Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1245: witness

Jin Jinhan was wearing a black suit today, and he looked upright, with all his hair combed up, revealing a delicate and handsome risk.

He is very suitable for imitation stars, so handsome. "Zhao Shuai tut said.

Today’s Jinhanhan feels completely different from yesterday's. If his eyebrows were completely naive yesterday, then today's Jinhanhan feels completely sharp. With stability and maturity that doesn't match his age.

Jin Jinhan walked straight to the witness box as if he hadn't seen the brother and sister of the plaintiff's stand.

Please show witness testimony. "The legal person said.

I am a disciple of the Ullah Church. "Just as Jin Jinhan finished speaking this sentence, the audience murmured, "But I can't understand the brothers and sisters for a long time. I went to the material market with them that day. The brothers found a latex plastic, but the defendant had already bought the item, so my brothers began to threaten the shopkeeper. But then the defendant did not agree to sell this item, so my brother became angry, insulted them in public, and then beat others. Later, the defendant made a counterattack in order to protect himself, but the video at that time only had the latter. In one paragraph, all the crimes of the previous brothers and sisters were covered. But my sister was singing and filmed the whole process. "After finishing talking, Jin Jinhan handed the evidence in his hand to the legal person.


When the legal person played this complete video, the audience below really started to boil, all vying to discuss the evil deeds of the Ullah disciples.

The plaintiff's bench at this time was really stunned. "Jin Jinhan, you traitor, you usually look like a mere promise. You are pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. What good is it for you to eat something inside and out." That girl kept facing her like crazy. Jin Jinhan speaks badly.

"Okay! Now I declare that the defendant is not guilty, and the plaintiff will be arrested first and then sentenced later." said the legal person.

The team members also came up to take the plaintiff away at this time. When the boys walked by Jin Jinhan, they all kicked him viciously, and the last one was still talking in Jin Jinhan's ear.

But from the beginning to the end Jin Jinhan stood calmly in place, seemingly not fluctuating in his emotions. Jiang Cheng felt that this Jin Jinhan was definitely not an ordinary person, and he must have his own purpose in doing this.

Jiang Cheng walked to Jin Jinhan, "Thank you,

It's okay. "Jin Jinhan laughed, and now he was like that shy boy again.

Is it okay for you to go back like this?" Jiang Cheng was a little worried. If Jin Zihan did such a thing, the Ullah would not be able to tolerate him. It's okay, don't worry." Jin Jinhan said with a smile. "I left first and finished talking about Jin Jinhan and turned around. Jiang Cheng looked at the young man who was rid of the epidemic and couldn't guess why he did it.

This matter was finally solved perfectly. "Qi Rongfeng sighed and walked to Xiao Yu's side, "I really appreciate you this time. You are great."

It's okay, shouldn't I do it?" Xiaoyu said with a smile.

Yes, Xiao Yu, you should be thankful most this time, especially the way you looked just now, really domineering. "Yun Duo said to Xiao Yu with a look of admiration.

Haha, "Xiao Yu blushed a bit after being praised, scratching her head embarrassedly.

"Then let's go have a big meal together, it can be regarded as repaying Xiao Yu." Zhao Shuai said.

"Okay, let's go." Several people agreed. Zhao Shuai quickly found a good restaurant nearby, "Brother Jiang, have you seen it? There are still people taking pictures of us." As soon as Zhao Shuai entered the restaurant, he found that several people were taking pictures with their mobile phones.

If you want to shoot, let them do it. "Jiang Cheng said. Nothing to adjust.

Yes, we are not stars, there is no privacy to hide. "Qi Rongfeng also said frankly.

A few people sat calmly in the reserved positions, with Zhao Shuai, of course, they ordered a lot of food.

At this time, the atmosphere on the table is really relaxed, which can be regarded as alleviating the fatigue and anxiety over the past few days.

Huh? Recently, when someone used a mobile phone, the mobile phone exploded and he was blown up?" Yunduo Juruo said in the news.

Really? What's the matter?" Xiao Yu asked.

It is said that there is a problem with Qi Teng's accessory chip. "Yun Duo said.

Qi Teng? "Jiang Cheng thought of this name very well, it was Zhang Tian's company.

No, isn't that Zhang Tian's company?" Xiaoyu exclaimed. "How is it possible that Qi Teng is an old company for many years, and its product reputation is very good in all aspects.

Now the fishing boats on the Internet are very strenuous, and they are all saying that there are problems with Qi Teng's products, and many people have expressed that they want to return them. "Zhao Shuai also looked at the news on the phone and said.

Is it so serious? The matter has not been determined yet, is it?" Jiang Cheng said.

Nowadays, mobile phones are essential things in people's lives. Once this happens, many people will be irrational. "Yun Duo said with a frown.

Yes, you see, many people on the Internet are scolding Zhang Tian, ​​poof, although I don't like him, but at least he helped us, right? "Zhao Shuai looked at the malicious and imitative remarks made by people on the Internet cursing Zhang Tian, ​​and he couldn't stand it anymore.

Wow, here is your video, Brother Jiang. "Said Zhao Shuai.

What? "Jiang Cheng was a little confused. He took the mobile phone handed over by Zhao Shuai and saw the video above that Zhang Tian took Ruo himself to the market.

There is also a scene of going to Zhang Tian's house.

Yes, these keyboard guys are really lunatics. This case has been clarified. It is a problem with the disciples of the Ullah cult. Now it is still saying that Zhang Tian is protecting you and insulting the Ullah cult. "Xiao Yu felt really speechless looking at these remarks.

We can't control what others say. "Jiang Cheng returned the phone to Zhang Tian and didn't want to bother with those people.

I first go to a Zhao Qiteng company. You go back first. No, "Jiang Cheng thought for a while," Zhang Tian's home may have been lived in by Anxiety.

Go to me first. "Xiao Yu said.

Well, thank you anyway, I will go now.

Throat, brother Jiang, let's go together. "Qi Feng said.

"Yes, Brother Jiang, I want to go too." Zhao Shuai said.

At this time, the more people go, the more troublesome it becomes. "Jiang Cheng said that Zhao Shuai and Qi Ruifeng knew that at this time, Jiang Cheng would go alone. It is really troublesome to go there.

Jiang Cheng quickly went out by car and went to Zhang Tian's company. Jiang Cheng thought a lot on the way. He knew that this incident could not be true, it was likely that Zhang Tian was deliberately framed, and this incident was probably related to himself.

Jiang Cheng is a little bit arrogant at this time. In case Zhang Tian was really hurt because of himself, Jiang Cheng sighed, but he still didn't think well. If he hadn't been so reckless to go to Zhang Tian's house, now these things would make things worse.

After a short while, I arrived at Qi Teng Company. Jiang Cheng saw that there were many journalists here, and the pool was almost blocked.

After Jiang Cheng got off the car, he walked straight to the company in front. Jiang Cheng squeezed out of the crowded reporters, and was sweating halfway through.

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