

The boss looked at Jiang Cheng and said, "Xiao Jiang, he doesn't understand what you always know, Li Guo is very dangerous, why do you have to take risks?

"Boss, no matter whether Ashuai goes or not, I will go." Jiang Cheng said to the boss.

Dad, you used to force me to do something that I don't like, study science, imitate research, I have agreed, I just ask for this, you let me go. "Zhao Shuai is really anxious, for fear that he really can't go

The boss looked at Zhao Shuai's seriousness, and was a little moved. Thinking of his busy work these years, he often couldn't take care of Zhao Shuai, but he was very obedient. He learned science from himself, and he is usually very filial. You know, you If something really happens, how can I be worthy of your mother.

Zhao Shuai's eyes were red, and he only heard the boss continue to say that your mother died early, how much she loved you back then, even at the last moment, he still told me to take good care of you, if you go there What is it, how can I explain it to her. "The boss said that Ruo Jing's eyes were red.

But Dad, even if my mother is alive, she shouldn't want to see me being so weak and fearful. "Zhao Shuai said Ruo Jing was a little choked.

The boss stopped talking, and said after a while, "Yes, your mother has always been a promising person. I hope you will be a happy person. If you really want to go, go.

Zhao Shuai was not very happy when he heard that the boss agreed. He looked at his once energetic father. He didn't know when he had gray hair and his waist was no longer tall. Unknowingly, his father was already old.

"Dad," Zhao Shuai still wants to say something was stopped by the boss raising his hand, you go, it just happens to be a good experience," the boss patted Zhao Shuai on the shoulder, "Xiao Jiang, we Ashuai will entrust it to you Now, you must take good care of him. I should go to Yizhao for the people in Lebanon to do this, but now the country is uneasy, I have to deal with things here. "The boss said

I will take good care of Ashuai, please rest assured. "Jiang Cheng said to the boss

"I knew about Lebanon 20 years ago. At that time, A Shuai was not born. That was my first time to go to Lebanon. A Shuai, you never knew that your mother was from Lebanon. When Li Guo was in danger, it was your mother who rescued me, and then she followed me to Kai'ao and gave birth to you," the boss recalled with a smile on his face.

"My mother is from Li country?" Zhao Shuai never heard his father mention it.

Yes, in order to reduce unnecessary troubles, few people know about this," the boss looked at Zhao Shuai and said, "Your mother cut off contact with the family after she left with me. If you go this time, if you can see Your mother's relatives can be regarded as repaying her wish for so many years. "

The boss took out a piece of jade pendant and gave it to Zhao Shuai. This piece of jade pendant was carried by your mother. I will give it to you now.

Zhao Shuai looked at this white jade pendant, glowing warmly in the sun. Zhao Shuai remembered his mother who died young, such a gentle person, but died so early.

When are you leaving?" the boss asked

Leave tomorrow morning," Jiang Cheng replied, "So fast? Well, you guys will be careful along the way. "The boss said Ruo Jiangcheng and Zhao Shuai deeply.

Don't worry, Dad. "Zhao Shuai said with a smile, okay, I have something else to go, and I will not see you off tomorrow.

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