Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1247: Girl heart

The reporters below are still crowded, and they have to ask Zhang Tian questions. But Zhang Tian ignored it. Just walk forward.

Because of Zhang Tian's existence, the reporter did not even notice Jiang Cheng behind Zhang Tian. Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Tian's height in front of him, alas, he was really completely covered.

Zhang Tian took Jiang Cheng into his car, "I'm sorry," Jiang Cheng said.

No need to pay, it has nothing to do with you. "Zhang Tian said.

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Tian not wanting to say anything, and said nothing.

And, I should thank you, right?" Zhang Tian smiled.

Thank me? I don't need anything for today. "Jiang Cheng said.

No," Zhang Tian said, "because you are the first person besides my mother to believe in me that much.

Zhang Tian said it was too calm, so calm that Jiang Cheng did not respond to what he said.

Looking at Zhang Tianying's straight face, Jiang Cheng felt for the first time that this person was not as strong as he appeared to be.

In fact, you were not serious when you said that you asked me to find your father for you. "Jiang Cheng said. He thinks Zhang Tian can do it himself.

"It's true." Zhang Tian simply said

Zhang Tian didn't speak for a long time. Jiang Cheng found that as long as he talked about Zhang Tian as his father, he became very silent, as if he did not want to say more.

Here, let's go. "Zhang Tian said to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng saw Zhang Tian parked his car in front of a tall building. Jiang Cheng saw that this was actually the inspector's house. At first, Jiang Cheng thought there was no inspector's house. It seems that Lebanon’s Procuratorate is dedicated to assisting investigations.

A civil incident like mine happened here, and I will not be arrested first, and I will be given a few days to find evidence and prove my innocence. "Zhang Tian explained to Jiang Cheng.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." Jiang Cheng said.

Jiang Cheng immediately followed Zhang Tian into the inspector's house in front of him. Jiang Cheng saw that the inspectors working here were also wearing uniforms, and they were all busy.

Zhang Tian looked at the sign in front, and walked straight to the second floor, followed by Jiang Cheng.

Zhang Tian came to the inspection department and pushed the door in. "Give you this. Check it out." Jiang Cheng has always felt suspicious. He has been suspicious since Zhang Tianshang came to find the inspection and inspection department. Jiang Cheng has just seen the evidence inspection department clearly, but he came here should not be evidence of the case Check it out.

Jiang Cheng saw that there was a man sitting in front of him. The boy looked very blasted at first glance, because he was really white. Jiang Cheng could even see the blood vessels on his neck. Once again, this boy was wearing Pairs of black-rimmed glasses, these glasses are not dull on his face at all, because he looks very beautiful. The boy didn't look at Jiang Cheng, but just accepted what Zhang Tian gave him.

Did you break it? "The boy's nice voice sounded.

"Zhang Tian just responded, and didn't explain anything else.

Jiang Cheng saw that some of the machines on the research platform had been seen by himself, but there were one or two he hadn't seen before. When he saw a boy, he used the machine he had never seen before looking at the Dongbai in his hand. Half a minute. Jiang Cheng seemed to have finished watching when he saw him.

Jiang Cheng decided the root of the former, he had never seen such a thing before writing about himself.

Is the subtype.. When the sky saw Jiang Cheng had been dull, Zhang Shen suddenly became bright, and after looking at it, he knew that Jiang Cheng was willing to be happy with this opportunity.

How can this star have a family stone. "The boy looked at the heart tablet in his hand curiously, and he held a copy of the report to Zhang Tian. "Even if this matter is found out, can you prove that someone was lucky?

Say it again. I took this. "Tian said, holding the Kosan in his hand. "Quick.

The boy said nothing but just smiled and sat down.

Are you a friend? "Jiang Cheng Tongtong. Can you not think that day by day this is really a friend.

What? I can't have a friend. Tian Youlan smiled.

Jiang Cheng has never seen a relaxed saver from the sky, and he has forgotten what he needs. Seeing Song this friend can be trusted very much.

Jiang Cheng suddenly thought that Zhao and the others were in Xiaomian's house. So I called Zhao. The room was the address of Xiaoyu's house, and I took a taxi.

After Jiang Cheng arrived, he saw that although the former community did not have the pride of the family, it was clearly a high-end community and very clean. After Jiang Cheng arrived at the door, Jing was not stopped, but he just told the security guard his name and entered.

Jiang Cheng arrived at the address where Xiao Yu was and saw that it was a duplex house. Also, someone like Xiao Yu, although very young, is also a very good lawyer, and his income should be pretty good. It is reasonable to have such housing conditions.

Jiang Cheng knocked on the Wei door and went in to see that the decoration here was very girlish. The pink wallpapers and carpets were very emotional.

Brother Jiang. you are back. "Zhao Shuai said vaguely. He was still holding a large bucket of ice lingling. He was busy squeezing it into his mouth.

Jiang Cheng saw Qi Ruifeng sitting on the sofa, clouds and light rain, holding ice cream in his hands. Jiang Cheng looked at the table full of snacks. It seems that these people are quite comfortable.

Come eat together, Brother Jiang. "Xiao Yu greeted Jiang Cheng enthusiastically.

Do you live alone?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Yes, fortunately now you are here to accompany me, otherwise I will die every day." Xiao Yu said, lying halfway on the sofa.

"Brother Jiang, are things going well?" Although Qi Ruifeng was eating very happily, he still hadn't forgotten what was going on.

"It's going well," Jiang Cheng said.

Such things are still quite troublesome. "Yun Duo said. "But Brother Jiang, we will live here in the future.

Huh? It's not appropriate here, right? "Jiang Cheng feels that she can't disturb other girls' living alone.

"Puff, no, it's next door. It's also Xiaoyu's house, we rent it temporarily." Yunduo said.

, I think this place is also good. "Zhao Shuai agrees with Ruo.

Qi Ruifeng seemed to have no objection. Jiang Cheng felt that they could live anywhere, anyway, they couldn't buy a house in their own name.

The prisoner was decorated according to my mother's preferences, you can see it later, you should like it. "Xiao Yu mentioned her mother with a smile.

Your mother? Where did your mother go. "Yun Duo and Xiao Yu are already familiar with Ren.

Xiao Yu lowered her head when she heard this question, her eyes suddenly lost her expression, "My mother has passed away.

Hmm? I don’t know, sorry, Xiao Yu. "Yun Duo looked at Xiao Yu in a panic and said.

The people present didn't know what to do for a while, and the atmosphere froze.

it's okay no problem. It's all gone," Xiao Yu said with a smile. The eyes were still red.

Let's go, I will show you that house. "Xiao Yu said.

Jiang Cheng and others followed Xiao Yu to see. The house in front of me is bigger than that of light rain. The overall style is black and white, it looks a bit luxurious and high-profile. Very tasteful look.

But it seems that no one has lived in it for a long time, and there are no daily necessities in it, and it looks empty.

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