Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1251: Strange

When this problem came up, it was not just Zhao Shuai, but the man next to Xiuding looked at the fat woman angrily.

Friends? The one who just went out. "Said Zhao Shuai.

That's fine. I really admire the boy just now. When I look at you, I know that you are a capable person and a friend of his. I think you must be very good. "The fat woman said with a smile.

I think it's also very good. I agreed. "The fat man said with a smile.

What? You are crazy!" Xiuding stood up manly. "What do you mean.

You person, don't avenge your personal revenge. "The fat man doesn't want to talk to him. Turn to Zhao Shuai, "Congratulations, you just tried it in. "

Thank you. "Zhao Shuai went out.

It's done. "Yun Duo guessed after looking at Zhao Shuai's happy expression.

Yes, it's funny, do you know?" Zhao Shuai didn't know what was going on until now, so he entered.

What's the matter, do you ask what are your specialties?" Yun Duo asked.

Yeah, but I said I don’t have any specialties. "Said Zhao Shuai." Then she said that I was Brother Jiang's friend and let me pass. "Said Zhao Shuai

Yes, we had a weird day today, weirdly smooth. "Qi Ruifeng said.

[] It seems that someone deliberately let us in. "Said Zhao Shuai.

I may know who did it. "Jiang Cheng said.

Jiang Cheng took out his cell phone and dialed out. Zhao Shuai looked at Jiang Cheng and didn't say anything, as if he knew who it was, and thought, Brother Jiang is as good as ever.

After Jiang Cheng hung up the phone, his heart became more restless. "Who is Brother Jiang?" Qi Ruifeng asked.

I called Zhang Tian and asked him if he did it.

"Really?" Yunduo asked.

It's not. "Jiang Cheng's expression became serious. He felt weird when he came out of the clouds until he went in. He was sure that someone had deliberately brought him close. At that time, he hadn't thought it was Zhang Tian, ​​but Zhang Tian just said It wasn't him, that wouldn't be a lie to him. Jiang Cheng suddenly felt that things were out of his control.

Who is that? Brother Jiang, do you have any thoughts on 420?" Qi Ruifeng asked

No more, I have always determined that it is Zhang Tian. "Jiang Cheng smiled bitterly, he was really overconfident.

So what is the purpose of this person for letting us all in? And the man on the show top who is the uncle of Li Wei who is the troublemaker. "Said Zhao Shuai.

He was really unfriendly, but now that I think about it, he alone is the most normal. "Jiang Cheng said, "Just imagine, if we are all Ullahism and recruit people now, how could it be so easy to accept people who are disrespectful to Ullahism.

Yeah, it's still so enthusiastic, there must be a problem. This is too obvious. "Qi Ruifeng said,

Then this person wants us to know that he deliberately let us in. "Yun Duo said.

When are twenty people entering?" Jiang Cheng asked.

The next morning. "Said Zhao Shuai.

Then let's not panic. Let's go back first and watch later. "Jiang Cheng said.

Yes, let's go back to eat first. I'm so sweet. "Zhao Shuai said, clutching his stomach.

Remember to eat anytime. "The clouds all laughed.

For a while, the heavy atmosphere became a little relaxed.

Jiang Cheng and the others still returned to their residence first. Just when they returned home, Jiang Cheng saw Zhang Tian calling himself, and was really surprised when he got the call.

Brother Jiang, what is Zhang Tian looking for? "Zhao Shuai asked.

He explained that there is a cutting-edge summit tomorrow. At that time, some domestic T giants and technological elites will be invited to Wulu City for a meeting. He asked me if I wanted to go together.

Oh, it's boring. "Zhao Shuai drooped his head after listening.

Are you going then?" Yun Duo asked.

Go ahead. Zhang Tian said that this meeting can still reflect the technological level of Lebanon.

I'll go too. Brother Jiang. "Yun Duo said with a smile.

You too? Don't you hate this kind of activity the most?" Zhao Shuai withdrew his lips and looked at the clouds.

"I want to go again, can't I?" Yunduo gave Zhao Shuai a glance.

Then you go with Brother Jiang. Zhao Shuai and I are staying here. "Qi Ruifeng said.

"You should like going to this kind of place." Zhao Shuai asked in amazement, thinking about how they all turned around.

Our first test in the Ulla teaching today is very strange. Let's keep it. In case something happens, I'm afraid you can't handle it. "Of course Qi Rongfeng wants to go, but he is still worried about leaving Zhao Shuai here alone.

Oops, Ruifeng, I am so touched." Zhao Shuai wiped his eyes exaggeratedly.

Seeing Jiang Cheng shrugged like this, Qi Ruifeng expressed his disgust.

Then we will set off in the afternoon, so be careful here. "Jiang Zai said to Qi Ruifeng.

"Well, rest assured. Be careful on your way." Qi Ruifeng said.

In the afternoon, Zhang Tian went to Jiang Cheng to pick up Jiang Cheng and Yun Duo. Jiang Cheng is wearing a very formal dress today, a black suit, and looks even more upright.

Yun Duo is also not dressed like usual casual casual, but a formal green fishtail evening dress, showing Yun Duo's beautiful figure. "Oh, Yunduo, it's not going to go on a date. You wear such a good-looking outfit. You come to Li country and bring clothes with you"? "Zhao Shuai was surprised to see Yunduo's dress today, but he still wanted to laugh at her as usual.

"I'm leaving, pay attention to your safety." Yunduo didn't intend to quarrel with Zhao Shuai any more, and walked out after saying a word. It made Zhao Shuai a little uncomfortable. "What happened to him? Why didn't he fight with me?

Zhao Shuai asked Qi Ruifeng next to him.

You don't know anything about women. "Qi Rongfeng looked at Zhao Shuai helplessly.

She is so beautiful today, but she doesn't want to quarrel with you. "Qi Rongfeng said looking at Zhao Shuai's puzzled look.

Yun Duo and Jiang Cheng got into Zhang Tian's car. "Is Wulu City a neighboring city?" Jiang asked Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tian is still wearing a black suit today. The difference is that his hairstyle is very energetic, and he looks a bit like a real urban elite, but because he is very young, he does not look dull but handsome and young.

Zhang Tian glanced at Jiang Cheng and Yunduo, "Eye, night is here.

Is this summit held every year?" Jiang Cheng asked.

No, once in four years. "Zhang Tian replied.

So how did you get this quota?" Jiang Cheng asked, it is still difficult to bring himself and Yunduo.

It's not bad if I can go, I can take a few people there. "Zhang Tian said arrogant things casually.

But Jiang Cheng also knows that Zhang Tian's social status is still quite high here, and it sounds not objectionable.

Why did you bring us here? "Yun Duo still doesn't believe that Zhang Tian is entirely on his side. Bi Jing has kidnapped himself before.

Find someone to accompany me?

Zhang Tian said casually. He didn't know why, he just thought Jiang Cheng wanted to go, and then he called.

Jiang Cheng also felt Zhang Tian's goodwill now, maybe he didn't feel it himself, but Jiang Cheng felt that Zhang Tian seemed to regard himself as a friend.

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