Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1259: Control room

Zhang Tianchang sighed. Looking at the mirrors all over the room, I thought there was only one way.

Go to the door and watch it. Don't let people come in. I will try. "Zhang Tian said.

Zhao Shuai saw the serious expression on Zhang Tian's face this time and said nothing.

Turned around and went to the door.

After seeing the door closed, Zhang Tian sat on the ground, closed his eyes, and thought about it when he was practicing forcibly before, when he was in the first level, he accidentally fell into an illusion. Zhang Tian tried to take himself Zhang Tianqiang's consciousness was emptied, but as soon as he touched that cultivation method, he felt that Xiong was short of breath and was about to lose his breath. Zhang Tianqiang endured and pulled back the disappearing consciousness, looked at these mirrors in front of him, and discerned. Zhang Tianqiang suppressed the nausea in his body and saw that he wanted to find something.

Then quickly exhaled. Slowly regained his breath. After calming down for a while, Zhang Tian called Zhao Shuai in.

How is it? Your face is so pale. "Zhao Shuai looked at Zhang Tiantai's bloodless face and said.

"It's okay. I know it's the mirror in that corner." Zhang Tian said and pointed to the mirror.

As soon as he finished talking, Zhang Tian ran out. Zhao Shuai saw Zhang Tian next to a tree, supporting the tree with his hands, as if retching. Zhao Shuai took out a bottle of water from the mustard ring that Jiang Cheng gave him, walked over, and handed it to Zhang Tian

What's the matter with you?" Zhao Shuai said, patting Zhang Tian on the back.

Chang Tian stood straight and took Zhao Shuai and gave himself a sip. "It's okay, let's go quickly.

Me, I can go by myself. You should rest like this. "Said Zhao Shuai.

Let's go. This time the matter is still real. "Zhang Tian said.

Zhao Shuai had to follow Zhang Tian. "That's it. Let's go." Zhang Tian took Zhao Shuai to the mirror he had just seen and said.

Let's go. "Zhao Shuai took a deep breath and said.

Then I went in. Zhang Tian followed in behind.

As soon as they came in, the two of them were shocked by the scene in front of them, and the desert in front of them was endless. It looks extremely bleak.

"Oh my god, such an illusion? What the hell!" Zhao Shuai looked at such a place and really fell apart.

Normally, this illusion doesn't seem so weird at least. "Zhang Tian said.

Then where are they? "Zhao Shuai asked.

Let's take a look. I think Jiang Cheng should not go far. "Zhang Tian said, in such an environment, Jiang Cheng wouldn't go too far rashly. The two walked forward like this. At this time, the wind in the desert is getting stronger and stronger. "Why is this scene so real? It really hurts on the face. "Zhao Shuai now feels that his face is covered with sand.

Zhang Tian looked at Zhao Shuai and did not speak. Just looking at the yellow sand in the sky, I think it is really difficult to solve this time.

"Look at there, there is a store there." Zhao Shuai pointed to a store on the roadside and said to Zhang Tian.

, This illusion is very real. Zhang Tian did not see it strange as if he often saw it.

If it wasn't for the timing, I would really like to go in and see if it was real. "Zhao Shuai's tone was eager to try.

"In this kind of illusion, everything can happen, and we must pay attention to safety. Like this kind of shop, we can see it now, but we may not see it when we come back later." Zhang Tian said.

Is it so magical?" Zhao Shuai was not scared, but more curious.

Look at the person in front! "Zhang Tian seems to have seen Jiang Cheng and was very excited. After talking to Zhao Shuai, he ran forward. It's just that the wind is very strong, and it's hard to walk in this kind of desert. It's even more difficult now. It's hard to go. Zhang Tian wanted to run faster, but was tripped. He almost fell a few times after walking a short distance.

Zhao Shuai quickly followed Zhang Tian and ran forward.

When Zhang Tian arrived, he saw the person in front of him frowning and sitting cross-legged on the ground, but his calves and feet 0.2 were buried in the sand.

Zhao Shuai also saw the scene before him, "Oh my God, Brother Jiang!" Zhao Shuai had never seen Jiang Cheng so embarrassed. At this time, watching Jiang Cheng like this, tears were about to come down.

Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng!" Zhang Tian yelled and shook him. But Jiang Cheng didn't react at all, only his frowned brows stretched out. But there was no sign of waking up.

"Brother Jiang? Brother Jiang, wake up soon." Zhao Shuai also shook Jiang Cheng, but there was still no response at all.

Zhang Tian, ​​what's wrong with Brother Jiang? What should I do. "Zhao Shuai is very anxious.

"I think it might be in an illusion." Zhang Tian said while looking at Jiang Cheng.

Illusion? How is it possible?" Zhao Shuai asked suspiciously.

I think he should be like this. "Zhang Tian doesn't know why Jiang Cheng fell into the illusion, but no matter what, it's all bad luck.

We are going to go to his illusion now, and pull him out first. It's too dangerous now. "Zhang Tian said.

How to get in. "Said Zhao Shuai.

I'll find a way to get in later, you are guarding us outside, if you see that our expressions are wrong, call us quickly. "" Zhang Tian said to Zhao Shuai.

Well, don't worry, I'll watch without blinking. "Zhao Shuai said seriously.

Hmm," Zhang Tian closed his eyes and sat on the ground after he said it.

Zhang Tian just guessed that Jiang Cheng should have used cultivation techniques to cause him to fall into the illusion. He successfully entered Jiang Cheng's illusion without much effort.

As soon as Zhang Tian came in, he was stunned by the scene in front of him. There was darkness in front of him, to be precise, darkness with shining light. It looks like the universe. How could Jiang Zai's illusion be like this? Zhang Tian found it incredible. Illusion is the most fragile and reluctant scene of a person or the most memorable scene of one's favorite. It seems that Jiang Cheng is most memorable in the universe?

Zhang Tian looked at the vast universe in front of him, and his planet seemed so small here. Before, he had only seen pictures of the universe on the TV network, but now it feels really shocking.

And because it was in an illusion, Zhang Tian felt unreal when he saw his feet on the ground. As if stepping on many stars. Zhang Tian just walked forward. Seeing huge planets next to me, I must have seemed so small. Zhang Tian kept walking forward without stopping. Not long after he left, Zhang Tian saw a low-key but textured spaceship floating in front.

Zhang Tian felt that the person in the spaceship before him was Jiang Cheng. Zhang Tian walked to the front of the spacecraft and saw that the hatch was closed. But Zhang Tian still pushed with his hand, and to his surprise, he was pushed away like this. Zhang Tian walked in slowly and saw that the spacecraft was very luxurious. It looked very advanced, much more advanced than the spacecraft of his own country. Zhang Tian walked to the control room and saw that the person sitting inside was Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng was studying the data on the screen at this time, and was still thinking about something. Jiang Cheng in front of him is no different from what he usually touches. The only difference is that he looks more serious and unsmiling. Although Jiang Cheng is usually a face insurance. But now it looks more like a scientist.

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