Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1250: Nympho woman

You person, I don't want to talk about it, I think this is fine.

"I don't think so," said the man from Xiuding. Judging from the look of his little white face, it feels impossible.

Qi Ruifeng remembered that only two votes or more would be able to enter successfully, and just wanted to say something to make up for it. After all, this was too sloppy.

I feel good. "The fat man said.

The woman said she was very happy, "Congratulations, you passed the first test!

"Qi Ruifeng was really speechless, so he had to thank him and walked out. The next one is Yun Duo, who saw Qi Rongfeng come out so soon, "How are you?

Uh, how should I say, I passed, but it was amazing, you go in and try. "Qi Ruifeng really doesn't know how to describe it. I can't say it's because of the face?

When Yun Duo walked in, he saw that the three examiners in front of him seemed to have a dispute. What they were talking about seemed to be, Qi Ruifeng?

"Cough cough," the fat woman coughed and looked at the clouds, "name, why are you here?

He spoke in a voice that was completely different from that of Qi Rongfeng just now.

Clouds, 20. "Yunduo used the name Yunduo when he prepared his ID card at the time." Since I was a child, I have been very admiring the people of Ullahism. They all think it is cool, and I also regard several Ullah religions as my beliefs. Although I have not taught in Ullah for the past two decades, I have always restrained myself with this and allowed myself to do it. ""The fat woman interrupted Yunduo's words impatiently, "I've heard you words countless times, and many people have said that. Do you know their formation?

Huh? I think this little girl can be yin, so ask about other things.

The bald man glanced at the fat woman and said.

Do you have any specialties? "The fat man asked.

Yun Duo found that these examinees didn't ask about academic qualifications, which was easy to handle, otherwise they would have to forge.

"My specialty is to make some small inventions," Yunduo said with a smile.

For example, "The fat man came to be interested and asked. I didn't expect the delicate little girl in front of me to like these things.

For example, a small fan. "Of course Yunduo can't tell the truth, but this is not nonsense. She has indeed made some small inventions herself.

I think it's very good, hardworking, easy to ask, and smart, and good-looking. "Fat men admire

"I think it's also very good." The man from Xiuding said lightly.

Yunduo saw that both of them agreed, and there was nothing left but bowed happily. "Thank you." "Just left.

The fat woman saw her leaving like this, and was angrily speechless, "She, she just left?" It's a pity that Yun Duo can't hear her.

As soon as the cloud came out, Jiang Cheng said, "Brother Jiang, I passed too." Great. "Jiang Cheng smiled and went in.

At this time, the fat woman hadn't recovered from the cloud's ignorance, and Jiang Zai didn't pay attention when she came in.

Is it you? Do you dare to come?" The man from Xiuding looked at Jiang Cheng and said excitedly.

Jiang Cheng had a bad idea, and he might have to talk about the fight to teach the disciples before, but since he dared to come, Jiang Cheng was best prepared to deal with it.

You are so familiar." The fat woman saw that she was a long handsome boy again, and said with that greasy voice again.

He is the one who beat Li Wei. "The Xiuding man said angrily.

get out!

Huh? You can't avenge your personal revenge. "The fat man looked at the **** man and said.

"That's right, who doesn't know that Li Wei knows how to bully people every day.

Besides, the case was also won by the fat woman who Li Wei first picked

Haha, don't pick you one by one. "The bald man looked at the hypocritical two and said.

"I won't agree, you are free." The man Xiuding leaned on his back and said nothing.

"Your name is Jiang Cheng, right?" the fat man asked. "What do you think about coming here?

"Yes, I am here just to join the Ullaism.

The fat woman and the man glanced at each other. This person said the same thing as the previous one, and now these young people really cherish words like gold.

Is there anything you excel at?" the fat woman asked.

As you know, I am good at it. "Jiang Cheng said lightly.

The two were dumbfounded at the same time, "Hahaha." The fat man laughed, and his face turned blue as he watched the bald man next to him. "Okay, I don't think so. I have no problem." The fat woman glared back at Xiuding's man angrily.

Jiang Cheng also went out, but he didn't expect it to go smoothly. Jiang Cheng thought there was still a tough battle to be fought, and the words he had originally prepared were useless.

"Brother Jiang, how is it?" Zhao Shuai asked vigorously when he saw Jiang Cheng coming out.

Become a chant. "Jiang Cheng answered. He thinks that these three candidates should be at odds with each other. But these three people are definitely not randomly selected to be funny here. They should still choose their own standards.

As soon as Zhao Shuai sat in, he saw three examiners, one of whom was still lying on a chair with an unhappy expression, "Oh, this little boy, he looks really good." The fat woman said with a cordial smile when he saw Zhao Shuai.

The man from Xiuding next to him saw Zhao Shuai coming in and was shocked again! "It's you!

You are a group. What is the purpose of your coming here together!

At this time, it was strange to change the two people next to him. After all, when the video was circulating, Jiang Cheng's face could be clearly seen, and Zhao Shuai couldn't see clearly.

06 "Are you stunned." The fat man glanced at him.

Your name is Zhao Shuai, right? I know you. "The man from Xiuding said bitterly.

"You are that person" Zhao Shuai looked familiar to him indeed.

I am him and. You guys are really great, all of you have come here, what do you want to do?"" said the man from Xiuding.

"It's you guys who bite people first. It's funny." Zhao Shuai is an unforgiving person.

Haha, even if you have the first test? It is impossible for you to come in.

"Impossible?" Zhao Shuai smiled and said nothing.

"Zhao Shuai, what are your specialties?" the fat woman asked, still with an oily expression. As if what just didn't happen.

When Zhao Shuai came in and saw this woman, he thought she was an oily nympho, but now it seems that this woman is also capable.

I have no specialties. "Zhao Shuai shrugged, as if he didn't care.

The fat man looked at Zhao Shuai in disbelief. "I won't do anything, I've been doing nothing." Zhao Shuai still had nothing to adjust.

Regarding this, we recruit disciples, and there are no standards. They all require certain specialties. "The fat man said slowly, "If you think about it again, is there anything you can't remember?"

Uh, no, I really know nothing. "Said Zhao Shuai.

that. . . .

The fat man really has nothing to say

"Hehe, what else do you want?" The bald man looked at Zhao Shuai gleefully, and let me see how you want to let him in. "The man from Xiuding went on to say. A pair of small eyes caught.

Do you have any friends?" the fat woman asked.

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