Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1242: A cavity of blood

Me, I can testify. "The person on the side almost talked like air

Jiang Cheng looked at this person again. If he remembered correctly, this person didn't want to do it at the time, and was trying his best to discourage those people. Jiang Cheng saw that the boy was thin and cowardly, with long hair that almost covered his eyes. But when you look closely, this boy has delicate eyebrows and a long, fair and handsome face. When Jiang Cheng saw him, he thought of Zhang Tian again. Zhang Tian is also so handsome, but the two people feel completely different.

I said you can't, who can prove that you are not a spy from the Ulla sect?" Zhao Shuai glanced at the boy and said displeasedly.

Yes, I don't think it will work either. "Yun Duo said, looking at the boy.

No, I am not a spy. I really want to help you!" The boy was so anxious to see that he was not believed. He quickly explained.

If you are willing and promise not to escape, then help us testify. "Jiang Cheng said.

Brother Jiang, you... Zhao Shuai still disagrees and wants to stop Jiang Cheng.

Don't worry, I know it well. "Jiang Cheng didn't know why he believed the boy in front of him, maybe it was because he had a harmless face. Jiang Cheng thought.

What is your name? Is it taught by Ullah?" Qi Ruifeng asked.

My name is Jin Jinhan. It is taught by Ullah. "The boy's speech is not as conscientious as before, and his voice is clear at this time.

You said you want to testify for us, do you have any evidence? Just rely on you as a witness?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"I, I have evidence." Jin Jinhan said.

"Oh? What?" This was beyond Jiang Cheng's expectation. He thought this boy was really out of passion.

At that time, my sister was in Guoguan here, and she also photographed it.

Is your younger sister also taught by Ullah?" Qi Ruifeng interjected and asked at this time.

No, my sister is just an ordinary person. "Jin Jinhan said. After speaking, he took out a mobile phone with a pink case and a pink screen, which looked very girlish. Jin Jinhan found a video from the inside out and showed it to Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng and others also gathered. After watching the video, I saw that it was a complete video from beginning to end, including the scenes where the Ula disciples had robbed Zhao Shuai before, and there was an argument and scolding, and later the Ula disciples started to do it first.

Jiang Cheng saw that although this young man was a Ullah disciple, he was far less bad than those of the same age and the same age, and he was not as mature as they were. This young man made people feel naive in all aspects of speaking. It is easy for people to believe in him, and it is easy to like him.

Then you testify to us. Are there any requirements? Jiang Cheng asked.

Request?" Jin Jinhan repeated, as if thinking for a while, "I have no request.

It's okay, let me give you the contact information, you can come to me if you have something to do. "Jiang Cheng said Ruo gave his contact information to Jin Jinhan.

Well, thank you. "The boy said with a smile.

Thanks for what? It should be us thank you," Jiang Cheng said with a smile.

Jin Jinhan scratched his head shyly and blushed. "Then I will leave first. This is the first time anyone has thanked me." Jin Jinhan smiled sincerely and happily.

Jin Jinhan turned around and left after speaking.

"Brother Jiang, do you really think he is fine?" Zhao Shuai asked.

Anyway, he is willing to help us at this time, and we have no choice, don't we?" "Jiang Cheng said.

Yes, and he doesn't look like a bad guy. "Yun Duo said.

But now, where are we going to live?" Zhao Shuai asked, now it's getting late, and the 183 Hotel where we stayed before can't stay.

Just buy a house, anyway, I have money. "Yun Duo said.

Why did you come out and bring so much money?" Zhao Shuai asked.

"I don't know what to bring, but I just think that money should be useful, and the result is really useful." Yunduo said with a smile.

Now we are afraid that we cannot buy a house, but now it is difficult to find a hotel. "Jiang Cheng said. I think if many people are disciples of the Ulla cult after all, showing up now may cause unnecessary trouble.

Then we will not sleep on the street. "Zhao Shuai said with a look of horror.

"Of course not, the clouds are here," Qi Rongfeng said.

Do you want to find Zhang Tian again?" Zhao Shuai asked.

He, he was very impatient when he picked me up with Brother Jiang.

Qi Rongfeng thought of Zhang Tian's impatient look at that time, and he felt it was impossible.

"In this situation, it is only safest to find him." Jiang Cheng took out his mobile phone and called Zhang Tian. Soon Zhang Tian's voice rang on the other side of the phone. "I won't do anything again." The voice was sulky.

Nothing, I think you let us stay at your house for one night first. "Jiang Cheng hung up the phone just after finishing talking, which made Jiang Cheng's face more embarrassing.

Did you hang up?" Zhao Shuai asked, seeing Ruo Jiangcheng's bad face. "I knew he was unwilling.

After Jiang Cheng had just finished speaking, information came in. Jiang Cheng looked around and found that Zhang Tian had sent himself the address of his home. Jiang Cheng looked at this brief message and only wrote one Jinxiu Manor, and there was nothing left. He can also think of Zhang Tian's impatience.

Go, there is a place to go. "Jiang Cheng smiled and said to Ruo Zhao Shuai and others

"Where are you going?" Yunduo asked.

Zhang Tianjia said, "Qi Ruifeng knew that it was Zhang Tian's message when he looked at Jiang Cheng's expression. "This person is actually pretty good, but he is very charming.

Actually, I don't hate him that much. "" Zhao Shuai said.

Jiang Cheng and the others took a taxi to where Zhang Tian was. Jiang Cheng saw that this was a simple villa area, and the greenery seemed very good.

As soon as Jiang Cheng and the others walked to the gate, they were stopped by the security guards. The law and order here are strict and unidentified persons are not allowed to enter.

The security guard looked upright and unable to tolerate, Jiang Cheng also didn't teach him.

It just so happened that the security received the call, and Jiang Cheng's expression immediately eased when he saw the security answer the call. "Are you Mr. Jiang Chengjiang?

I'm. "Jiang Cheng replied

Sorry, you can go in. "The security guard said if he would let go.

Ugh. It's not bad here. Zhang Tian will really enjoy it. My dad's place is not as luxurious as it is. "Zhao Shuai walked around in this community and said, looking around.

If you like it, settle here too. "Yun Duo said.

Come on. I'll just talk about it. "Zhao Shuai said disgustingly.

"The previous one is here," Qi Rongfeng asked.

"Well, it should be here." Jiang Cheng said.

After speaking, Jiang Cheng knocked on the door, and Zhang Tian came over and opened it as soon as he finished knocking.

At this time, Zhang Tian was wearing home clothes, which was a bit more casual and kind than he usually wears neatly, "Except for the rest of the second floor.

After speaking, I went upstairs.

As long as you open your mouth, what kind of intimacy is a cloud.

Throat, this person, what attitude. "When Zhao Shuai saw Zhang Tian like this, he exploded again.

Oops, all right, aren't we sending it to someone. "Qi Ruifeng comforted.

Jiang Cheng looked at this set. It was a simple two-story. It seemed that Zhang Tian should live alone, and it seemed to have a garden and swimming pool.

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