Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1246: Plastic debris

At this time, he was also recognized. One reporter kept taking pictures of Jiang Cheng. The reporters in front of him were rushing to see Jiang Cheng, but some reporters obviously didn’t know Jiang Cheng. Many of the beating videos circulated are also model shots, and few people really recognize it. Because of the confusion of these people, Jiang Cheng just made way for Jiang Cheng, and Jiang Cheng easily entered the company. Strangely, Jiang Cheng came in smoothly this time. No one stopped Jiang Cheng, so he let him go upstairs and Jiang Cheng went directly to Zhang Tian’s office.

As soon as he arrived in front of Zhang Tian's office, Jiang Cheng saw Zhang Tian's assistant come out, "Mr. Jiang, we are in a meeting, Mr. Zhang. Please go to the fitness room for a break first.

Jiang Cheng went to sit on the sofa in the lounge. Looking at this lounge, it is also gray and white, just like his house.

Zhang Tian came back soon after. As soon as he walked in, Zhang Tian was also taken aback when he saw Jiang Cheng. But only for a moment, "What are you doing?

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Tian, ​​everything was exactly the same as when he went out in the morning, but his expression was inevitably very tired.

Let me help you. Can you do it yourself?" Jiang Cheng said jokingly

Zhang Tian said nothing after hearing Jiang Cheng's words, "It's hard to squeeze in for you.

Let's talk about business, what's the situation? "Jiang Cheng asked.

In general, we were framed by others. The cell phone that exploded was indeed ours, and no problem could be found, but I am sure that our product is fine. "Zhang Tian said confidently.

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Tianjian's face and knew that this incident was mostly framed.

Then look at the wreckage of the exploded mobile phone first. You say it’s not your product, there must always be evidence. "Jiang Cheng said.

Zhang Tian looked at Ruo Jiangcheng in disbelief, "You believe me?

It is not that Zhang Tian is not confident now, but that many people in the company are panicking now. Almost only oneself is determined that there is no problem with their products. And outsiders like Jiang Cheng simply believed it.

If I don't believe you, what shall I do. "Jiang Cheng said funnyly, "I believe you. "Jiang Cheng suddenly said something seriously.

Zhang Tian was a little lost when he heard Ruo Jiangcheng's words. It has been a long time since no one believed in himself so unconditionally. Zhang Tian thinks about it.

Let's go," Jiang Cheng said, this kind of thing really can't be delayed.

Zhang Tian took Ruo Jiangcheng to a room next to him. Jiang Cheng pushed the door in and saw that this room should be a small research room.

Chang Tian pointed to a broken cell phone placed on the table, "That's it. I checked it and it was indeed our battery core.

However, it seems that the explosion caused by the overcharge of the battery cell indicates that our battery is not off, but I always feel that there is a problem. ""Zhang Tianjieruo said

Let me see. "Jiang Cheng walked over and saw that the mobile phone in front of him had exploded to pieces. Jiang Cheng saw the side

The analyzer should have just been used up and the power has not been cut off.

Jiang Cheng took out the cell phone's cell and brought it under the analyzer. Jiang Cheng looked around and found that the cell was indeed a quality problem because it could not withstand the high temperature and then exploded.

Zhang Tian was always looking out the window, not knowing what he was looking at, as if he was not worried at all.

Jiang Cheng looked at this battery cell, always feeling that he didn't know where else.

After a while, Jiang Cheng felt as if something was jumping in his mustard bracelet. Jiang Cheng looked at the things in the mustard bracelet. It turned out that the flower was the flower that Wu Shan once gave him to express his gratitude.

Jiang Cheng suddenly understood the reason for all this.

Can you open this chip and take a look?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Inside the chip?" Zhang Tian asked.

Yes, I think there is a problem. "Jiang Cheng said.

If you decide to cut it, cut it. "Zhang Tian said.

Jiang Cheng knows what Zhang Tian means like this, which means he believes in himself very much. Once cut open, the chip cannot be restored. If there are no problems in it, then what is waiting for Zhang Tian is not just civil compensation, but criminal. The case is up. Zhang Tian was going to jail for deliberately destroying evidence.

Jiang Cheng didn't say anything, since now Zhang Tian completely trusts himself. But I am really sure. Jiang Cheng thought.

Zhang Tiannaruo walked to the nearest cutting machine and cut the chip open. The flower in Jiang Cheng's mustard bracelet jumped even more.

Jiang Cheng looked at the sliced ​​chip, suddenly, his eyes lit up, "Look at this" Jiang Cheng pointed to a small piece of black powder and said

What's wrong with this, isn't it just the blasted plastic debris?" Zhang Tian asked suspiciously.

Jiang Cheng had forgotten his own system, he could see things that ordinary people couldn't see.

This is not ordinary powder, it is amethyst powder.

"What? How could it be? If it was a purple stone, it had been used for half a year before it exploded." Zhang Tian said

Yes, this mobile phone can be used because most of the energy is extracted from the purple stone, that is, only the function of generating high heat is left. So after a few months of use, it will eventually burn out the chip due to the high temperature. This caused the explosion problem that later seemed to be caused by the quality of the chip.

Can you tell?" Zhang Tian said suspiciously.

Yes, you can see that you can go to the supervisor to check the ingredients. There must be amethyst powder, and this amount is enough to burst a mobile phone, but not very powerful. "Jiang Cheng said, it can be seen that the people who did this do not want to make people really accident. They just want to frame it.

"Have you gotten revenge recently?" Jiang Cheng asked.

A company like ours must have enemies. Zhang Tian said.

"However, it will not be our competitors." Zhang Tianjieruo said.

Is it because of me? "Jiang Cheng seems to be asking questions, but it is actually his own problem that Jiang Cheng can't find out now.

Zhang Tian did not reply. The expression on his face was faint, he didn't know what to think about.

Are you going to test this now?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Ok. After getting the results, go to show evidence. "Zhang Tian looked at the panic-stricken company, and some people even started planning to hold a Taoist meeting.

Get up. "Jiang Cheng said.

No need, now things are almost resolved. "Zhang Tian refused.

Send the Buddha to the west. "Jiang Cheng said with a smile. He knew what Zhang Tian should know.

Zhang Tian didn't say anything. It also made Jiang Cheng go out with Ruo himself.

As soon as he walked to the door, Zhang Tian was really surprised by the hustle and bustle before him. But he still walked slowly in front of these reporters. These reporters were very excited when Zhang Tian came out. If you go forward, how do you explain this incident? "May I ask whether your company’s chips have been sold a lot, etc. Many screen profit issues Zhang Tianyong is here.

First of all, let me clarify that the investigation and handling of this issue has nothing to do with Qi Teng Company. Someone deliberately murdered Qi Teng. And now I have found out the reason. It will be announced later. "Zhang Tian said solemnly.

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