Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1243: Overwhelming

Jiang Cheng walked forward and saw the guests with simple decorations and a simple kitchen, which looked very clean, without any smoke, and there should be no one cooking. Moving further, Jiang Cheng saw four rooms. Jiang Cheng opened it and saw that they were all empty. There were beds and basic supplies, which should have been prepared by Zhang Tian.

It seems that Zhang Tian already knew he was going to live here, Jiang Cheng thought

Go to rest, and go to the court to settle the matter tomorrow. "Jiang Cheng said.

Jiang Cheng lay on the bed and felt that there were too many things that happened this day, and many of them even exceeded his expectations. He was really tired. I fell asleep after a while.

When Jiang Cheng opened his eyes the next day, he looked at オ at seven, but he still got up, planning to buy some breakfast and leave after eating.

When Jiang Cheng opened the door, he was a little stunned. Jiang Cheng saw Zhang Tian actually making breakfast in the kitchen. The sunlight outside the window cast on Zhang Tian. Zhang Tian was wearing an apron, and the sunlight outlined his handsome profile. A pair of gold-wired eyes stood on the tall bridge of the nose. It looks very tender at this time.

"Come and eat when you get up." Zhang Tian said, flipping the fried egg in his hand.

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Tian's skillful movements, and looked like he did it often. "I thought you wouldn't cook at home.

Don't do it often. "Zhang Tian said.

Jiang Cheng saw that two breakfasts were already on the table at this time, with milk toast and bacon omelette.

Only two copies?

Do you think I have that time to be a morning with so many people?" Zhang Tian said, raising his eyes to look at Long Jiang Cheng.

Uh, all right. "Jiang Cheng sat down and tasted the omelette," it was delicious. Thank you. "Jiang Cheng said.

Hearing that Zhang Tian didn't say anything, he also sat in the opposite position, and ate breakfast slowly.

Do you know a lawyer?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Yes," Zhang Tian agreed casually.

Introduce it to me,

Right, but you really intend to prove your innocence by legal means?

Zhang Tian asked

Jiang Cheng lowered his eyebrows and said, "Otherwise? It's better to feel comfortable just here.

Zhang Tian looked at Jiang Cheng and didn't say anything, just silently ate the toast in his hand.

"I'll give you a contact information later, and then you can contact the lawyer." Zhang Tian took out a tissue and wiped the corners of his mouth, got up and left.

Well, thanks. "Jiang Cheng said.

After a while, Zhang Tian walked out neatly, and when Zhang Tian walked by Jiang Cheng, "Also, we may be here to disturb you for a while now." Jiang Cheng said to Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tian stopped and nodded, and left without saying anything.

Jiang Cheng looked at the lawyer's contact information that Zhang Tian had just sent and the warm milk in his mobile phone. He remembered that he had handed Jiang Cheng some food many days ago in the Qi family tunnel. This may be Zhang Tian. Thank yourself.

Brother Jiang, you got up so early. "Yun Duo came out of the room with a yawn, looking at Jiang Cheng and the empty plate on the table, very puzzled.

Jiang Cheng didn't explain anything, "You ask them to get up, I'll go buy some breakfast," Jiang Cheng left after speaking.

And Zhang Tian just drove the car to the company, and finally received a call from the assistant. After hanging up the phone, Zhang Tian turned on the (noo's) cell phone and looked at today’s news and found that he was with Jiang Cheng. The photos of him are the videos of sending Jiang Cheng to the market and Jiang Cheng coming to his house at night and being blocked at the gate. He also said that he had colluded with Jiang Cheng, insulted the birds, and so on.

Suppress these news!" Zhang Tian called his assistant and said

When Jiang Cheng went to Zhang Tian's house after buying breakfast, he saw Qi Ruifeng and Zhao Shuai also get up.

Brother Jiang, why don't you eat it?" Zhao Shuai asked after eating the breakfast Ruo Jiangcheng bought.

I have already eaten. "Jiang Cheng said.

"Ah? Who did you eat with? Zhang Tian?" Zhao Shuai asked in surprise.

Yes indeed. "Jiang Cheng took out his mobile phone and planned to call that lawyer. When the call was over, the female lawyer was not surprised, as if she was ready, she readily agreed and agreed to meet in front of the court.

Jiang Cheng and the others went to the court after cleaning up. As soon as he arrived at the door, Jiang Cheng saw a tall figure. Looking here, Jiang Cheng thought if this should be the lawyer.

When he walked over, Jiang Cheng was completely taken aback. The person in front of him knew him, Xiao Yu, the host of the underground store.

Xiao Yu is dressed in formal clothes today and looks a bit serious, but looking at her face alone, she feels like a young college student.

Are you not the host?" Qi Ruifeng was also surprised and asked.

Xiao Yu made a silent gesture to Ruo Qi Ruifeng, "I'm still a lawyer." Xiao Yu blinked playfully.

Huh? Are you okay? You are so young and still in college, Zhao Shuai asked.

Don't look down on me. Besides, I have graduated from university. "Xiao Yu said with a pouting mouth. I was very dissatisfied that Zhao Shuai didn't believe him.

"How do you call you?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Zeng Yu. "Xiao Yu said with a smile. "Just call me Xiao Yu.

I will trouble you, Xiao Yu," Jiang Cheng said.

It's okay, aren't you friends of Zhang Tian, ​​and this eldest brother also helped me that day, I should thank you in the first place. "Xiao Yu said. "I don't know what your names are.

My name is Jiang Cheng. It was him that helped you that day, Qi Ruifeng, and he was Zhao Shuai, and she was Yunduo. "Jiang Cheng introduced these people to Xiao Yu.

Wow, your name is Yunduo," Xiao Yu walked to Yunduo and said, and then looked up and down at Yunduo, "Your skirt looks so good. Where did you buy it.

Although Yun Duo can't tell that this dress is from the Kaio country, but after spending so many days with these men, they don't know how to appreciate it. When they finally saw a cute girl who was about the same age as him, they started to discuss it. .

The rest of the boys looked at each other. The way girls establish friendship is really incomprehensible.

When several people arrived at the court, they saw that neither the legal person nor the plaintiff had arrived yet.

Do you want to get familiar with our case first?" Jiang Cheng said to Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu took a look at the documents Ruo Jiang Cheng had prepared. After a long time.

"I almost know, have you found the evidence now?" Xiao Yu asked.

I found the witness, I just notified him. "Jiang Cheng called Jinzihan just now. Jinzihan also agreed to come over later.

Then there is no problem. "Xiao Yu said.

Jiang Cheng looked at Ruo Xiaoyu very relaxed, thinking about this case that he currently has a great advantage, but he doesn't know why he is always upset.

After a while, Jiang Cheng saw those Ula disciples coming, and they also brought a strange man, who seemed to be a lawyer.

"Meet again, Mr. Jiang, you are really coming." A boy said with a smirk.

The other three people are also smiling.

It is not certain who loses. "Zhao Shuai was really angry when he looked at these people.

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