Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1249: Get out

As for the face, let's just go. They will not refuse~.

Jiang Cheng continued.

Yes, this recruitment is open. There is still a fair sacrifice. "Qi Rong-feng said.

Going, isn't it just a Ulla religion? What's terrible. "Yun Duo said

This Ullah is in the center of the entire capital. It still occupies such a large area, which is really amazing. "Zhao Shuai said while looking at the headquarters of the Ulla religion.

This is only the headquarters, and the geographic locations of Ullah religions across the country are very valuable. "Qi Rongfeng said.

Jiang Cheng and the others quickly arrived at the place where the Ulla religion was. When they arrived at the place, Jiang Cheng saw that it was still very quiet. Located behind a park and surrounded by many trees, it looks a bit quiet and serene. Jiang Cheng saw that the place where the Ula Church was located seemed to be a semi-open school. The feeling of the door is very old, adding a bit of **** to this religion

secret. The sign on the door was very large, with the words Ula written on it. Jiang Cheng saw that the words Lego were written in the language of Lebanon, which looked a lot like Sanskrit.

How does this place look like a temple? Wouldn't we want to eat fast and reciting the Buddha? "Said Zhao Shuai.

Yun Duo said and gave Zhao Shuai a look, "Even if you eat Zhai Nian Bu, who would dare to ask for a flower monk like you. Look at the clothes you are wearing today to make you normal."

Why is my clothes abnormal?" Zhao Shuai Laruo asked Ruo Yunduo on the hem of his own clothes.

Look at those people, which one looks like you. "Yun Duo pointed to the people in front and said.

There are so many people. "Qi Rongfeng looked at the people in front of him, there should be thousands of people." This is the third day. It took only three days, and there were so many people on the last day. "Qi Rongfeng looked at the long line in front of him with a headache.

"Yeah, I thought there would be fewer people today." Yun Duo said as he wiped the sweat from his head with the big sun today.

"Brother Jiang, is there any way you can get in," said Zhao Shuai, Kanruo such a long line.

No. Wait in line. "Jiang Cheng glanced at Zhao Shuai, who was impatient, and said. People like him were a little eye-catching, but I'm afraid it won't be good to cause trouble today.

Huh? You're not the one to fight." At this moment, a boy looked at Ruo Jiangcheng and said. A boy next to him quickly grabbed the talking boy's clothes.

Jiang Cheng ignored the boy. He also knew it would cause a commotion sooner or later.

What's the situation with this person? People who have beaten Ullah are still here?" The boy said to the person next to him. "Don't be nosy about this matter, don't get beaten. "The other boy looked at Ruojiang Cheng with a little timidity." But that person was the one who won at the time. Wula taught that disciple to get involved. "The boy continued." Cut, if someone dares to hit someone, there must be a way to get out. "Another boy said with a profound look. "However, fewer people have signed up for Ullah this year. "

"It's more than just a few. It must be one-third less. Usually those people are waiting in line from the first day to the third day. They all depend on the relationship."

"Hawk, Zhenhei Jiangcheng and others have been listening by the side. It's rare that Zhao Shuai was not angry after hearing others slander him. Just quietly didn't know what he was thinking." These people still didn't believe it. "Zhao Shuai thought for a long time before saying a word.

What do you think. The status of Ullahism in some people's hearts is really unshakable. No one would allow the holy things in their hearts to be tarnished casually. "Yun Duo said as he looked at the crowd in the distance.

But do you know how they recruit?" Yunduo asked.

I don’t know, it’s said that the assessment methods are different every year, but Ullahism is nothing more than the religious exams left by the predecessors. "Qi Ruifeng said, "But Ullaism is very strange. I have checked it, and it seems that there are no specific guidelines at all.

"First one hundred candidates are selected by the three candidates, then twenty are selected by the law protector, and finally nine are selected by the head." Jiang Cheng said.

The Ulla religion only accepts so many people every year? Yun Duo said suspiciously, "But this is too troublesome, it's like the number one scholar in the ancient test." Yun Duo said withdrawn.

But Ullahism is collected every year. So there are a lot of people. "Qi Rongfeng said.

Alas, what if you all go in by then, and I'm the only one left," Zhao Shuai said with a sad face.

Is this time lost? Jin makes you usually unlearned and skillless? "Yun Duo was a little amused to see Zhao Shuai who was so sad.

Jiang Cheng couldn't help laughing when he looked at Zhao Shuai like this.

After Jiang Cheng and the others waited for half an hour, "Fortunately, we arrived early. It seems that we will be able to get in in a while." Qi Ruifeng said, looking at the rapidly shortening team in front.

I'll go, you look at the back. "Zhao Shuai glanced at the back for a while and saw that there were more and more people, and they were all lined up in the park.

Just then Yunduo's phone rang. Yun Duo said after seeing it, "Is it Xiao Yu?" and answered the phone.

Xiao Yu? What's the matter with him calling?" Qi Rongfeng said, looking at Yun Duo after the call.

Zhao Shuai looked at Qi Ruifeng's calm and steady Junxiu with a little eagerness. The corner of his mouth suddenly bends at Lenovo's recent events. He, a good friend, should be in a situation.

Xiao Yu asked us what happened. She said that she happened to have a big case in the past two days, and she was too busy to come to see us. "Yun Duo said Ruo.

When Zhao Shuai saw Qi Rongfeng's obviously disappointed eyes, he smiled even worse.

What are you laughing at?" Qi Rongfeng asked if Zhao Shuai smiled at him so badly.

Haha, nothing is nothing," Zhao Shuai said nothing but smiled brighter.

Qi Rongfeng glanced at Zhao Shuai and thought it was strange. Also ignored him.

Soon after, Qi Ruifeng first saw the examinee in front of him. They were two men and a woman, both around forty years old, a fat man and a show-top man. The woman looked a little fat too, "It seems to be true. No need to look good," Qi Ruifeng thought silently in his heart.

The fat woman was excited after seeing Qi Ruifeng's face, and the flesh on her face trembled with a smile. "What's your name." The woman said Ruo in a deadly voice not of her own age.

Qi Ruifeng. "

"How old is it, what do you want to do here?" The man next to Xiuding couldn't stand it anymore and asked.

22, come here. "Qi Rongfeng paused, "I want to join the Ullah Sect.

The three examiners present were stunned. Is this the end? Most people answer this question, what my belief is Ullahism, etc.

I like this reason haha. Said the fat man who had not spoken.

Is this done? Qi Ruifeng thought, this is too random.

But this handsome guy, I think you are so familiar. "The fat woman said with a smile.

Qi Ruifeng shook her heart. Could it be that she remembered that she had beaten a Ullaist before?

When Qi Rongfeng was thinking about countermeasures, "You think you have seen a good young boy." The man from Xiuding stunned the woman.

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