Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1232: Unique currency

"Rong Feng, I really can't swallow this breath. Just now you knew how dangerous it was." Zhao Shuai still looked bitterly at Zhang Tian's back and said, "Okay, A Shuai, you know, Zhang Tian has no obligation. Tell us this. We are all right now, don't we? Since it's almost here, let's go." Qi Ruifeng said.

Zhang Tian followed Jiang Cheng and Yun Duo in front of him.

After walking for a while, Jiang Cheng saw that there was another mirror like a four-dimensional mirror in front of him. That should be an exit. Jiang Cheng thought, although he always wanted to come to Lebanon, he had done his mental construction early, but he saw it before him. The country of Li was still a little nervous. Jiang Cheng looked at the door in front of him, and passed through this door to the country of Li. Jiang Cheng thought that there would be no danger at this time, so he took a deep breath and walked ahead. Zhang Tian turned around as if he saw Jiang Cheng's anxiety, "Don't worry, there is no danger here.

Jiang Cheng saw that Zhang Tian in front had already left the door, "You follow me out." Jiang Cheng turned around and said to Yun Duo and others.

Then Jiang Cheng walked out of the door in front of him. The feeling when he went out was similar to the feeling of entering the four-dimensional mirror. He felt a hint of coolness. Then Jiang Cheng went to the outside world, followed by clouds, Qi Ruifeng and Zhao Shuai followed If it comes out.

Jiang Cheng looked at the world in front of him, which was more like a foreign world on earth. You could see a huge display screen not far away from Jiang with some fashionable advertisements on it. Jiang Cheng saw the streets where Zhou people came and went, as well as the endless traffic on the road, he should have been directly on the street, Jiang Cheng thought.

I go first. "Zhang Tian turned around after speaking.

Wow, it looks similar to our country. "Said Zhao Shuai.

It's obviously more prosperous here. "Yun Duo retorted.

Jiang Cheng sees if the people here are traversing the streets and the streets, and now he doesn’t know which city in Lebanon, but if the development of Kai is the development on the earth ten years ago, then the Lebanon in front of him is the present earth. Development status.

Where is this? Zhang Tian has already left?" Qi Ruifeng asked, looking at Zhou's strange environment.

Jiang Cheng noticed that the mobile phone held by the people on the street is also a smart phone, but the smart phone developed by Qi Rongfeng at that time is now holding it, but now the most important thing is to find out the currency here and where it is.

Jiang Chengshi happened to pass by an uncle, and immediately asked, uncle, where is this and what time is it? "Jiang Cheng wants to know where this is and what time is used here.

The uncle stopped looking at Ruo Jiangcheng with a puzzled look, and looked at Jiang Cheng several times from top to bottom, "You don't know? This is Boyuan City, it's ten o'clock now, boy, are you having memory loss?" Uncle used Looking at Jiang Cheng with sympathy, he asked, "Should I help you find family members?

Jiang Cheng looked at the uncle in front of him and knew that this uncle was in the plot of the idol drama, but Jiang Cheng also knew that he couldn't explain too much, "It's okay, this is the first time I came here, hehe. My brother, they are waiting for me over there. Well, thank you, "Jiang Cheng turned around and left. The remaining uncle looked for Jiang Cheng in the same place for a long time, but his sight was blocked by the flow of people, and soon the uncle also left.

Jiang Cheng went to Zhao Shuai and the others and told them what he had just known. "I didn't expect this to be the capital?" Zhao Shuai asked.

Yes, it's a coincidence. Let's go and see what currency is used here. "Qi Ruifeng said

This idea of ​​Qi Rongfeng coincides with Jiang Cheng. "Brother Jiang, they use the same currency as the Kaiao country." Zhao Shuai said as La Ruo Jiangcheng went to look at the street, Jiang Cheng followed if Zhao Shuai pointed to the direction of the past. There was a vendor selling ice cream on the side of the street, and the kid next to him was handing him money. Jiang Cheng saw that the currency of Lebanon was really the same as that of Kai'ao.

Jiang Cheng felt convenient at this time, but also wondered, if it is an independent country, why doesn't it have its own currency.

"Brother Jiang, let's go eat first, and then find a place to settle down, what do you think?" Zhao Shuai asked.

Hmm" Jiang Cheng also felt a little tired.

Jiang Cheng and others went to a nearby restaurant to do it. After ordering the meal, Jiang Cheng heard that Zhou Guo's people seemed to be talking about one thing, hey? You said, who can win the boss change this time?" said a man at the next table.

This time, I think it's Liu Xi," said the man sitting opposite the man.

I think it was Zeng Yu. His speech that day was really pleasing. There must be a lot of people embrace him. "The man said

When Jiang Cheng heard the conversation between the two men at the table next to him, he roughly understood that the latest thing was the change of boss.

Brother Jiang, what are you thinking?" Zhao Shuai asked as if seeing what Jiang Cheng had been thinking about.

"The person next to you is talking about what happened these two days," Jiang Cheng said in a low voice.

We don’t understand. "Zhao Shuai looked at Ruo Jiang Cheng blankly. Only then did Jiang Cheng see Qi Ruifeng and Yun Duo looking at him blankly. Only then did he realize that he had learned the language of Li Guo in the secret road of the Qi family, and Zhao Shuai and the others are still Don't understand anything. This is a big trouble, Jiang Cheng wondered.

Well, after a while, we will find a place to rest after we finish our meal. Gu Bin, you will learn the language of Lebanon. "Jiang Cheng still whispered to Zhao Shuai and others. Now Jiang Cheng doesn't know how much people here know about Kai-Ao Country. Even if he knows that Kai-Ao Country will not be prejudiced against him, he now pretends to be a member of Li Country. Is the best choice.

Jiang Cheng and the others went to a nearby hotel after a quick meal without delay. Jiang Cheng went to a nearby bookstore and bought a few quick language learning books. Zhao Shuai would know if there is a child on the cover. This is definitely a book for children to learn languages, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "Brother Jiang, won't let me learn this kind of children, right?" Of course there are some children who don't learn here, but you will be the easiest first. "Jiang Cheng thinks that if he came to Lebanon this time in a hurry, he has not made all the preparations.

"Okay," Zhao Shuai didn't take the book and walked into the hotel easily. Jiang Cheng, Qi Ruifeng and Zhao Shuai lived in a triple room, leaving Yun Duo in a single room.

As soon as he entered the room, Qi Ruifeng immediately began to open his book to learn the Li language, but Zhao Shuai was still reluctant, "Hey, I thought I would never need to read a book after graduating from university. Now I have to learn another language, Brother Jiang. , How about you be an interpreter for me." Zhao Shuai said, blinking at Jiang Cheng.

I don't want to translate. "Jiang Cheng took a look at Zhao Shuai and sat on the chair beside the computer desk on one side. Turning on the computer, Zhao Shuai saw that Jiang Cheng ignored him, and reluctantly took a book and looked aside.

Jiang Cheng turned on the computer and learned about the current situation in Lebanon. The history of Lebanon can be traced back to two hundred years ago. Jiang Cheng saw that Lebanon's short history can develop so quickly, and that Lebanon did not have a language at the beginning. It was developed based on the language of the Kingdom of Kai-Ao. Jiang Cheng also remembered that the country of Lebanon also did not have its own unique currency. Jiang Cheng saw that the data of the people who first came to the country of Lebanon showed that they came from outer space. I honestly feel that this outer space is really not very credible. This person should have come from the Kingdom of Kai-Ao, but the people of Lebanon are not willing to admit it.

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