Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1244: opportunity

Roar, then just walk and see. "The other boy said yin and yang weirdly

At this time, the legal person also came. Jiang Cheng saw that the legal person of the member country was wearing green clothes. Today's legal person is already showing off.

It looks like he is over forty years old and a little fat. There was also a female legal person next to it, and it seemed that this case was still taken seriously.

But Jiang Cheng did not see the inspector. After reading the opinion, it seems that the person is ready to open the court. It seems that there are indeed no inspectors here.

After the legal person announced the opening of the court session, the plaintiff began to state his "inside line" with Qi Rongfeng. It's nothing more than those who deliberately beat people and insulted what Ullah taught.

Also released the video taken out of context.

When Jiang Chengfang made a statement, "Legal person, I want to say a word first," Xiao Yu said.

The Wula disciple who was opposite looked at Xiao Yu with a very disdainful eyes and disdain for her, as if she said that she had very little qualifications and was not good at all.

You said," said the legal person.

"Our client was taken to the well team for interrogation before, but was later released because of insufficient evidence." Xiaoyu said.

Many of the people present didn't know what Xiaoyu meant.

Was confused.

Jiang Cheng really felt Xiao Yu's intentions. She was a fact that happened before she told the legal person to prove that the other party had framed herself before. Then the legal person would not subconsciously feel that she must be guilty. Jiang Cheng admired Xiao Yu a little bit more.

Our client went to the market before and later had a conflict with the plaintiff, but what happened before the conflict was important, that is, the plaintiff first robbed the client’s property, and then vilified our client in the public. Opposite. Later, the defendant made the move first, and our client made an instinctive response in order to protect himself. "Xiao Yu's statement is concise and clear.

What evidence do you have?" asked the legal person.

Wait, legal person, we should refute it first, "Jiang Cheng obviously became flustered after hearing Xiao Yu's statement.

Oops. "Xiao Yu said.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Cheng asked.

my country's law stipulates that if the plaintiff succeeds in rebutting, the defendant has no opportunity to show evidence. "Xiao Yu said.

But such an approach is very unscrupulous, so ordinary lawyers would not do this, which would make people feel shameless. "Xiao Yu continued

Ah, these people are too cruel, too shameless. "Zhao Shuai was very angry when he heard Xiao Yu's words.

Moreover, this legal rule is problematic. How can this be done? It's very unfair to the defendant, isn't it? "" Yunduo said.

There is no way. We can only deal with it. "Xiao Yu said.

It's okay, take it easy," Jiang Cheng soothed.

Jiang Cheng's cell phone rang at this time, and Jiang Cheng opened and found that it was a text message sent to him by Jin Jinhan and asked if he could enter the venue.

Jiang Cheng looked at the text message, so he had to reply to wait a while. Jiang Cheng thought that if this matter must be done, otherwise Jin Jinhan's risky actions would become meaningless.

At this moment, the legal person also agreed to the opposite request and asked them to state

Jiang Cheng looked at the guy opposite and smiled at himself triumphantly. As if they had already won.

Jiang Cheng saw that the other party first released the video at that time, and Jiang Cheng saw that this video was not quite the same as the one circulating on the Internet. This should be more detailed, and even with the statement of the shopkeeper, Jiang Cheng saw that the statement of the shopkeeper was completely black-and-white, but said that the Ula disciples were completely victims.

Jiang Cheng didn't expect this situation, but he was really shocked when he saw such a video that reversed right and wrong for no reason.

Such a video can be said to have lost. The entire courtroom was boiling at this time. Fortunately, this interrogation was closed. Otherwise, many reporters must have taken photos of this situation.

But at this time, the few viewers underneath are all pointing to their side. Jiang Cheng saw that if those people had angry eyes, he felt that he could be killed by their eyes.

At this time, the legal person seems to be letting go, and is about to convict himself.

Jiang Cheng was about to speak. "Corporate, I have one thing to say." Xiao Yu's voice sounded

At this time, the focus of the audience was all on Xiao Yu alone. Xiao Yu stood up slowly, without any cowardice. Xiao Yu stood tall and stood firmly in place, "I know. According to Chinese law, if the plaintiff can refute the defendant, then the defendant is not qualified to present evidence, but Today’s case is special. The plaintiff is a disciple of the Ullah religion. We all know that the purpose of the Ullah religion is to “be benevolent and treat others with virtue”. Although the plaintiff’s defense just now makes me feel impeccable, I want to ask the goddess Ullah to give The plaintiff can give us a chance to show evidence. I wonder if the plaintiff agrees?

Jiang Cheng just wanted to applaud after hearing Xiao Yu's words at this time. Xiao Yu did not insist on requesting evidence from her side to refute her, but Xiao Yu just spoke with the Pope of the Birds. Makes the other party unable to refuse. After all, one of the most serious crimes that the other party has given to himself is to insult Ullahism. Then the other party regards himself as the most pious Ullahism. If the other party does not agree, it will violate the most basic pope of Ullahism. So even though Xiao Yu's remarks were asking the other party, she actually didn't give the other party any opportunity to refuse.

Sure enough, after listening to Xiao Yu's words, the Wula disciple opposite, his expression completely changed.

"What do you mean? We disagree!" the girl opposite stood up and said angrily.

Jiang Cheng saw that this girl was the female disciple of Ullah who had previously clashed with him.

Huh? What are you doing, sit down. "" The boy next to him was so frightened that he hurriedly pulled the girl's sleeve. He dragged her down and sat down.

The boys next to him looked at Xiao Yu angrily, and did not speak to Ben.

Oh, Xiao Yu, you are really amazing. "Qi Ruifeng said, looking at Xiao Yu's delicate profile.

Xiao Yu just smiled and said nothing. Almost a few minutes passed.

The person on the other side did not give an accurate reply. In fact, it may be said to be angry into anger.

Jiang Cheng saw that the man opposite had been scolding the lawyer angrily, but it seemed that he was really anxious.

The legal person has not spoken for a long time, and has been waiting for the Ula disciples to give a reply. Jiang Cheng can see that this legal person is not afraid to offend these people.

Seeing that the audience below Ruo became anxious, the French man asked to clear his throat, "Plaintiff, do you have any answers.

The opposing person also started to urge, and then he did not dare to delay any longer, "Look, we agree to the defendant to show evidence.

When Jiang Cheng saw that the time had come, he called Jin Zihan.

When Jin Jinhan walked in, the expressions on the face of the opposite person could be said to be brilliant. They all grew their mouths one after another, especially the eldest boy who stood up directly, pointing at Jin Jinhan and couldn't speak.

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