Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1248: Purple Stone

"Do you think it's okay?" Xiao Yu asked.

"Yes, we like it very much." Jiang Cheng said with a smile.

This house hasn't lived in for a long time. It may be a little cold, you just don't dislike it. "Xiao Yu said with a smile.

Suddenly Xiao Yu's cell phone rang, "I have some work matters to deal with, I will go out first." Xiao Yu said after answering the phone.

Well, you go. "Yun Duo said.

"Brother Jiang, what is going on with Zhang Tian?" Zhao Shuai asked. Xiao Yu didn't ask him much just now, after all, Xiao Yu still doesn't know his identity.

"There is a purple stone in the mobile phone chip. Someone should have deliberately framed him.

Jiang Cheng said.

There is no way to get rid of suspicion by this alone. "Qi Rongfeng said.

Hmm, "Jiang Cheng wonders if Zhang Tian knows something. Since he doesn't want to say it, then don't ask.

Zhang Tian did know who did it. Zhang Tian came to an unremarkable community, walked to a house and knocked on the door, and soon the door opened

Zhang Tian also saw the person he wanted to meet.

"Long time no see." Zhang Tian flashed a stream of light in his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Sure enough, you still know." A familiar voice sounded.

Mantasha, what are you going to do?" Zhang Tian asked.

The woman in front of her was sitting on the sofa, still wearing black clothes. The room was dark, making Mantasha look even more gloomy.

"Why did I do it?" Mantasha asked with a smile.

You don't need to know this. "Zhang Tian said coldly.

How should I put it, I didn't know that Jiang Cheng had a very good relationship with you. "Mantasha was a little disdainful.


Yes, if it weren't for him, you wouldn't know so quickly. "Mantasha smiled weirdly.

I am not here today to listen to you say these are useless, I just want to say you don't go too far. "Zhang Tian said.

I also want to remind you that Jiang Cheng is from the Kaiao country, and we are from the Li country, don't you know that? "Mantasha's voice gradually became sharper, and it sounded a bit insidious.

"So what?" Zhang Tian ignored Mantasha, but asked coldly that there will be war between Austria and Lebanon sooner or later. "Mantasha said

"That's just the imagination of you crazy woman

"Coco, is it a conjecture, you will know later, I just want to remind you." Mantasha said that if you walk slowly to Zhang Tian's side, don't trust him too much, otherwise, you will really be betray.

You can't control this kind of thing. "Zhang Tian didn't look at Mantasha, as if he didn't want to see her at all," But, what do you want to do with this matter?

It's impossible, go to prison by yourself. "Zhang Tianzui is in the corner. I'm afraid I can't stand the toss at such an age.

Mantasha's face suddenly collapsed, she was very concerned about her age and appearance. "Do you think it is possible?

I care about you, I just kindly remind you that next time, it won't be that simple to let you go. "Zhang Tian turned around after speaking.

Mantasha's face in the room became colder.

After Zhang Tian came out, he called Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng was really shocked to see that Zhang Tian made the call.

After Jiang Cheng answered the phone, they found that Zhao Shuai and Qi Rongfeng were looking at them, looking intently, waiting for themselves to speak.

Zhang Tian said that he has resolved it, and the man behind the scenes is Mantasha

Mantasha? That old witch?" Zhao Shuai said in surprise.

But it seems that Tasha knows Zhang Tian, ​​right? "Qi Rongfeng said.

Yes. probably. "Jiang Cheng also knows that Zhang Tian knows Mantasha.

Zhang Tian didn't want to tell the truth about it.

This old witch has to do things here too. It's really good or bad. "Yun Duo said.

Zhang Tian sometimes feels good, but sometimes he is really annoying. "Said Zhao Shuai.

After all, it is a different country. "Jiang Cheng sighed. In any case, the country lies in front of them.

"Huh? Come out so soon?" Zhao Shuai said when he saw Xinjian.

What?" Qi Rongfeng asked.

It's Zhang Tian. It is said that a person who made the phone deliberately put the purple stone in it. "Zhao Shuai said with the phone.

Is it so fast? "Jiang Cheng didn't expect it. Just don't find out about Bi Jing.

Why didn't that old witch hold the law?" Zhao Shuai really gritted his teeth when he mentioned Mantasha.

"How is it possible? She only has to dare to do this kind of thing, and she will have a scapegoat." Qi Rongfeng said.

Jiang Cheng also knew that this kind of thing could not cause Mantasha to have an accident.

It's just that things that endanger the people are handled in such a simple way.

Really a little unwilling. Jiang Cheng thought.

"I always feel that if that old witch picks things up, she will fix us." Yun Duo said.

It's okay, hasn't she been doing things before. "Jiang Cheng thinks, always, he will make Mantasha pay the price.

Huh? Look at this picture. "Yun Duo walked to the TV and saw a photo.

In the photo is Xiao Yu and a beautiful woman. She looks like Xiao Yu. She should be Xiao Yu’s mother, but this picture is incomplete.

Yun Duo saw in this photo, Xiao Yu was in the middle, with his arm resting on her mother's shoulders. The other arm should be resting on the person on the other side but the person on the other side looked like it was cut off intentionally.

This is. "Qi Ruifeng has also seen this broken photo.

No wonder Xiao Yu never mentioned her father, she just said that her mother had passed away. "Clouds look like the smiling light rain on the photo. Regrettably.

At that time, she was very happy.

Jiang Cheng didn't pay much attention to this. Since the person involved didn't want to talk about her family affairs, it was unbearable to look back. Asking others is just a sorrow.

Don't mention it when she comes back. She certainly didn't want to mention it. "Jiang Cheng said.

Of course, we are not stupid. "Zhao Shuai takes it for granted.

The most worrying is you! Your mouth. Always nonsense. "The cloud gave Zhao Shuai a glance.

Huh? What happened to me? You guy. "Zhao Shuai retorted.

Qi Ruifeng and Jiang Cheng looked at each other and laughed. The two of them were quarreling again. Jiang Cheng, Zhao Shuai and others had been renting in Xiaoyu's house for several days.

It's been so pleasant these days, Brother Jiang. "Zhao Shuai said while lying on the sofa gnawing an apple

We are really fine these few days, and it feels like the days of fear are really far away. "Yun Duo is still wearing a mask, and said vaguely. These days, Yun Duo has been going out with Xiao Yu to choose the street. It's really nice to eat.

But ah. The Ulla Sect is about to recruit disciples recently, know?" Qi Feng said.

Oh, you guy, we must all know it, you were so disappointed when you came. "Zhao Shuaijing Qi Rongfeng said with a glance.

Always face what should be faced, get up and clean up. We went to see it. "Jiang Cheng said.

"Brother Jiang, will the Ulla people refuse to accept us, and why do we go in." Zhao Shuai said.

The status of Ullahism in this country is so impressive, we definitely want to go. "Jiang Cheng feels that there must be a problem within the Ulla religion.

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