Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1233: Attractive!

Jiang Cheng saw that Li Guo is now running for the boss. The Internet is full of news about the two last contenders. Just now Jiang Cheng heard during dinner, Liu Xi is a mediocre-looking man with a fat body. Another man, Zeng Yu, Jiang Cheng felt very familiar when he saw Zeng Yu’s photo. He looked like someone he knew. The man in front of him showed that he was 45 years old, but Jiang Cheng saw only 30 photos. At five years old, he looks very handsome, tall and thin.

Jiang Cheng saw that more than half of the people on the Internet are supporting Zeng Yu, and his supporters are many young girls who don’t care about the state’s governance, but they are. It is said that Zeng Yu is actually a member of the Kai-Ao country. This group of people strongly opposes it, while those who support Zeng Yu say that Zeng Yu is a native of the Li country and has nothing to do with the Kai-Ao country.

Sure enough, as expected by Jiang Cheng, the people of Lebanon knew the existence of the Kingdom of Kai-Ao, but it seemed that they did not really value the people of the Kingdom of Kai-Ao and did not recognize that their ancestors were from the Kingdom of Kai.

Jiang Cheng then browsed some of the fashionable culture of Lebanon and found that the technological level of Lebanon is similar to that of the development on the earth, and the technological development of Lebanon still accounts for a very large proportion.

Seeing that the cultural differences of Lebanon were not significant, Jiang Cheng felt that he was not very worried, but then Jiang Cheng discovered in a post that a large part of the Lebanese people believe in religion, and Jiang Cheng saw that the religion of the Lebanese people is Ullah. Teach, they believe that everyone in the world is different and has their own unique abilities.

This religion is believed by many Lebanese people. At the very beginning, the country’s elders set up an academy specifically for Ullahism. At the beginning of each year, the highest-ranking patriarchs and veterans of Ullah religion choose to start with disciples. Every year, those who apply for the Ullah college are limited to the age Under the age of 30, and the ratio of 100:1 chooses disciples to start, Jiang Cheng sees that this religion is now regarded as a holy religion in the country, and even the choice of the country’s elders must involve the masters, and according to statistics, every year Many young people come from all over the country to participate in the enrollment of Ula College. This religion can be described as covering the sky in China.

In these just a few minutes’ understanding of Lebanon, Jiang Cheng found that there are more contradictions in Lebanon than in Kai-Ao, and although Lebanon’s science and technology development is very good, but because of the belief in Ullaism, there are many The people all have irrational behaviors and thoughts, thinking that technology is useless, and only studying magic.

Jiang Cheng noticed that Zeng Yu, the candidate for the boss this time, was said to be a member of the Ulla religion.

When Jiang Cheng shut his computer and closed his eyes, he thought about the current situation in Lebanon, and it seemed to be a headache. But his trip just wanted to ask for the top technology of Lebanon, and it didn't have much appeal to others.

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhou Guo and Qi Rongfeng was still learning the language of Li Guo, and Zhao Shuai seemed to be studying seriously with Ruo Shu, but is Zhao Shuai really so stable? Jiang Cheng thought that if he walked over, he found Zhao Shuai himself early They are all asleep, with a book in front of them.

When Jiang Cheng saw this, he shook his head and really couldn't laugh or cry, so he took a quilt to cover Zhao Shuai, and walked to Qi Rongfeng again, "Ruifeng, how about?

"Fortunately, it is somewhat similar to the language of Kai'ao country." Qi Rongfeng said. Jiang Cheng saw that Qi Ruifeng was already holding a high-level vocabulary, and then he said a sentence in Li Guo's language and found that Qi Ruifeng could already translate it well. .

"In such a short period of time, Ruifeng, you are almost able to learn well." Jiang Cheng was a little surprised. Although Jiang Cheng studied for a shorter period of time than Qi Rongfeng, he was systematic, but Qi Ruifeng learned so fast. Jiang Cheng was dumbfounded.

"I'm going to find Yunduo next door to do something." Jiang Cheng said well, go ahead. "Qi Rongfeng resumed reading after speaking.

Jiang Cheng went to the room where Yunduo was and knocked on the door, and soon Yunduo opened the door, "Brother Jiang, you are here." Yunduo said with a smile, and then let Jiang Cheng enter.

Jiang Cheng saw the same book as Qi Ruifeng on the table, "You learned so fast?" Jiang Cheng asked.

It's almost like that, this one is very simple. "Yun Duo said, that's good, I'm here to talk to you." What did Jiang Cheng say?" Yun Duo asked curiously.

I remember that you helped me prepare my ID card in the Kingdom of Kai-Ao. Seeing that we definitely need an ID card in Lebanon, do you have any idea?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Yun Duo frowned and thought for a while, "Yes, there must be some. I was just idle at the time. When I saw the mold for the ID card, I played it myself.

That said, you have to see what makes an ID card, right?

Jiang Cheng asked.

Not necessarily. I can also try the ID card used by the people here. "Yun Duo said.

Jiang Cheng didn't know where to find someone else's ID card. I was at a loss for a while. "Brother Jiang, we can go to the Internet cafe." Yunduo said to Jiang Cheng.

Internet cafes, is it okay?" Jiang Cheng asked a little uncertainly.

Brother Jiang, you have never been to an Internet cafe. "Yun Duo asked with ignorance looking at Jiang Cheng, incredulously.

Jiang Cheng was a little guilty when Yun Duo looked at it calmly, "Uh, otherwise. I don't have time to go to the Internet cafe.

It's so pitiful, you have never been to an Internet cafe in Dalian?" Yun Duo asked.

Alas, that's okay, if there is one, go to the Internet cafe and have a look. "Jiang Cheng blushed a little when asked. He changed the subject.

Yunduo and Jiang Cheng went to the nearest internet cafe downstairs, and Jiang Cheng and Yunduo walked in.

Jiang Cheng hadn’t played games in Internet cafes before on the earth, but was addicted to his own world all day long. He came to the Internet cafes and saw that most of the people here were boys. They were all playing games and it was very noisy and they were talking Things related to games.

Brother Jiang, come with me, "" Yun Duo raised his eyebrows at Jiang Cheng and said with a ghostly spirit.

Jiang Cheng followed Yunduo to the network management office in front of the Internet cafe. The network manager looked at both Yunduo and Jiang Cheng, "ID card," the network manager said.

Brother, we forgot to take it when we went out. "Yun Duo said with a smile on his face.

Neither of them?" The network manager glanced at Jiang Cheng and Yun Duo.

None of them. But we are also grown-ups. "Yun Duo said with a smile.

Jiang Cheng was really surprised when he heard Yun Duo speak Li Guohua clearly and accurately. He didn't expect that Yun Duo had only learned it for a while, and he would have mastered it.

The webmaster didn’t say anything when he heard what Yunduo said, so he took out a few ID cards and handed them to Yunduo, “Remember to bring your ID cards in the future. You won’t be so lucky next time.

Thank you brother. "Yun Duo said with a smile.

Jiang Cheng looked at Ruo Yunduo's ID card. There were indeed several men and women here. Yunduo took out two ID cards from them, took out the male ID cards and handed them to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng and Yunduo walked to the first row and sat casually on two chairs. Yunduo rubbed his ID card. He took out a green flashlight and illuminated the green side of the ID card.

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