Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1252: Important person

Yun Duo realized that Zhang Tian's words were still so unpleasant, and immediately stopped talking.

The atmosphere in the car became very quiet for a while, and the three people stopped talking.

Just in the weird atmosphere, Jiang Cheng and the others arrived in Wulu City. When they first arrived in this city, Jiang Cheng felt that the air here was completely different from the previous Emperor Capital. Because there were lakes and more trees, the air was fresher.

I think this is great, Brother Jiang," Yunduo said.

Yes, it feels very peaceful, like a water town in the south of the Yangtze River. "Jiang Cheng sees the obviously slower pace of life here, and feels a lot more relaxed.

Get off the bus. ""Zhang Tian parked his car in front of a community. Jiang Cheng saw that this community was not as luxurious and high-end as Jiang Cheng had seen before. It looked more ordinary, but fortunately in the center of the city, it didn't look too loud. , There is a sort of quiet feeling.

"Here is my house, let's live here first." Zhang Tian said.

After speaking, he brought Jiang Cheng and Yunduo to the second house, "I'll find someone to clean up this place in advance." Zhang Tian opened the door and let Jiang Cheng and Yunduo enter.

Jiang Cheng saw that this house also continued Zhang Tian's usual style, and it seemed simple and majestic. "You still have a good vision of decorating the house." Yun Duo also liked the bright house in front of him.

, I will sleep for a while, you guys do it yourself. "Zhang Tian seems sleepy and can't open his eyes. He looks really sleepy.

"Brother Jiang, do you feel that Zhang Tian seems to be easily sleepy?" Yun Duo said when Zhang Tian walked away.

It seems there is," Jiang Cheng recalled Zhang Tian's usual life, it seemed like this.

He is not sick, right. "Cloud said in a low voice.

do not know. "Jiang Cheng was talking but thinking that he should pay attention in the future.

Jiang Cheng sat on the sofa and looked at Xinjian on his mobile phone. Obviously, the hottest thing in the past two days was the cutting-edge summit in front of him. It seemed that there were a lot of big names coming to attend. Jiang Cheng looked at the displayed list, and there were some bosses from the country, as well as Ulla people. It seems that this summit is still very important.

Brother Jiang, do we have to be quiet tomorrow, or do we have to think of no suitable words to describe it.

Try to keep a low profile, but if you have to show off, there is no way. "Jiang Cheng said.

Ok. I know. "Yun Duo said. "I'm actually still worried that our entry into the Ullah is really strange after all.

I also think, but now it is like this, and there is no way to be as careful as possible. There are still Zhao Shuai and Rong Feng guarding over there, and it should not be too dangerous. "Jiang Cheng said.

Well, "Yun Duo feels that every time he feels a little uneasy, Jiang Cheng always makes him feel at ease. He also smiled thinking about it.

In a blink of an eye, the next day, the cutting-edge summit was about to begin. Zhang Tian still got up early in the morning to make breakfast. This time he made three servings. Yun Duo, who had his breakfast for the first time, was spoiled.

Boys like you are really popular. "Yun Duo said while eating a delicious breakfast.

Zhang Tian didn't speak up. Just looking at the clouds, he has been drinking milk and reading the newspaper seriously.

But you are boring enough. "Yun Duo thought to himself.

Where are we going later?" Jiang Cheng asked Zhang Tian

I will take you there. A conference hall. "Zhang Tian said.

"Well, what else do I need to prepare?" Jiang Cheng asked.

no need,

The three of them quickly went to the conference hall Zhang Tian said after eating. Jiang Cheng saw that the meeting in front of him was very heavy, and it had a somewhat antique feeling. There are two big sycamore trees at the door. As soon as Jiang Cheng walked into the city, he saw many sycamore trees on the roadside of the city, which looked beautiful.

Why are there so many plane trees here?" Jiang Cheng asked Zhang Tian.

"It is said that the first shi elder wife in this city liked plane trees very much, so the shi elder at that time planted many plane trees for her wife." Zhang Tian said lightly.

"It's so romantic." Yunduo showed hopeful eyes after hearing it.

Romance? "Zhang Tian smiled contemptuously. No approval.

"Of course you don't understand." Yunduo gave Zhang Tian a look. Don't want to talk

Zhang Tian didn't say anything. Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Tian's thoughtful look, and thought he might have thought of something again.

Zhang Tian saw that the conference hall in front of him had only one floor. In the middle was a large exhibition stand. There were many tables and seats beside him. Some people were already sitting here. Jiang Cheng felt that the place in front of him was more like a stage. But the more casual it seemed, the more solemn it seemed.

Jiang Cheng and Yunduo sat in the front position with Zhang Tian. The people in front of them were all the elders of this country. It is said that the new bosses will not come today. But there are still many important figures to come.

The people sitting on the left are big names in science. There are well-known reporters and some big figures in society behind.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng saw a familiar face--Wu Shan. She was still wearing a black dress today, with her hair curled up high, and she looked a little mature. But his face was still pale. ""She is a well-known scientist in our country and won many awards at a young age. "Zhang Tian saw that Jiang Cheng had been looking at Wu Shan and said.

Oh? "Jiang Cheng looked at Wu Shan and didn't speak.

She's here again? She won't make trouble again. "Yun Duo looked at Wu and said.

Next came two men dressed the same, looking very similar to the clothes of the Ullah disciple that day. "They are the Dharma of the Ulla, that is, elder-level figures." Zhang Tian also looked at the two men and said.

Jiang Cheng saw that the person in front of him did not have an air of publicity, but a very sincere appearance. It looks gentle and polite. Not annoying.

What is this meeting mainly for?" Yun Duo asked.

Report the latest scientific research results or something. "Jiang Cheng said.

It's the kind of science seminar, the kind of Keshiguo. "Yun Duo whispered.

Jiang Cheng saw that the audience was almost full, and it seemed that it was about to start.

Within a few minutes, it really started. A Yuanliang young woman walked onto the stage and announced the official start of the summit.

At this time, a young man came onto the stage with a vertical document in his hand. Hello, everyone, I am a researcher representative from the Wulu City Research Institute. What I want to tell you today is the results of our institute this year. This year our institute has done 15 studies.

Yun Duo was drowsy. "This is so boring, isn't that what a serious scientific conference is like. It's very troublesome," Jiang Cheng said. Jiang Cheng has heard the point. Wulu City has done a lot of research this year. Even if they are doing research 365 days a year, does it feel right?

Do you think it is wrong?" Zhang Tian said.

Isn't it right? "Jiang Cheng said.

What can be done if it is wrong. Although Lebanon’s technology is relatively advanced, you can see that they are very exaggerated. "Zhang Tian took a sip of the tea on the table."

Jiang Cheng saw Zhang Tian's fingers touching the white porcelain tea cup in front of him, speaking these words carelessly.

"Is it all like this?" Jiang Cheng asked.

You will listen later.

Jiang Chengyue later discovered that everyone who came up to report was very exaggerated. It sounds like every city is doing research day and night. However, the subsequent research results are very meagre, or there is no useful progress at all. .

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